Chapter 21: Apology (not) Accepted

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Star checked the time on her phone. 10:30am. She grabbed her bag, throwing in over her shoulder, and tucking her hair behind her ear.


She picked up a picture of her and her parents, and sighed.

"I'll tell you guys everything soon. I promise. I love you."

She rushed out, letting the cold hit her face. Janna stood there, tapping her foot. Smoke came from it.

"About time!"

"Sorry I was just... never mind."

Janna snapped her fingers and a portal appeared. Star frowned.

"Why can't we walk? Like normal people? I don't feel like getting my hair burned to a crisp today."

Janna growled and pointed to the portal. Star sighed and walked through. They were in front of the Echo Creek College dorms. Star looked over and saw Oskar fixing his motorcycle. She gasped.

"Oh my god.."

She hid her face as a blush crept upon her ears. Janna stared at her.

"Uh.. What?"

"That guy over there! That's my... ex. See, what happened was I kissed Marco and-"

Janna choked on air and glanced at the babbling blonde.



Star pulled her hand over Janna's mouth and glared at her. It burned.

"Shut up! Okay! And yes I did kiss Marco. Twice."

Janna bursted into laughter and stared back at Oskar.


"Anyway... things are weird between us now. I've been meaning to talk to him but.."

"Just do it, Star. Here, I'll help."

Star smiled and looked at Janna.

"Aw, Janna. Really? I mean I'll still hate you but-"

Janna opened a portal, pushing Star through. Before Star could blink, she was right in front of Oskar. Her face burned red and she turned back to look at a smiling demon.



Star froze, recognizing that deep voice.

"Um.. hi Oskar.. heh."

As Star tried to force words out her mouth, Janna walked inside and followed the sweet smell of breakfast. She walked into the cafeteria, and spotting a familiar cutie.

"Hello Marco."

Marco spit his orange juice out, coughing. Tom laughed and he looked up.

"Janna!? W-What!? Why are you here? Wait no! Let me guess.. things too hot down under?"

A look appeared on his face. A look between panic, and a tiny smirk.

"Ok one.."

Janna spoke, taking a seat, and propping her feet on the table.

"No one says down under. It's called Hell. Get it right. And two.."

She took his plate of food, and began eating it.

"I came here with Star. We've been hanging out."

If Marco could spit out his lungs he would. But instead he just clenched his wand, and stared at the girl eating his breakfast.

"Tom keep her company."

Marco hopped up and walked out of the big room. He bumped into a girl, a little harder on her end, and caught her before she could fall.

"Whoa! I'm sorry I didn't-"


He glanced down, only to spot Jackie Lynn Thomas in his arms. He blushed lightly, and stood her up.

"Uh... hi there.. Jackie."

"Hey... Going somewhere?"


He looked off into the distance, then back to her.

"No. I'm not."

"Can we.. talk?"

She asked, shyly. Marco's heartbeat sped up.

"Uh.. sure."

They sat on the couches, and began a conversation.

. . .

It felt like they talked for hours. Jackie did most of the talking but.. Marco listened. Her words danced around in his ears and played like a song, stuck in his head. At one point, she grabbed his hand and he didn't even feel it. There were tears, and raised voices. Half smiles and stained cheeks. And then she was gone, leaving him with a kiss to his cheek heart.


Star walked in, her smiling like an idiot. Marco got up, and she walked over to him.

"Hey Marco..."

She spoke cautiously. He looked up and frowned.

"Everything was fine before we came into each other's life.."

He spoke, voice low. Star went to speak, but he shh-ed her with his finger.

"I was a proper prince with manners and proper etiquette. How a future king should be! I had a smile, and high hopes! I had Jackie. And let me tell you what the hell just happened..."

He raised his voice, only to stop and shake his head.

"She said.. she loved me, but I didn't think she could trust me anymore."

A long pause. His eyes watered.

"Then she grabbed my hand and said I wasn't the girl I guy she met, and fell for. That I changed. Because of you. And that I hurt her."

Star flinched at his words. Marco looked up at her, tears in his eyes.

"And then she kissed me, got up and walked out. Gone. In the blink of an eye, she was gone."

He said blandly, and all Star could do was stare at him, hurt.

"Do you know what it's like... to watch the pain in someone else's eyes? T-To feel it wrap around you and squeeze you tight and never let go!?"

He yelled.

"Because that's what just happened! And for what? A stupid kiss! That apparently really hurt her. And I never thought to consider her feelings because I was.. falling for someone else."

His words left his tongue faster than he could breathe and Star stood there, drinking them.

"She didn't accept my apology.. and she won't."

And with that said, Marco walked out of the building. Never glancing back at Star. Letting his face get soaked in tears. Star wanted to tell him that Oskar accepted her apology, and now they were back together. But her brain told her not to. Because Marco was crushed. And a part of her was too.

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