Another Universe| Bucky Barnes

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Word Count: 1037

Pairing: Bucky x Tanya Stark (sort of)

Warnings: None

A/n : This was requested by RaptorReject , sorry it took so long. This was a lot of fun to write, thanks for the request, hope you enjoy!!

Third Person POV

As soon as Tony had spilled something in the lab, everyone knew something was wrong. The air felt charged with electricity.

"What the hell did you do this time?"

Natasha spat out angrily. The electronics in the tower were going nuts and turning on and off at random.

"I-I don't know"

He said quietly, trying to get into the system. Suddenly, everything stopped, and figure walked out of the cloud of steam. Everyone's jaws could've but the floor. It was a girl, but she looked exactly like Tony. It was as if someone had giving him a twin sister.

"Ok, this is definitely not the right lab"

She said, looking around in confusion.

"I'll say, who are you?"

Steve spoke up, eyebrows furrowed in curiosity. She looked up at him in amazement.

"I swear, you look so much like someone I know"

He looked even more confused now.

"Wait, you didn't answer his question, who are you?"

She took a deep breath and smoothed out her skirt.

"I'm Tanya Stark"

She said, everyone gasped and looked back at Tony.

"I'm, I'm sorry, did you say "Stark?""


She said, looking around in confusion.

"Wait, is this the alternate universe Pete warned me about?"


Natasha questioned. She made a quick hand motion.

"Never mind that, ok, so, how can you guys send me back?"

"Back where?"

Tony asked, still trying to figure out what was happening. She just rolled her eyes.

"Back to my universe, where I belong"

To everyone was confused was an understatement.

"Well, I can't guarantee that you'll be back soon. But I'll put my best effort into figuring what happened and how to make it happen again"

Tony said, Bruce nodded in agreement and they immediately got to work. Nat just shrugged her shoulders and walked towards her.

"Well, as long as your here, I'll talk to you. It'd be nice to have some female companionship after being surrounded by guys for months"

Wanda laughed in agreement and they led her away. Bucky was staring after her though, and Steve noticed. He chuckled and slapped his shoulder.

"Close your mouth Buck, you might catch flies"

He just smacked his arm away and shook his head.

"Yeah yeah, whatever"

But he still stared off to where she had gone.

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