Chapter 1: The Other Dimension

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The castle was quiet. It's always quiet. The servants and guards were always busy. King Rafael and Queen Angie were always away working and running a kingdom. And where did that leave the Prince?

"Try harder, Marco!"

"Im already trying!"

Well... he was doing something. Just not what he was supposed to be doing. And that was practicing his karate with his butler.


Marco yells, kicking his butler in the stomach. He grabs Marco's foot and pushes him down, making him fall.


He falls to the ground, sighing. His butler helps him up.

"Okay that's enough karate, sir Diaz. Your parents are going to be back any minute and I'm sure you haven't found your.. Future Queen yet."

His butler winks and raises his eyebrows. Marco shakes his head.

"I've looked! I've searched everywhere and interviewed a hundred dozen girls! But nothing."

They walk up to Marco's room, his butler waiting by the door.

"Why is it taking you so long?"

" Well.. none of em has caught my eye ya know?"

His butler begins laughing. Marco stares at him with a straight face.


"Im sorry! It's just you are really funny."

"I wasn't being funny!"

He frowns walking into his bathroom, and taking off his karate Gi.

"Well you know you ARE considered one of the most hottest Princes in all the dimensions."

Marco changes out of his clothes and into his prince uniform.

"What's your point?"

"Well your highness, my point IS that you could get any girl you want. I mean ANY GIRL."

"Any... girl?"

He rubs his face and thinks. He put on his crown, making sure it was perfect.

"You know.. one of your parents are from another dimension?"

"Uhh? Yeah my father."

They walk into the family dining room, Marco sitting at the table.

"And have you searched there yet?"

"What? Of course I hav-"

He pauses. His butler smirks, walking away.

"Yeah.. I didn't think so."

"So what! You're saying I should just pack up my crap and.. and flee to another dimension!?"

"Yes your highness!"

His butler yells, in another room. Marco gets up as he hears the giant double doors of the castle open. In walked his mother and father, followed by some guards.

"Hey Mom. Dad."

"Oh, hi sweetie!"

His mother says with a smile. She kisses his cheek, as his father ruffled his hair. Marco frowns and fixes his crown.

"Sooo.. where ya guys been?"

"Working. You know that."

"Oh, yeah... I-I know."

Marco follows his parents as they take their seats on their thrones. His father lets out a loud sigh, as his mother smiles at him.

"What's on your mind, baby?"


Marco begins. He sits on the steps by their thrones.

"As you know I've been searching for my future queen, and it's not... that easy."

He rubs the back of his neck.

"And I've searched everywhere believe me! But time's running out and I was wondering if I... if I could go look in the dimension dad was born on?"

Marco's dad sits up and rubs his chin. He then smiles and gets up.

"I think that's a wonderful idea, son!"

"Really! You mean it!?"

"Si, mi hijo! I strongly think you should go! I'll help you pack!"

Marco gets up and jumps up and down excitedly. His mother smiles, watching him.

"Aw my little baby boy is growing up!"

She gets up and hugs him tight. Marco sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Moooom I just turned 18! I'm.. I'm a man now!"

He groans, hugging her back. She pinches the heart shaped birthmarks on his cheeks.

"I know but... soon you'll be a king, married, and having kids!"

Marco's eyes widen.

"Whoa whoa! Did you say..Kids!?"

His parents nod.

"I'd like little future princes or princesses! Little grandbabies!"

"But.. but I haven't even gone through mewberty OR gotten my stupid mewberty wings yet?!"

His father laughs and pats his back.

"You're just a late bloomer, son! It'll come."

"Yeah... you always say that..."

Marco sighs.

"Well.. I leave in 3 days!"

"3 days??"

His parent say in unison. He smiles and begins walking to his room.

"Yep! 3!"

Once Marco gets into his room, he presses his mirror.

"Mirror mirror... call my butler."

"Calling your butler."

His butler appears on the mirror.

"Yes, your highness?"

"I leave in 3 days! Will you cook me up some grub?"

To Be Continued....

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