Is That So| Bucky Barnes

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Word count: 984

Pairing: Bucky x Reader

Warnings: Lots of tears and mentions of depression

A/n: Bucky is one of my favorites, so this was a lot of fun to write. Enjoy!

Yeah, you weren't the happiest person on the planet. But you didn't show that side anyone. Everybody thought you were this ray of sunshine, who could never be unhappy. Whenever anyone on the team was down, they'd go and talk to you. But that left you with nobody to talk to when you were down. You weren't "depressed" technically, just, it was hard for you to be genuinely happy.

You must've been a good actor, considering nobody ever thought you were anything but happy. Well, that's what you thought at least. One person had noticed. They noticed every once in a while you'd turn away and stopped smiling for a moment. How sometimes, a tear would slip down its cheek before you could wipe it away.

That person was Bucky. He never said anything to anyone, or to you. It pained him every time he saw you like that. But he didn't know what to do. He couldn't just walk over and casually bring it up. Sighing in frustration, he got up and left the room. You silently watched him go, wondering what was wrong.

Usually you were able to tell what was bothering anyone, it was a sort of power. Like right now, Bucky was struggling with something, but you couldn't exactly pin pint what it was. Steve's aura was concern and sadness. Natasha's was, as usual, sadness with a hint of pain. Clint's was a mix between longing and love. Bruce's was all adoration, with was pretty clear considering he was staring at Natasha. Tony's was all concentration. Thor's was happiness, as it was always. Wanda's was confusion and slight yearning. Pietro's was just a mix of basically everything and moving and switching so fast you didn't even want to try and figure it out. Visions was the same as everyday, calm. Sam's was just plain wonder.

You decided everything was ok here and left to go to your room. You couldn't let anyone see you break, it would hurt them. You shut the door and collapsed on the bed, tears stinging the corners of your eyes. You cried for a while, thinking no one could hear you. But you were wrong.

Bucky sat outside the door, his heart wrenching with your every sob. He wanted to bust in there and hug you till you couldn't breathe, and tell you how beautiful you were to him. But he couldn't. The thought of you hurting made his head dizzy. He couldn't think of life without you happy. He noticed you never once let anyone ask if you were ok.

He had never said anything, and now he wished he had. Pretty soon, the pain of hearing you cry out weighed his anxiety and he opened the door slowly. His heart broke as he saw you laying there. Pillow pushes up to your face, body trembling. You didn't sense him coming in.


He asked softly. You looked up, not even bothering to hide your tears. They were streaked down your face in stripes of white and red. Your hair a mess. But to him, you were still the most beautiful thing in his life.

"What is it buck?"

You asked softly, sitting up and wrapping your arms around the pillow. He stood there awkwardly for a moment before moving to sit next to you.

"I, I just wanted to make sure you were ok"

He said, looking into your eyes, his filled with concern. You sighed.

"Yeah, I'm fi-"

"Y/n, please don't lie to me"

His voice pleaded. Your eyes watered up again. He didn't want you to cry. He suddenly wrapped his arms around you and held you to his chest as you sobbed. It was all you needed to release everything that had been pent up over the months. All the angst and emotion you couldn't reveal in front of everyone. All the sadness, the anger. Everything. He sat there with you, rocking you back and forth and kissing the top of your head.

You pulled away after a while. He wished you hadn't, he loved the feeling of holding you in his arms.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have... never mind"

You said, looking down at your hands. He furrowed his brow.

"It's ok Y/n, I know you think everyone else here should be happy before you. But that's not true. It hurts me to see you this sad. I'm always here if you need to... to cry again"

He smiled softly. You giggled a little.

"Thank you Buck, that means a lot. It's just, everyone expects me to be so happy. And I can't let them down. I don't want to break down in front of them because then they would pity me, and I don't want that. I just want to be happy, truly happy, for once"

His heart broke at your words. He wanted to be happy, with all his heart. His brain raced and he fidgeted nervously.

"You know, I want you to be happy Y/n. What if, if we tried to make you happy together?"

The innocence in his question melted your heart. His eyes were bright and hopeful, and you wanted nothing more than to say yes. So you did.

"That sounds great."

His face lit up and he pulled you into his arms, swinging you around the room. You laughed, genuinely, for the first time in a long time. He looked down at you and smiled as you pulled his face down for a sweet kiss.

Meanwhile, the whole team was watching through Tony's camera system. They were all stunned

"No way, terminator and Y/n?"

Tony said, gaping at the camera. Steve handed Natasha 20 bucks with a grin as she smirked.

"That's my Buck"

Steve said, leaving the room. Sam followed, shaking his head. To say that everyone was invested in your relationship was an understatement.

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