Chapter 12: Boyfriend

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It was quiet again. It's always quiet now. To classes, around the dorms, in his head. Everyday he goes to class, and trains hard right after. But it still wasn't enough to get his mind of you-know-who. Suddenly there was a knock on his door.

"Marco? Knock knock."

He sighed getting out of bed, and answering it.

"Look, I told you I'm not going to Brittany's party-"

He cut himself off as he noticed the girl at the door.



"Oh. Hello. What's up?"


She looked at the door as he opened it wider.

"Apologies. That was rude of me."

She smiled at his politeness and walked in. He closed the door.

"So what brings you over to Casa-De-Diaz?"

She chuckled and sat on the extra bed.

"Just checkin on you. Haven't seen you in a while."

He took a seat on his bed, rubbing his neck.

"Oh.. yeah I've just.. been in my own world, I guess."

He looked at the floor. She slid her shoes off and walked over to his bed.

"Come on what's wrong?"

He continued to stare at the floor. She touched his leg and he looked up at her.

"Look, I really care about you okay? And I can tell your not your usual self. It bothers me so come on! You can tell me anything."

He sighed and gave in.

"It's the whole... being a king thing! I don't know if Im ready for that. Having to solve the problems of the people of my kingdom, taking care of hundreds of lives? I can't even take care of a plant for psychology!"

He pointed to the dead shrub on his desk and sighed again.

"Then it hit me: what if I resigned? Then it hit me again, BOOM!"

He jumped up, startling Jackie.

"I can't do that. Not to my home. My people. My parents.. they want a successful man. They deserve one! Not a pathetic boy who doesn't know whether to listen to his head or his heart."

Jackie bit her lip, feeling bad for him. He looked at her face.

"I'm sorry. You... probably wouldn't understand."

"No no! I.. i do!"

"You do?"

"Totally. You think it's easy for us earth beings? It's not. You could think of our lives as our kingdoms. Whatever decisions we make or paths we take? We still don't want to let anyone down. Especially ourselves. Cause the moment we do it's like boom! Nothing will ever be the same."

He nodded, walking back over to her.

"Yeah. I guess so."

"But one way or the other... you gotta do what's best for you. Not your parents or anyone else. You."

She grabbed his hands, smiling.

"You're right, Jackie."

She stood up, looking into his eyes.

"I should at least try before I.. judge. Right?"


They leaned in, kissing each other. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer as she laid on his bed. He crawled on top of her.


He moaned, as she rubbed her hands up his shirt.

"Take.. mine... off..."

She spoke in between kisses. He pulled away and slipped her shirt above her head. His eyes widened as he examined her body.

"Um... W-Wow.."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just.. I've never.."

"Been intimate before?"

He nodded.

"Have you ever.. touched a girl before?"

"Well... no."

He blushed, sitting by her. She chuckled at his cluelessness.

"God, your just so cute. Maybe I came on a little to strong."

"No. You didn't. We both just got caught up in the moment.. I suppose."

Jackie grabbed her shirt, putting it on. He grabbed her hand.

"I really like you. And.. I'm sorry I've been distant lately."

"No worries. I like you too."

They smiled at one another.

"Jackie. I might like you.. a lot more than just like you."


Marco nodded.

"Yeah. Really."

She smiled, kissing the heart on his cheek as they laid back on his bed. They started talking. And talking. And... talking. Some jokes here and laughs there. Hand grabbing, leg intertwining, a few kisses. But most importantly they bonded. She got to know a lot more about him and vice versa. Marco actually felt safe with her. Soon the day fell to night, and they fell asleep.


Jackie got up and walked to the door. Marco followed her, opening it for her.

"Jeez. I'm beat. But.. I had an amazing night, Marco."

"Me too."

She blushed at the sound of his tired voice and looked up at him.

"See you.. later? Boyfriend."

He smiled at the sound of that.

"Yeah. Girlfriend."

They kissed each other one last time, before she walked off.

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