Chapter 8: The Blood Moon Ball (part 1)

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As the week goes by, the Blood Moon Ball gets closer and all week Star tries to persuade Marco not to go to the Ball.

"You're making a big mistake, Marco."

She comments, as she paces her dorm room. He looks at her, his tux in his hands.

"It could be fun, Star! It sounds like a lot of fun to me."

He holds up his tux, examining its sleekness.

"Why can't you just stay here, where it's not always fun? I mean...Who needs fun..?"

"I don't know. This is like a.. a different kind of fun. Alright no looking! I'm gonna change."

She covers her eyes with her hands, as he begins to change.

"I.. I just don't trust this Janna person."

"Why not?"

"Hm I don't know.. because she's a nightmare!? Maybe I should go with you."

"Star it's a bit to late for that, don't ya think? I already have a date."

He grabs his wand, and points it to his head.

"Besides... you gotta trust me to do things on my-"

He zaps his wand, and a bright light shoots out of it.


His hair shimmers and shines, as it was combed back, and gelled down to perfection.

"Whoa! Are you okay!?"

Star asks, still covering her eyes.

"Yeaaaah, yeah. I just... really gotta stop doing spells on my face.."

"Well all I'm saying is.... girls like Janna-"

Marco covers her mouth as he slides on his boots.

"There's only one way for me to find out. Soo? What do ya think??"

Star uncovers her eyes, and looks him up and down.

"Wow. You look... amazing."

He smirks, arching his eyebrow.

"Why thank you, Star."

"Don't gooo..."

Star whispers.

"Oh, im totally going...."

He whispers back, walking out to the lobby. Star follows him out, as they walk outside. He pulls out the bell and hammer, and rings the bell. A loud sound emerges from it, and out appears a carriage.

"Hey! That's for me. See ya later."

Marco walks towards the flaming carriage, Star right behind him.

"Well...Let me just walk in with you!"

Star tries to walk next to him, but he pushes her away, getting into the carriage. He throws her the tiny bell and hammer.

"Hold onto that for me! Goodbye Star!!"

The carriage is engulfed in flames, disappearing.


Marco arrives, waiting outside. He fixes his suit, and looks around.

"Well don't you clean up nice."

He looks up to see Janna. He smiles at the sight of her in a white dress, and her crown between her horns.

"I could say the same about you. Uh.. Thanks for inviting me. And check out that blood moon."

They both glance up to see the moon shining down on them.

"It's crazy."

"Yeahhh. Hey you wanna go inside?"

Janna points to the entrance.

"Oh.. right. Yeah let's go have some fun!"

Janna loop her arm in Marco's as they walked inside. It's packed. There were monsters, and demons everywhere taking pictures, dancing, drinking punch.


Star sits in the lobby eating some snacks, and dressed in big, pink, poofy dress with her hair curled around her shoulders.

"I'll have my own Blood Moon Ball.... 'cause im always fun... more than that icky Janna.."

She mumbles, chewing.

"Blood moon tonight..."

Star stops chewing and looks around. The lobby was empty. She notices a picture on the wall of a man. She shrugs and stuffs her face with more food.

"Moon of lovers."

"What the?"

She gets up and looks around again, confused as ever. A little creeped out. She looks outside to the blood moon. It shimmers and glistens, glowing bright red.


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