Chapter 14: Guardian Angel? Or Not..

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Star sat on her bed as Marco tried to move her stuff into his room.

"Marco you don't have to do this.."

"I do! Toffee was in your room!"

"I said I wasn't sure!"

"Well either you were or you weren't! I wasn't able to protect you... again!"

He sighed, putting her stuff down.

"Star, half of everything I'm doing is to protect you."

"I don't need protection."

She commented quietly.

"Don't need it or don't want it?"

Marco stared at her for a while. She ran her fingers through her hair and avoided eye contact.


He grabbed her face, looking into her eyes.

"I don't care what you want or need. Your my best friend and if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be in this mess. I'm gonna protect you."

She looked away.

"So..What are we gonna do?"

"Well... I know what I'M gonna do."

He reached in his pocket and pulled out his tiny mirror.

"What does fixing your hair have to do with anything?"

He opened it, pressing buttons.

"I didn't say I was doing that. I've got to make a call. You go get your nose fixed or something."

Star scoffed.

"Wait ok wait... so you wake me up super early, by force I might add, just so you can shoo me away?"

She jumped up from her bed.

"I don't think so!"

"I'm not arguing with you, Star! GO!"

He yelled. She rolled her eyes, walking out of the room.

"A little tough huh?"

"I don't care. She needed to listen. I'm trying to protect her."

He looked over at his tiny blue mentor.

"If you say so, your highness."

"I gotta go see Jackie."

He walked out, and to the elevator.


"I need a favor?"

"Sure. Come on in."

Jackie laughed as Marco walked in. She sat in a spiny chair and sipped her soda.

"So what's up, babe?"

He smiled at that word, chewing on his wand.

"Marco? You with me?"

"Oh! Uh right. Okay this might sound a little funky but... need you to look after.. Star."

She nearly choked on her soda.

"I need to WHAT!?"

"Just for a little... bit. See me and her aren't exactly.. friends. Anymore."


Jackie scoffed. Marco stared at her.

"Please Jackie. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

"I'm sorry but... no. Star and I have history. Bad history and cause of it we don't like each other. I'm not just gonna protect her for whatever reason cause you say so."

She shrugged, turning to her computer and typing. Marco sighed.

"Okay. I get it."

He kissed her cheek, and walked out.

"I guess... it's up to me to keep her safe. But how?"

As the day went by, Marco spent the rest of it writing in his 'dream journal.'


"Whenever you have another nightmare, just write it down. Everything you see, hear, touch, or smell. Everywhere you go, people you come across? It should help."

Marco smiled at Star, sighing in relief.

"Thanks again, Star. You really are a.. great best friend."


He sighed, rubbing his head.

"Who am I kidding? I can't protect her. I haven't been protecting her this whole time, why do I think I can do it now?"

"Because you're a good person."

He looked over in the doorway, at Tom.

"Oh.. hey... you scared me.."

"I just wanted to let you know that Star's nose is okay. And that she moved her stuff with my room."

Marco nodded, understanding.

"I was wondering how she was. How'd you get in here anyway?"

"Not important."

Tom walked over, sitting on Marco's desk.

"Alright listen. I don't know what's going on but.. she's scared. So whatever you do, don't stop protecting her. She needs you, man."

Marco nodded a little.

"You're right. I won't give up. Not on her at least. Where is she anyway?"

Tom got up.

"The four of us are.. getting some ice cream so I better go."

He headed for the door as Marco got up, stopping him.

"Wait wait.. 4 of us? Who else is going?"

"Oh... uh.. Me, Star, Brittany and.. Oskar."

Marco rolled his eyes, sitting back down.

"Right.. Go."

Tom nodded, walking out. Marco slumped down in his bed.

"If she doesn't want protection.. fine... by... me.."

He mumbled, dozing off to sleep.

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