Chapter 10: Halloween, Halloween (part 2)

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As they arrived at Star's house, Tom parked the car on the curb.

"Okay let's go through the plan. Marco your my boyfriend. We've been dating for 3 months and we met on campus. Your major is prelaw."

"Okay! But um what's prelaw?"

Marco asked, as clueless as always when it came to earth stuff.

"Not now!"

Star fixed the tie around Marco's neck. Tom and Brittany frowned looking at them.

"Oh cheer up, guys! Tom you can have your costume back as soon as Marco's done and so can you Brittany. Plus I gave you 40 bucks! That's a lot from me! So just sit tight. You ready?"

Marco nodded. They got out the car, putting all their extra stuff in the trunk.

"Thanks again Tom. Brittany. Just honk if we're taking too long."

"Or we could do this?"

Tom smiled and sped off, driving away. Star's mouth fell open.

"Ug! Whatever. Come on we're late."

"But its barely even 2?"

She grabbed his sweaty hand and walked to the door.

"Now remember. Prelaw."


Marco repeated, nodding.

"Together for how long?"

"3 months."

"And if they ask about your cheeks, or wand?"

"I say it's apart of my costume for the party tonight."

"And your family? Background?"

"Conversation for another time!"

"Very good!"

Star laughed as she patted his head. He smiled.

"And.. thanks again for doing this."

"Don't thank me. But I deserve all the sugar-ritos in the world."

She laughed again, nodding.

"You're so weird for that, but you got it. Let's do this."

She knocked on the door, and it swung open immediately. There stood a tall woman. Star's twin! Her long blonde hair (like Star's) reached her lower back. She had on red lipstick, and a red shirt to match. Her pants were rolled up at the bottom.


"Star, darling!"

They hugged tight.

"Come on in!"

Star and Marco walked in, removing their shoes.

"Oh River, come look who's here!"

A short, sort-of plump, bearded man with dirty blonde hair walked out of the kitchen. His face brighten up.

"There's my Star! Look at you! You look beautiful!"

"Aw thanks dad!"

Star blushed, hugging him. She cleared her throat.

"Mom, dad? This.."

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