Day Off| Peter Parker

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Word Count: 910

Pairing: Peter x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: This was requested by the wonderful @Marvelitee Thank you so much for the request. Sorry it took so long. I hope you enjoy!
Having a superhero for a boyfriend was probably the most stressful thing on the planet. You never knew when he was going to leave, or even worse, if he was going to come back.

Sure, you trusted the Tony Stark to keep him safe, but not that much. You sighed as you blew a piece of hair off your forehead, staring out the window. Of course he had to go off to some foreign country two days before your birthday.

Bad guys didn't neccesarily have the best timing, but it's not like you expected them to. You just wished they would've waited a couple days, was that to much to ask for? You didn't think so.

"Come on Pete, you're taking forever"

You whispered to yourself. The last thing you wanted to do was cry, but yet, a tear was making its way down your cheek. You huffed and rubbed it away in frustration. You guessed it was your fault, for falling in love with him in the first place. You could've picked a normal guy, but no, you had to go and pick the Spider-Man.

But that was just your luck, you didn't have any. But that's not saying he wasn't perfect in every boyfriend way possible except for timing. A smile was creeping onto your face at the thought of him.

Just threw days ago he had gotten you up to the top of the Empire State Building, which was amazing. And had even thought to bring a picnic, well, that wasn't all him. You had a thought aunt may had helped out. Soft laughter sounded in your room at the thought.

He was pretty great, when he was here. Going to school wasn't half as bad when you knew he was going to be there. You smiled way more when he was around, that's for sure. He may not always know what to say, but he managed to make you laugh constantly. He was always there to make you smile when you thought you were gonna cry. Except when he wasn't.

Suddenly, someone knocked on your window. You jumped and nearly fell to the ground at the sound. Peter was laughing at you through the glass.

"You jerk!"

You yelled as you helped him inside and threw your arms around him.

"Hello to you too Y/n"

He muttered sarcastically. You smacked his arm then saw him wince.

"Peter! Are you bleeding?!?"

You exclaimed, quickly pulling up his sleeve.


You rolled your eyes and put pressure on the wound with your shirt.

"That's not a question that you answer with a question you dingus"

He snorted out a laugh as you bit your lip in concentration.

"What did you even do to yourself this time?"

You asked, turning and walking to your desk. You had kept a bunch of medical supplies in there recently.

"Oh, nothing, just a couple of aliens. I got them back real good though"

You raised an eyebrow as you turned around.


He laughed and nodded, rubbing the back of his next.

"Yeah, I know it's hard to believe. Mr. Stark said he'd dealt with them before though. They were pretty easy to take down"

You just sighed and walked back to him. As you set down the supplies and began to work, you felt Peters eyes on you. You looked up to meet his gaze and he looked away quickly, a blush covering his cheeks.

"Why are you staring at me?"

You asked with a smirk, just wanting to fluster him.

"I-um, well, you see- It's just, you're so pretty"

He barely choked out, looking away again in embarrassment. Your cheeks tingled a bit at the complement.

"You're not too bad yourself Pete"

You said, winking as you went on with the bandage. He just laughed a little, relieved he hadn't said something wrong.

"There, you're all patched up, try not to need it again too soon"

You joked, poking his chest. He just smiled and wrapped his arms around you.

"What would I do without you Y/n?"

He mumbled into your hair. You smiled.

"You'd probably have a lot of hospital bills. And a lot less hugs"

He chuckled.

"I really do like your hugs"

You looked up at him with a smile bright on your face. His eyes locked with yours and his gaze softened as he leaned down. Your lips met in a sweet kiss, and you leaned into it.

"You wouldn't get any of those either"

You mumbled into his chest after he had pulled away. He just laughed and pulled you closer.

"You didn't forget what today was did you?"

You asked after a while. You felt him freeze for a moment. You looked up worriedly before you saw a smile on his face.

"Of course I didn't forget your birthday. I got you something, here"

He said as he dug through his bag. He pulled out a small charm. You squealed as you grabbed it. Pulling the bracelet out of your drawer, you put the small charm on it. Next to all the others he had gotten on his trips.

"It's the perfect addition"

You said, admiring how it looked.

"Good, I couldn't find one for a while but luckily they had some at the airport"

You just smiled and pulled him in for another kiss.

"I love you Peter"

He relaxed and smiled against your lips.

"I love you too"

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