Roof| Clint Barton

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Word Count: 919

Pairing: Clint x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: First time writing for Clint! Hope you enjoy!
It was a normal day, for once. Normal as in, no super hero stuff. Just you and Clint, at our house, relaxing. It was that way, for a total of two hours. And then of course Thor decided to fall through your roof and into your living room.

Yeah, the god of thunder just straight up destroys your roof, right in the middle of Cinderella to. That's where you were right now, slack jawed staring as Thor sheepishly looked at the ground and Clint held you back from beating the crap out of him.

"What the crap, are you kidding me?!?"

You struggled against Clint's hold.

"I'm sorry Lady Y/n, I was merely trying to get to your location. I did not know I would destroy your home."

You seethed and Clint tightened his grip.

"While think a little more next time maybe"

Thor blinked, and nodded.

"Anyway, I was here to tell you that Stark would like-"

"Ok, I don't care what Tony wants, Clint and I are doing nothing today. So you can run on back to him and tell him to shove it up his-"

"Y/n, please, calm down"

Clint interrupted. You glared at him.

"Thor, I think what she's trying to say is that today's our day off. So tell Tony not to send anyone else and leave, thanks"

"Of course Barton, I'm sorry again about your... roof I believe is what you call it"

And he was gone, through the hole in your ceiling.

"I swear if I get a chance I'm going to murder that thick headed son of a-"

"Y/n, honey, just breathe"

You breathed in deeply.

"Sorry, I just, I wanted today to be normal, relaxing."

He chuckled

"Normal isn't going to happen with us, you know that"

You sighed

"Yeah, I know, I just wanted one day. Just one"

He pulled you to him and kissed the top of your head.

"I know, and I'm sorry sweetheart. Let me fix this hole before we do anything"

You smiled softly. Luckily, he had all the supplies because, one, he's an avenger, and two, he constantly collected things he didn't need. Lucky for you, that included shingles and basically everything else you needed.

That day was relaxing, for you at least. You sat and talked while he worked. Laughing and reminiscing about old times. You were happy with how it turned out. And then he decided to start doing tricks on top of the ladder.

"Clint, I swear if you break your leg I'll break your other one for you"

He laughed

"That doesn't make any sense"

You groaned

"In my head it did, so shut it before I make you"

He chuckled again.

"Yes ma'am"

You grinned at him and headed to the kitchen to make him something, seeing as he'd been working for awhile without any food. While you were cooking, a pair of arms snaked around you waist and you smiled.

"What's up Clint?"

You asked, turning to face him. He smiled and pecked your lips.

"Just hungry, I'm almost done with fixing that hole."

You smiled

"Great, but you know Thor is still gonna get his ass kicked"

He laughed then

"I won't hold you back this time"

You giggled and turned back to the food. As you and Clint were eating , you just sat and thought how nice it was. Even with the crashing of Thor through your ceiling, today had been pretty great. Almost exactly what you wanted, besides the hole of course.

Clint went back to working on the ceiling, and you quickly went to the bathroom. Grabbing the pregnancy text you had hidden a week ago, you took it, with your hands shaking. You hadn't gotten your period in a while, and since you and Clint had talked about wanting kids, you were praying it was happening.

You walked out and let it sit for a minute, taking a deep breath, you picked it up.
Positive. You tried to keep from squealing too loudly. This was it, you were pregnant. Now, time to figure out how to tell Clint.

You were both settled into the couch, watching a variety of Disney films. With a roof over your heads this time. You sighed, leaning into his shoulder.

"You know, I can't thank you enough for fixing that problem. We wouldn't want our kid running around without a roof"

He nodded

"Yeah, it was no pro- wait, what??"

You laughed

"Our kid, Clint, I'm pregnant"

He let out a loud yell jumping up from the couch.

"I'm gonna be a dad, Y/n, I'm gonna be a dad!!"

He picked you up and held you in his arms.

"We're gonna be parents Y/n, you have a baby inside you"

You laughed out loud, burying your face in his chest.

"Yes, I have a baby inside of me"

He was smiling so wide now, he suddenly started twirling you around. You smiled and danced with him. This moment was perfect, you couldn't wait for Clint to be a father.

You were settled back on the couch discussing baby names.

"We have to name it Natasha if it's a girl"

You said, smiling and rubbing your stomach. He smiled back.

"How about Nathaniel for a boy"

You sat back.

"Sounds perfect, well, that was easy"

All the sudden, the door burst open. Tony was standing there, covered in bruises.

"You know, I get today was your day off, but we really could've used your help"

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