Chapter 6: The Talk

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Star walks into her room, Marco following close behind.

"You two.."

Tom pauses.

"...are all over.. The Talk."

Marco rubs his face, confused.

"The what?"

Star sighs.

"The Talk. It's the campus website where they post a whole bunch of bullshit about people, and what happens around here, then come up with stupid, dad jokes."

Tom faces his laptop towards them. Star gasps and shakes her head.

"Oh no no no no! Who took that!?"

Tom laughs.

"Don't know. It's been on here all morning."

On the screen is a picture of Star and Marco walking down the stairs at the party. Her shirt is torn off, and she seems to be whispering into Marco's ear.

"Whoa... how drunk were we?"

Marco bites his lip. Star closes the laptop and walks to her closet.

"Tom you HAVE to take it down!"

"Can't. I didn't post it."

"Well try! If Oskar sees that he's gonna flip his shit! I mean he'll be angry!"

She panics. Marco walks over to her, and puts his arms on her shoulders.

"Star. You gotta calm down. You're gonna have a chest attack."

"Heart attack??"

"Whatever. Just come sit down and let's figure this out."

He leads Star to her bed and she takes a seat. He sits by her, taking her hand.

"What does the post say Tom?"

Tom opens his laptop and scrolls.

"Uhh... oh! It says 'Star Johansen hooks up with new freak. The new couple were seen last night at Hanna's sorority party, coming down the stairs from their score. Could they be the hottest couple yet?' That's it."

Star face palms her forehead.

"Star relax! So it's one misleading photo. It's not like they gave us a nickname or anything."

"They did."

Tom blurts.

"You two are... Starco."

Marco's mouth flings open.

"Alright I'm confused. What do people think we did!?"

"They think we hooked up."

Marco's face reads confusion.

"Ya know... scored? Did the dirty? Got laid?"

He shakes his head.

"For crying out loud! They think we had sex!!"

"Ohh... wait? Huh?"

Tom bursts out into laughter, getting off the extra bed.

"Well I'll let you two talk. See ya."

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