Chapter 19: Dirty Little Secrets

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Marco pushed Tom out the way, walking outside. He waited as Oskar got onto his bike and rode off fast. Star look over her shoulder. An angry Marco clenched his wand and walked toward her.

"I can't believe you!"

She yelled, anger and rage filling her eyes.

"Me!? No! You! How could you lie to him like that!? I sounded like a complete IDIOT!"

"Look, what happened was a mistake! And people make mistakes! We're human!"

Marco scoffed.

"Last time I checked, I'm not human, Star. Besides YOU kissed me first!"

She covered his mouth and dragged him to a nearby tree.

"Lower your voice! And if I'm not mistaken YOU did kiss ME!"

"Yeah! With permission, which you happily obliged!"

Marco's blood was boiling now. He regretted everything that ever happened with him and Star. She took a deep breath.

"Okay I don't know how it works on Mewni, but here, kissing someone else is considered cheating. And bad things happen when you... cheat."

He studied Star's expression.

"Bad things like... what?"

She shook her head, not making eye contact.

"Um... i'm sorry for leading you on, Marco. I really am. But.. I can't see you anymore. I just can't. You're to... d... dangerous a-and I-"

He cut her off by walking away. Anger filled his eyes. Tom looked at him.

"Dude are you ok-"


He proceeded to the elevator not saying another word. As he made his way to his room, he grabbed his bag and began packing it furiously.

"Stupid earth. Stupid love. Stupid lies!"

He sighed and stopped. It felt like he couldn't breathe and everything was spinning. He fell to the ground, hitting his head against the desk in the process. Everything is black now...

. . . .

He opened his eyes and noticed he was on the ground... in front of a unfamiliar castle. It was cold and dark.

"Not again..."

He imagined the fire vision. But there was no fire. Just a cold breeze. He got to his feet and opened the giant double doors that stood in front of him. The dark room smelled of blood. A lot of it.

"Hello?... anyone here?"

He made his way inside and the doors behind him slammed shut. His wand glowed a bright light and the room lit up.

"Whoa... that was weird?"

"I'll say."

He turned around and was standing in front of him, was Toffee.

"Toffee! What's going on?"

He squeezed his wand tight.

"I'm here to give you a message, your highness."

Marco stood tall and un-feared.

"I just want you to be prepared."

"Prepared for what!?"

No answer.

"I'll never let you win, Toffee. You're an insane, cold blooded lizard with a cold heart that I'm going to shatter when I plunge a knife through your scaly chest. You're nothing but a killer! A coward! And you'll never get my wand."

Toffee must have been mad because he was clenching his fists hard, and had a look on his face like he was going to reach over and kill Marco on the spot. But instead... he just laughed.

"Aw...Silly little boy.."

Was all he spoke before standing to his feet. He walked towards Marco, circling him. Marco made a mental note to how tall he was. It was somewhat terrifying.

"You still think this is about your wand, don't you?"

"Yeah? It always has been."

"I don't want your wand, Prince Marco..."

He leaned down, touching his scaly lips to the Prince's ear, making him shiver.

"It's about..... her."

As he snapped his fingers, Star appeared.. she was bloody and bruised. But also... she was a monster. The monster.

"What did you do to her!?"

Marco yelled, pointing his wand at Toffee's chest. He laughed again.

"What makes you think I did that?"

Marco lowered his wand slightly, looking at Star.

"You mean... I... i did that?"

Star growled and kept her eyes on Marco. Toffee smirked.


He was too focused on Star. Before he knew it, a sharp pain was dug into his side. He yelled out, falling to the ground.

. . . .

Marco woke up sweaty and hot.. In a hospital gown. A hand gently squeezed his, and for some reason he squeezed back. He looked over to find Star by his side. A familiar pain ached as he rubbed his head.

"What happened? Where am I?"

"Hospital. You passed out. Hit your head on the desk and gained a super gross gash. Skullnick came up and called 911. Then some doctors stitched you back together and now... here we are."

"Damn.. How long was I passed out?"

"About... a year."


Marco shot up and began to panic. Soon he couldn't breathe. Star freaked out and grabbed his shoulders.

"Relax!! It was a joke!!"

She yelled. He froze and looked at her.

"It's only been 6 days..."

He took a deep breath and laid back down. His room felt like a sauna. Star felt his head and sighed.

"There's also... something else."


She looked into his eyes.

"I.. wasn't feeling well about 2 days ago. I passed out and a nurse here treated me."

"Are you okay?"

He asked, grabbing her hand. She smiled weakly.

"I don't know how to tell you this but... I'm ill, Marco. And not like flu/cold ill... I mean.. I'm really ill."

He felt his heart stop a bit. What did she mean?

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