Soulmate AU| Pietro

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Word Count: 1095

Pairing: Pietro x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: Here's Pietros part! I'm sorry it took longer, it just takes a while to get the right feel to start writing, Loki is coming next
From all the stories you've heard, you're supposed to meet your soulmate and then everything will fall into place. They say you'll never had to worry about anything, you'll just know. And there's the whole tattoo thing that kind of makes it real. But that's not what's going on in your life.

See, you've already met your soulmate, but he doesn't know it's you, he thinks it's someone else. Sure you could just show him the tattoo and hope for the best. But you don't want to ruin everything with him. Besides, if he's happy with someone else, there must be someone else out there for you right?

That's what you have been telling yourself for the past five months. Wanda had told you countless times to just tell him. But you couldn't, it just didn't seem right to
take away his chance at happiness if his tattoo really wasn't the same as yours.

"You're not still thinking about him, either you tell him or you don't"

Wanda spoke up from behind you, patting your shoulder comfortingly. You sighed, resting your elbows on the counter top and putting your head in your hands.

"But I can't Wanda, what if it isn't the same"

It was her turn to sigh, but in annoyance.

"I've seen both, they're identical, you're just scared to show your feelings. I get that, but you're missing out and letting him be a complete idiot"

You rubbed your eyes tiredly.

"I know, I know. I'll sleep on it tonight and decide what I'm doing tomorrow"

She rolled her eyes.

"You've said that every day for the past three weeks, I'm giving you once last chance to do it on your own or I'll tell him myself"

I panicked, my eyes widening and  my heart beat speeding up.

"No, you can't tell him"

I yelped, turning to grab her arm. A gust of air brushed against my skin.

"Tell who what?"

His voice sounded in your ears. You searched for an answer as Wanda just rolled her eyes again.

"I was gonna um... tell Tony that um.. Bruce wanted him. Yeah, that's it"

You looked up, a hesitant smile on your face. He looked curious.

"Really? Cause I was just in the lab and they were both-"

"You know what maybe someone else told him. Well, I've got to um, do some stuff. Yeah, I'll see you later"

You backed out of the room, hitting the doorframe, you laughed nervously but kept going. Once you were gone Pietro cast a confused glance at his sister.

"Did I do something wrong?"

She groaned.

"Oh for Petes sake, I can't stand either of you"

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