You did what?| Steve Rogers

29.9K 384 105

Word count: 931

Warnings: None

Pairing: Steve x Reader

A/n: So yeah, this is my first ever avengers imagine. I hope you enjoy it because it was actually a lot of fun for me to write.


It was just an average day at the Avengers facility. The gyms were filled with people, grunts echoing throughout the building. Everyone seemed to be in there, except you, of course.

Today wasn't your usual work out day, it was Wednesday. Wednesday's meant pranks. Pranks meant hiding in the vents. Although sometimes Clint would suddenly appear and try to kick your ass for super glueing his arrows or something.

Yeah, you didn't really get along with him. Well, you did, but not on Wednesday's.

You were walking down the hallways humming a tune. In your hands were the items for your latest prank. Those items? Hello Kitty stickers. Where were they going? Well, that's the good part

You snuck into the captains room, smirking at its neat-ness. But at the same time, being in the room where he lives, even if he's not there. It gave you goose bumps.

So maybe you had a small, ok, big crush on him. But he's not going to return your feelings, so why bother telling anyone.

The problem was, you didn't even have to say anything. It was obvious. The team could see you flirting with him, and him flirting right back at you. But you two didn't seem to notice the others flirtatiousness. It was bothering them now.

Natasha had been trying to get you to admit it for a while now. She was constantly dropping hints at the captain, but the both of you were to oblivious.

You were in his closet, digging through his stuff until you found it. Captain Americas shield. Oh, this was gonna be good.

You had a field day designing the stickers on it. Carefully placing each one. Until You heard the door open. You froze, your mind scrambling for a way out. Your powers Let you turn invisible, but at the moment, you were too scared to do so. Just as the closet door opened, you disappeared.

Steve was barely in there a second before he was gone again. You let out a breath of relief as you weren't caught in the act. Placing his shield where you had found it, you started to head out the door. Still invisible. You saw Steve reading on his bed, you tried not to make any noise as You crept past him towards the open door.

Five steps, four, three, two, o-
The door slammed shut. Steve jumped as well as you. It scared you so much you turned visible again. Tony's voice suddenly filled the room.

"Ok guys, listen up. We're all sick and tried of your flirting. It's getting annoying. It's clear you both like each other, but you'll never admit it on your own, here's me helping you guys. The door stays shut till you do. Have fun!"
And it was gone. Your cheeks heated up and you tried to turn the door handle. Nothing.

"Y/n? When did you even get here? And why are you in my room?"

You heard Steve question from behind.

"I um, I... I was just checking to see if you were in here, and you were. But I was invisible and I didn't want to scare you so I was just gonna leave until... yeah"

He looked like he didn't fully believe you, and I mean, who would. You cleared your throat.


You could've sworn his face turned a light shade of red. But come on, he doesn't like you that way. That's what you told yourself.

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. You both just stood there. And then he started talking

"Listen, Y/n. This is definitely not how I would have chosen to tell you or how I wanted you to find out. But, here goes. I really really like you, more than a friend. The way you smile at all my crappy jokes. Your hair, your eyes, just, everything about you. But I was so afraid to tell you because I thought you would never feel the same way about me. But, here I am, telling you everything. And I completely understand if you don't feel the same way. You probably don't and I'm sorry but-"


You cut him off, he blushed.


"You're rambling"

He nodded, his blush darkening.

"I feel the same way Steve. I was scared to tell you too. But god, I like you so much. I feel as if I don't say it I'll explode. I love you Steve, always have, always will"

He stood there for a moment, stunned into silence. Then, he pulled your face to his and put his lips against yours.

It was soft and sweet, yet full of passion. His lips were slightly chapped against your own and you melted into it, running your fingers through his hair.


Natasha's voice filled the room

You and Steve both blushed and you pulled away.

"Now, we'll leave you love birds to it"

Tony said, chuckling.

You turned back to Steve

"I hate to say this but, I'm glad they did that"

He chuckled

"Yeah, me too"

"So, now that we're, we're us. I'm hoping you won't get too angry at me for covering your shield in hello kitty stickers?"

He blinked once, and again.

"Wait, you talked to fast, what?"

You took a breath

"I covered your shield in Hello Kitty stickers please don't kill me"

"You did what??"

You were invisible and running away before he could even finish his sentence.

He sighed, shaking his head.

"If I didn't love her"

He mumbled, running out the door to try and find you.

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