Alone |Thor

776 11 1


Word Count: 3000

Pairing: Thor x female reader

A/n: Hey, it's me. I'm not dead, but I'm also not capable of writing anymore 😂 This was my last hurrah, and me testing out if I could still do this, the answer is no, this is not my best work. But I wanted to finish this project off finally, so here is my last story. Enjoy!


When you were younger, living on a farm had seemed like the best thing ever. Unlimited space to just run around, climb trees, and roll on fresh green grass? Yes please. Hundreds of animals to look at, play with, talk to, it was every kid under the age of twelve's dream. You loved doing chores with your dad, being able to help out in any way made you feel proud. Whenever he had a "special task" for you, you were more than willing to do it within seconds. Wether it be sorting out different types of nails, brushing a horse, or feeding the dogs, you would do it to the best of your abilities. Your dad would watch you with that twinkle in his eyes, full of amusement.

What you disliked, however, was the inside chores. Helping your mother with supper, setting the table, washing dishes, it was the worst. You would gaze longingly out the window while folding clothes, wishing you could just sprint out the door and into the woods. There were many times when you got into trouble for running away from hanging clothes on the line to play with the animals, or just to play make believe stories in the woods.

Then your teenage years hit, and you started to resent where you were brought up. When you realized that the girls at school did not, in fact, like to run around barefoot, chasing after frogs and lizards, but liked to sit and watch boys. Boys at school, boys on tv, boys in magazines. It seemed it didn't matter to them what they looked like, as long as they were male and breathing that was enough for them. That's when you started grumbling when doing chores, whenever a "special task" was made for you, you didn't do it happily anymore. You didn't rush outside, unless it was to the car waiting to bring you to a friends house.

That's when your dad stepped in, he noticed his "little girl" wasn't as happy anymore, he saw your hidden wistful looks towards the woods when you sat inside, looking at your magazines that you didn't even want to read in the first place. He decided to do something about it, so he pulled you out of school. That was a dark day in your life, you didn't think you could ever be mad at him, but in that moment it felt like you were. You didn't talk to him for weeks, you barely came out of your room unless it was to turn in schoolwork, or to eat,. You never went outside anymore, and that hurt him.

Until one day, when he walked into your room, silently, and grabbed your hand, pulling you outside with him.

"I have a special job for you Y/n, could you help me out?"

You sighed, trying to stay mad by rolling your eyes, but you felt a tugging in your heart,

"Dad, don't you think I'm a little old for that?"

He just smiled and shook his head, walking you towards a fence. You saw a bucket of paint next to it, with a brush lying on the lid.

"Just paint this fence for me, I don't care how long it takes you. Just don't come inside until it's done."

And then he walked away, leaving you alone with the paint and the fence. You sighed again, feeling boredom start to sink in already. You took the brush and started applying the paint, the wind pushing your hair all around your face. You don't know how long you were out there for, but you had finished your job. Instead of rushing back to the house, you started walking towards the woods again. Just smelling the air, and feeling the grass underneath your bare feet, you were flashed back to years ago, when you went running for the woods everyday. That was enough to bring tears to your eyes.

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