Road Trip| Steve Rogers

8.4K 168 303

Word Count: 1180

Pairing: Steve x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: This was requested by the amazing @hobbity_hobbit_ Thanks so much for the request! I hope you enjoy
Having a road trip with a bunch of superheroes in one van may not have been the best of ideas. But you were determined to make it happen.

"Ok, Steve and I will take turns driving, because we don't want any car accidents happening this time."

You spoke, giving tony a pointed look. He raised his hands in defense.

"Hey, it's not my fault I have ADHD"

You just rolled your eyes.

"Can everyone please make sure they have everything before we get started. And Clint, if you ask 'are we there yet' even once this time you'll be sorry"

You said, as Clints hand was raised. He just smirked and slid down in his seat.

"Alright, now that that's over with, everyone sit down because we're leavening now"

You finished, moving to the front and getting in the drivers seat. Steve was already sitting in the passenger seat, a map spread out on his knees.

"You know you don't need that. I have google maps on my phone"

You said, laughing softly.

"Yeah, well, don't blame me when we get lost. I don't trust those things."

He said, gesturing towards your phone. You just kept laughing and started to drive. The trip mostly consisted of Steve playing popular songs he had missed out on. Ranging from the 60's to now. You didn't mind, and jammed out to most of them. Steve was surprised and just watched you most of the time.

You had switched places about halfway through, because Steve had noticed your eyes dropping and you trying to stay awake.

"Alright, I'll take it from here"

He said, and you pulled into a gas station. You switched spots.

"There's a bathroom at this place, right?"

Clint spoke from the backseat. You just rolled your yes and replied with a yes. You tried to fall asleep as everyone filed out to but snacks and use the restroom. Steve watched you with a small smile on his face. You looked so peaceful when you were asleep, he thought. He made sure to only play soft music the rest of the way, and even went as far as to keep the others from getting too loud.

Cling raised his eyebrows and elbowed Tony, who just rolled his eyes. But spoke after a while. What was said was drowned out but the sound of Steve starting the engine. Surprisingly, nothing eventful happened the rest of the ride.

"Hey, Y/n, we're. Wake up"

Steve was saying softly, trying to shake you awake.

"I'm awake, I'm awake"

You said, shooting up. He chuckled and got out.

"Alright everyone, we're here, please get out and stretch your legs by carrying in the luggage"

Steve said, everyone scrambled to get out before the others. Pietro just pushed past everyone and took a couple laps around the lake before helping, which earned him a glare from Wanda.

You got out and just breathed in the fresh air. This was the lake your family would always go to each year. Two large log cabins stood facing the lake. A small boathouse was just off shore. And a small fishing dock looked out onto the water. The beach was filled with kayaks, canoes, and a few paddle boats.

You smiled as you could practically see you and your brothers racing eachother around the campfire as your dad stood fishing on the dock. And your mom watching you all with a smile on her face from her green lawn chair. A tear slipped down your cheek as you slipped into your thoughts.

"Hey, you ok?"

Steve had walked up beside you, raising and eyebrow at your tears. You turned to face him, wiping the tear off your cheek.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just..... my family used to come here every year. Just remembering it all"

You said. He just nodded, knowing exactly what you were feeling. Your family had been killed almost 8 years ago. You were experimented on by the Hydra agents who had murdered them. That's how you had gotten your power of speed. Not as fast as Pietro, but with the added ability of invisibility. It was your classic sob story of a back round. But it was your life.

"Hey, what do you say we go swimming?"

Steve suddenly spoke. You laughed softly and nodded, rushing to change into your swimsuit. The "swim" turned into a water gun fight. Courtesy of Sam, who had 'accidentally' pulled Buckys hair. That eventually turned into a chicken fight, you on Steve's shoulders verses Nat and Bruce. You had won, knowing that Bruce was secretly tickleish and made Steve attack his weak spot. And that lead to a water fight. Which was basically Pietro splashing everyone by running as fast as he could around in the water. You actually got him once by surprise.

As everyone got out of the water, Wanda suddenly spoke up.

"I'm going to sound really cheesy for saying this, but could we have a campfire? I've never had one as a kid and I just want to know what it's like"

Clint just silently pulled smores ingredients out of his bag, heading towards the fire ring. You laughed and followed him, dragging Steve behind you.

You all spent the next few hours telling stories and singing songs around the fire. Tony had insisted it was too cheesy for awhile, before Clint threatened him with an arrow and he joined in.

Everything was reminding you of your family, and your old life, so you got up quickly and moved towards the lake. Your families faces flashed through your mind as you thought back to then. Tears fell to the ground and you crossed your arms around yourself for warmth.

"Are you ok?"

A voice sounded from behind you. You whirled around to face Steve as he was walking towards you. You nodded, trying to wipe away your tears.

"Yeah, just.... memories"

He nodded, but moved closer and wrapped his arms around you. You hesitated before leaning into the embrace, crying softly into his chest. You looked up at him after a moment.

"I'm sorry, everyone is so happy and I'm just ruining everything"

"No, no you're not Y/n. You're just letting your emotions out."

You nodded, and before you knew what was happening, his lips were on yours and he was kissing you. You were shocked and stuff for a moment before melting into it. He pulled away after a beat.

"Look, I know now is not the best time. But I have to tell you something. I really like you Y/n, heck, I probably love you. I know you probably don't feel the same way but I just had to tell you"

You rolled your eyes.

"Of course I feel the same way, do you think I would've let you kiss me if I didn't?"

He chuckled quietly and pulled you to him, kissing your forehead.

Back by the campfire, Clint was smirking and held his hand out.

"Screw you"

Tony said, handing him 20 bucks before pouring and walking off.

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