Chapter 2: Marco Comes To Earth

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Marco's parents pulled their son in a tight hug, saying their goodbyes.

"Now son its very important that you be very safe but also have fun!"

Rafael says with a smile.

"And don't forget to call us every night! Do you have everything?"

Angie checks her son.

"Ugh, yes mom."

"Your toothbrush?"


"Your wand?"

"Yes mom."

"How about your-"

Marco pulls his mom into a tight hug, kissing her cheek.

"I've got everything, mother."

"Well... okay. One more thing."

He sighs as he watches her reach under her throne chair and pull out a pair of scissors.

"Take these."

"Whoa!? Are those-"

"Dimensional scissors!?"

King Rafael and Marco say in unison. Angie smiles.

"Take good care of them. Okay go now!"

Marco grabs all of his bags and stands in front of the already open portal.

"Goodbye parents! See you in 10 months!"

He waves to them, fixing his crown. Then he steps through the portal.


"Holy shit."

Marco exclaims looking around. He stands in front of a giant, tall building. Kids walking all around talking, laughing. Skateboarding or running.

"This must be the place where my father met my mother. Echo creek... College."

He approaches the building, walking inside and staring around in awe.

"Wow. This place is amazing."

"Hey! Watch out!"

Marco turns around, and before he knew it BAM! A girl flew off the ground, slamming into him. She falls on top of him, banging his head with hers.

"Ow! Hey are you insane!?"

"Damn! Ug I am sooo sorry!"

Marco looks up and gazes into the girl's eyes. They were a deep baby blue. She stares back into his.

"Whoa... Im uh... Im s..."

"I'm... Prince..."

She chuckles, getting off of him and helping him up.

"I mean... I'm Prince Marco.. Ubaldo Diaz."

She laughs and shakes his hand.

"Yeah... I'm Star... wait? Did you say.. Prince?"

She asks looking him up and down.

"Yes. I'm um... From another dimension called Mewni."

"Mewni... sounds neat! Hey are those... hearts on your cheeks.. real?"

"Uh, yeah. Their birthmarks."

She smiles. He smiles back.

"Ya know I've got a friend who would love to meet you! Hey Tom, come here!"

Around the corner comes a boy with dark hair, and green beanie.

"This is Prince Marco. He's from a dimension named.. uh? What was it?"


"Right! Mewni. Prince Marco this is Tom. My best friend!"


Marco nods at him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Both of you."

His gaze meets Star's and she blushes a little. Tom glances at the two.

"S-so um.... sh-show you around sometime?"

She stutters nervously. Marco nods shyly, and picked up his bags.

"That'd be awesome."

"Well... awesome. Hey I gotta go but I'll see you later alright?"

She smiles and dusts herself off before skating away with Tom and leaving Marco alone.

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