Friends?| Bucky Barnes

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Word Count: 1625

Pairing: Bucky x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: Ok so woah, I'm back. How's it going guys! I hope you like this, it didn't turn out exactly how I thought it would but when does it ever :) enjoy!

You both knew this wasn't going to end up well, but you continued with it anyways. Friends with benefits, who even came up with that term, you wondered. All you knew is that you didn't care as long as you and Bucky were doing what you were doing. Your friendship started out so well, you seemed to get along perfectly. Steve was happy that Bucky had finally made a friend besides him, and the rest of the team was happy that he was finally happy. You hung out all the time, laughed until you cried and just ended up together constantly. The closer you got, the more you could feel the tension build. Occasional quick glances became often long gazes. Short texts became long ones at all hours of the day.

You don't remember what happened to make it start, all you remembered was waking up next to him and not regretting a thing. It was horrible to think about at some times, knowing how much you cared about him would never matter because he didn't feel the same way. How could he? You were just a simple shield agent, there was nothing really interesting about you. You couldn't tell anyone about it, when people saw you walking by all happy they would just assume it was because of the friendship you had, but it was so much more.

You sighed, holding your holds closer to your body as you rode the elevator down from his room. You felt ashamed all of the sudden, you were giving away so much for someone who would never really appreciate it. Your knees started to shake as all the emotions hit you at once.

"This was a mistake"

You whispered to yourself, clutching your worn out chuck Taylor's so hard your knuckles turn white. Your breathing became fast, hard, and uneven. You needed to get home, and you needed to get there fast. Your phone started to ring in your pocket. You tensed up as you realized it was his number. Not answering the phone, you raced to put on your shoes and tie your laces before the elevator reached the main level. Your hands were shaking slightly, mostly because you knew there was a possibility that you'd have to face Bucky if you weren't out of the building fast enough. The elevator dinged and the doors opened and you practically sprinted out of it as fast as you could.

You were rounding the corner of the hallway to the lobby when you heard his voice.


He was calling to you from the door of the stairs. You pretended not to hear and willed your legs to walk you faster. He furrowed his brow in confusion as he started to walk after you.

"Y/n, I think you heard me!"

He yelled again, cracking a smile, thinking you were just messing around. You didn't even turn to look at him as you opened the door of the tower and left. He stopped in his tracks dejectedly, letting your sweatshirt that he was holding drop with his hands. Why didn't you talk to him?

"That was weird"

He mumbled to himself, slowly walking back towards the stairs. You were out on the sidewalks of New York, sprinting to your apartment so you could get ready for work on time.

"Stupid Bucky, stupid bed, stupid me, stupid stupid stupid"

You were muttering angrily. Of course you had to sleep in at someone else's  place, and right before an important day at work. Today was the day it was decided wether or not you were ready to go on a mission with the actual avengers. In the back of your mind, the thought of what happened after last night at buckets was nagging you. Your shoulders slumped and your head dipped as you tried not to think about it anymore.

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