On My Own| Tony Stark

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Word Count: 637

Pairing: Tony x Reader

Warning: None, just sadness

A/n: I guess I've been in a really angsty/sad mood lately, it's coming through in my writing. Hopefully the next one will be happier. Enjoy!
It was funny really, Tony Stark, the man who has everything, could have everything. Could get anything he wanted. Wanted the one thing he couldn't have.

He clutched the champagne glass in his hand, so hard it was cracking.

There she was, having the time of her life, with Steve. He cursed under his breath. Of course it had to be Steve.

Natasha walked by and squeezed his arm comfortingly before moving on, turning back to give him a sympathetic look.

He had known Y/n since they were children. He had always harbored feelings for her. But of course, he has to introduce her to Steve. He had asked her out, she said yes.

She had asked Tony to help her with her first date, how could he say no?

From then on, it was always them cuddling and kissing. Always Steve there, never just the two of them by themselves.

He had always stopped himself from telling her how he felt. But he had waited too long. How could he tell her now and ruin her happiness with Steve. He just wanted her to be happy, and if that was with Steve, he couldn't stop it.

All he could do was wish it was him. He slept with nearly every girl that walked his way, trying to drown out what he felt for her. It never worked, it wasn't the same feeling.

It was her smile, the way it lit up her eyes. The way she talked to him, how she kept up with his sarcasm without missing a beat. How she was always there for him, even though he might not be the nicest guy in the world.

When they were younger, he had always adored her. He would follow her anywhere, all she had to do was ask. It was the same then as it was now, she was his world. She just didn't seem to notice.

He hated how everyone pitied him, he didn't want it. All he wanted was her. He had tried drowning his emotions in alcohol, all it had done for him was make him pass out constantly.

He tried everything to get over her, he had moved out for a year, traveling across Europe. All it had done was make him long for her more. It was like everything he did made him want her more.

He wanted her so much it almost was painful, but he knew he couldn't have her. It was selfish of him, really, to keep being around her, knowing how he felt. It was dangerous, he felt the words could slip out at any moment. But he couldn't resist her.

He wanted so much for her to be happy, he would give anything and everything to see her smile light up her face. But that only happened when Steve was around.

His stomach clenched as he watched them dance, swaying with the music. Her eyes were full of love and adoration, but it wasn't for him. She would never look at him that way.

How he longed to hold her in is arms. To kiss her and tell her how much he loved and cared for her. He wanted so badly to walk across the floor and rip away from Steve. To confess his love and for her to say she felt the same way.

But he knew that was never going to happen, no matter how much he wanted to. Y/n was the only person who had comforted him after his parents death. She was the one who was there through it all. He trusted her with his life.

But the only thing he longed for from her, he couldn't have. He wanted her love, but she had already given it to someone else.

So here he was, on his own.

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