Soulmate AU| Loki

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Word Count: 1103

Pairing: Loki x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: I'm so so sorry I haven't updated y'all. It's been way too long. Half of the time I was at camp but the other half I was just lazy and I'm really sorry. Here's Lokis part for you guys❤️
Your first day of work as a barista could've gone so much better. You were walking home covered in coffee stains and smelling like a moldy muffin. Oh how you wished you didn't need to have a job. Or maybe you just wished you didn't suck at this one. Either way, you were stuck with it for a while. Living alone in an apartment in New York was not the best decision you had made. You could have at least waited until a couple years after you finished college. But nope, you just had to move right away.

You sighed, dragging your feet as you walked slowly towards home. Having two jobs was the only way you could afford to keep living at your apartment. If you lost one of them you'd probably be living on the street within a month. You felt all the pressure of the situation way down on you. To top it all off, you still hadn't found your soulmate. So the world was just a black and white void. You just wanted to see what color looked like. And have someone to comfort you at times like this. A tear has started to make its way down your cheek and you brushed it away hastily.

It was at times like these you just wanted to curl into a ball and not have to do anything for a while. But you couldn't do that, not when you had so much going on. It seemed the world just wanted to keep you from being happy, and you couldn't do anything about it. You looked at where you were and gasped in shock. You had gone way too far in the wrong direction, you were standing in front of the avengers tower.

You were about to walk away when a woman with long reddish hair opened the door. She smiled warmly at you.

"You must be part of the tour group, they're all inside right now. Come this way"

She opened the door further for you and you blinked.

"No I-"

You stopped yourself. You aren't sure what made you decided to walk through those doors but you did.

"I'm just late. Sorry"

You gave her an apologetic half-smile. She laughed.

"It's fine, here's your group. I'll be with you guys in a moment"

You thanked her and joined the group of people sitting on the white chairs in the waiting area. The area was so clean and orderly you were almost afraid to sit down, worried you might mess it up. The girl sitting next to you smiled in a knowing way.

"It's too clean here, right? I thought I was gonna spill my coffee on it"

You shared and laugh as you say down.

"Yeah, not used to this nice of a place"

You sat for a while, just listening in on the conversations around you. Half the stuff was about wether or not any superheroes would be here. The other about how cute said superheroes were. You rolled your eyes, just waiting for it to start. You were kind of interested in the structure of the building.

The red haired woman walked back into the room quickly.

"Alright everyone, sorry to keep you waiting. We'll start the tour now. My name is Pepper Potts, I'll be showing you all around today. Just a couple of things before we start. Please no touching of any of the technology, including the iron man suits, weapons, and etc. No going in the restricted areas. And only important questions. Now, lets get moving"

The group stood up and followed her as she began walking towards the large elevator. You all filed in behind her. As she began explaining where you were headed and what will be there, you kind of tuned her out.

"I'm gonna be home late tonight. What am I gonna do for supper? How am I going to explain to my boss if I sleep in?"

Those thoughts were rushing through your head and you tried to ignore them.

"This way please"

Pepper said, and you snapped out of your thoughts, following her out of the elevator. You were walking down a hallway and you got distracted by one of the art pieces. Not noticing your group had continued in their walk. For some reason you could have sworn there was a hint of color mixed in with the black and white. But that was ridiculous.

What are the chances you would meet your soulmate in the avengers tower? You turned to follow your group, when you realized they weren't there anymore. You panicked and turned around frantically. Not I won't where to go you quickly walked down the hallway and turned right. You walked right past a "Restricted Area" sign unknowingly.

Your breathing had quickened and you didn't know what to do. You opened the door nearest to you and fell back against it while it shut, breathing heavily. You were just starting to calm down when a smooth voice spoke from the corner.

"Can I help you?"

You screamed, snapping your head back into the door.

"Crap! Ow! I'm so sorry. I'm just gonna-I'll leave"

You turned to open the door and winced as a sharp pain was felt on the back or your head.

"Wait a moment, you're injured. I can't let you leave without at least checking it out"

You sighed, feeling your face turn red.


As you turned around to face the stranger, you gasped. The world around you had bursted into color in seconds. Everything was so... so bright. You looked to see the strangers face and gulped realizing who it was.

"I uh, I'm-"

You were trying to tell him your name, but couldn't quite get the words out. He was Loki. An actual asgardian. And he was... your soulmate? Was that even possible? He chuckled at you speechlessness.

"I suppose you see colors now too? Beautiful isn't it"

You nodded.

"Yes, it is"

But he wasn't talking about the colors.

"Let me check on that injury now"

He spoke, moving towards you. Your blush brightened.

"Oh, it's really fine. I just hit my head, I'll live"

You chuckled nervously. He smiled slowly.

"Well, this is the time when mortals usually exchange names right? I'm Loki, Loki Laufeyson. And you are?"

"Oh, right. My names Y/n, Y/l/n"

He smiled still.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. As much as I enjoy you being in my room right now. May I ask why you're here?"

And as strange as that meeting was, it led to a beautiful relationship.

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