Unusual| Pietro Maximoff

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Word Count: 1180

Pairing: Pietro x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: This didn't exactly turn out how I wanted it to, but I kind of like it. Enjoy!
What is love?

To you, love was fast kisses as he passed by in the middle of the day.

It was wide smiles as he hugged you close to him.

Love was something hard to explain, unless you feel it yourself.

For so long, you had thought love was a myth. Something people made up as an excuse to do crazy things.

But that was before you met him.

Before he had changed your life in a matter of seconds.

Is love at first sight real?

To that you would answer no. That doesn't exist. Instant attraction though, that was real. A spark you felt the first time you touched someone. Real.

But that wasn't how it had happened with you. No, that's not what happened at all. What happened with you was different.

"I swear, if I'm supposed to be training the new kids again today I'm actually going to punch Steve"

You complained, heading towards the gym with Natasha. She chuckled.

"They're not that bad you know, at least for me"

You rolled your eyes.

"Well obviously, that's because you're you. They don't listen to me because, well, I'm me"

She gave you a look that was sparked with concern before continuing on.

"And what makes me so different from you Y/n?"

You sighed, in your brain, a million things were there. One, her looks. I mean seriously, she was drop dead gorgeous without even trying. She could also take down anything anyone threw at her without breaking a sweat. And that's barely anything. That's not what you said though, you couldn't let her know you were still struggling.

"Lots of things Nat, lots of things"

She just huffed and opened the door to the gym. Just as you had feared, the twins were in there already. You sighed. Nat was right, they weren't so bad for her. And for you, Wanda was perfectly fine and listened very well. She was excelling under all this training. But then there was her brother.

Her infuriatingly hot and ridiculously annoying brother. Wait, since when was he hot? Before you could try and figure out where that thought had come from a rush of wind brushed past you and you felt your bag being taken away. You rolled your eyes and took a deep breath, counting to ten so you wouldn't rip him to shreds.

"Pietro, my bag?"

You held out your hands, tapping your foot impatiently. He just sat across the room with a smirk on his face. Wanda sighed and used her powers to move it from the floor to you. You have her an appreciative look before sweeping your h/c hair into a pony tail.

"Today we'll mostly be working on control, and patience"

You spoke, moving to grab a water bottle. You placed it between two sheets of glass. One below and one balanced on top.

"Wanda, try to get the water bottle without breaking the glass. Pietro, over here. You'll be working on something a little different. He wiggles his eyebrows and flashed over to where you were standing. Something about him made your hair stand on end, but you couldn't quite place what it was.

Maybe you didn't know, but everyone could tell what was going on. They didn't understand how you were so oblivious to their teasing. Your thoughts should not have been focused on how tight his shirt was at the moment. But alas, that's where they were.

"Y/n, I don't want to hit you but your hands keep slipping"

His accent filled your ears and a blush suddenly crept up your neck. You snapped back to attention and raised your gloved hands again. He smirked and kept hitting them until his gym time was over.

"You did good today Maximoff"

You said, pealing off the gloves. You saw Pietro about to speak but you cut him of quickly


Her face brightened and she nodded at the same time his fell.

"How come you always tell her how good she did"

You rolled your eyes.

"Because she actually does a good job"

You said, smirking as the door shut behind you. He just stood there and clenched his hands into fists. Natasha patted his shoulder as she left.

"You might want to try a different approach bud"

She said, he just frowned.

Later that week, you were on a mission. Steve had decided the twins were ready to go on one. He had appointed you their watch dog for the time being. But of course, it had gone downhill fast. You were stuck between the ship out of there and the enemy base, surrounded by agents, all armed. And you only had a little ammunition left. You could either risk it over stay there and wait for them to kill you.

"Wanda, Pietro, get to the ship please"

You could hear Wandas breath catch in her throat.

"And you?"

She asked, looking to Pietro, whose face had gone pale. You bit your lip and a tear slipped out of your eye.

"Don't worry about me. And for the record, your brother isn't that bad"

The last part you had whispered quietly, but he had heard it. And he suddenly sped away from Wanda. She jumped and almost ran after him. You felt two arms wrap around then, you heart leapt into your throat until you realized who it was.

He sprinted back towards the ship, dodging bullets and covering up with his body. As he set you down and leaned against the wall to catch his breath, he was smirking.

"I'm not that bad huh?"

You groaned, resting your head in your hands.

"I take that back now"

His face softened, and he walked away, muttering quietly to himself. It was in Romanian, but lucky for you, it was the language you had chosen to learn. Strange choice, but you were so happy you had now.

"Stupid, ai fi putut să-i spus cum te-ai simțit. Dar nu, tu doar a trebuit să facă o altă glumă. ea te urăște deja"

Your heart fluttered, and you walked over to him.

"Știi, am vorbit serios când am spus că nu a fost așa de rău. și poate că ar trebui să-mi spui cum se simt, am putut simți la fel"

He whipped around to look at you, a blush covering his cheeks. And that was the beginning of a beautiful, but very unusual, relationship.

"Stupid, ai fi putut să-i spus cum te-ai simțit. Dar nu, tu doar a trebuit să facă o altă glumă. ea te urăște deja"
Stupid, I could have told her how I felt. But no, you just had to make another joke. she already hates you "

Știi, am vorbit serios când am spus că nu a fost așa de rău. și poate că ar trebui să-mi spui cum se simt, am putut simți la fel
You know, I meant it when I said you were not so bad. and maybe you should tell me how you feel, I could feel the same

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