Cold| Peter Quill

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Word Count: 622

Pairing: Peter x reader

Warning: Just that it's really really sad

A/n: Enjoy
Cold, that's what he felt. It's only been cold since she was gone.

He was sitting in his room on the ship, head in his hands. The blankets still smelled like her. Everything was just like it was when she was there.

But she wasn't.

"It's always so cold in here, we need more blankets." Y/n had said, carrying in a stack while wearing a huge sweatshirt and slippers.
"I know something we could do to warm up"
He had replied, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Shut up you perv"
She had said, smacking him.

A year had passed since then. A year full of love and sadness, good times and bad times. And then, like that, everything was gone.

A tear slipped down his cheek, he should've been able to stop it. She should be sitting next to him right now.

"Come on Peter, walk faster"
She had said, a twinkle in her eye. She was leading him to who knows where, but he would follow her anywhere if she asked him to. He would do anything for her.

He was shaking now, the tears falling fast.

He couldn't stop thinking about her, she was the light of his life, the only thing that mattered to him.

"I love you Peter, you know that right?"
He had smiled, kissing the top of her head.
"Of course I do, but I love you more"
She has scoffed
"I doubt that's possible"
He pulled her closer to him
"But it is, because I do"

He stood up and looked out the window. All that was out there was dark and cold. Everything was different without her. Nothing was happy anymore. All the light was gone from the world, it left with her. Everyone told him he would get over her, but he knew he wouldn't.

"Peter, if you don't stop tickling me, I'll chop your fingers off"
He pouted
"But then I couldn't hold your hand"
She blushed.
"That's too cheesy"
He smirked
"I'm only cheesy when it comes to you"
She had laughed at the awful joke.
"It's a good thing I love you, or you'd be dead by now"

He had tried to stop moping around, because he knew she wouldn't want him to. But that was impossible. He had become cold and mechanical, killing everything in sight. But he realized how she would've reacted, and had stopped. They were all worried about him, but he told them he would be fine.

The reality was that he wasn't fine. He would never be fine. Not without her there.

"I wonder what our children are gonna look like"
He had choked then
She looked up at him curiously
"Yeah, children, or do you not want them?"
He stuttered
"I mean, I do just, not right now"
She had laughed then
"You're cute when you're stuttering"

He smile softly at the memory. How he wished he had wanted kids back then. Maybe if he had, they would look like her. He could have something of theirs forever.

"Peter, I need you to listen to me, I'm not gonna make it, and you're not gonna waste your life trying to be a hero and save me, ok?"
"Y/n, I can't just leave you there, there's got to be a way to get you out, I know it"

"Peter, it's ok, just let me go, I love you so much, always remember that. Remember me"
"Y/n! No, I love you, you can't leave me"
It was too late, she was already gone.

"I will never forget you Y/n, you're always gonna be here"
He said, pressing his hand against the window.

She was gone, and the world was cold

Just cold

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