Not That Bad| Loki Laufeyson

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Word Count: 854

Pairing: Loki x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: This was requested by the wonderful MariasLife2003 , thank you so much for the request. This was really fun to write and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I hope you enjoy!
It was an average day at the tower, besides the shouting match that was happening downstairs. Tony and Steve were getting into anther argument about wether or not Loki was safe to have at the tower.

You thought he had changed, as did Bruce and Steve, but even his own brother still didn't trust him. Thankfully Thor wasn't there at the moment or the yelling would get even louder very fast.

You still didn't understand why they didn't trust him, he had been nothing but civil while he's been here. I mean sure, he wasn't the best guy in the world, but he had been pretty decent. The thought of him brought a blush to your cheeks that you quickly willed away.

Ok, you really liked him. More than you wanted to admit. But it didn't matter, he definitely did not share your feelings. You sighed as you looked out the window. Of course you had to like the one guy who had probably never like anyone in his lifetime.

The shouting was still going on, and it was progressively getting louder. You had had enough of it, and had made up your mind to just March down the stairs and tell them to stop. But you knew it wouldn't work.

A soft tapping on your door drew you away from your thoughts.

"Come in"

You said, not bothering to get up.

"Y/n, I've come to beg you to shut up the idiots who are screaming at each other down there"

Clint pleaded from your doorway. You sighed again.

"You know they won't listen to me"

He frowned

"I beg to differ, I'm pretty sure if you raised your voice they'd stop pretty quick"

You chuckled and got up hesitantly.

"I mean, if you really want me to-"

Before you had even finished your sentence he had grabbed your arm and pulled you out to down the stairs.

When you had reached the bottom the yelling had just gotten louder. Steve and Tony stood screaming at each other and Loki stood off in the corner, looking extremely bored but slightly nervous.

"I don't care if you think he's changed, he's still the guys that tried to take over New York and nearly killed everyone!"

Tony was shouting as Steve just rolled his eyes.

"You keep saying that, and yes, he did. But if he wanted to try again don't you think he would have done it already. People change Tony, you did, I have, it happens"

Tony was about to reply when you cleared your throats and moved to push them away from each other.

"Boys, that's enough. I don't give a crap about what you think and I don't want to here another word out of you. Loki is here now, that's not going to change, and he's not going to do anything, and even if he did, we're the freaking avengers, we could take him down in the blink of an eye. So shut up and stop yelling at each other or I swear I'm going to lose my hearing. Besides, he's not that bad, not enough to divide us at least!"

You had started out pretty calm but by the end you were shouting a little. They blinked slowly and just stood there as you took a deep breath and walked away.

When you were halfway to your room you heard someone running to catch up to you. You sighed and turned around.

"Tony, or Steve, if one of you is trying to change my mind I'm gonna- oh, um, hey"

It wasn't Tony or Steve, it was Loki. He stood smirking at you for a bit.

"I just came to say thank you, I probably would've had to endure hours of those morons having a shouting match if it weren't for you."

You tried to listen but all you could think about was his eyes, and his face, and everything about him. You cleared your throat.

"Oh, yeah, it was no big deal"

He nodded, and a glint appeared in his eye.

"Did you mean it when you said I was "not that bad"?"

He asked, smirking. Your face went red and your brain scrambled for an answer.

"I-well, I mean-"

You were backing up against the wall as he was moving forward. He leaned in closer.

"I wouldn't mind if you did think that, in fact, I'd be happy"

He was really close now, so close your mind went blank.

"Well, I don't know how to-"

You were cut off by his lips pressing softly against yours. Your head was spinning as you leaned into it. He pulled away and started to walk down the hallway.

"You know, you're 'not that bad' either to be honest"

He said, turning to wink at you. You stood there dazed for a moment, trying to process what had just happened. A smiled touched your face and you leaned into the wall, a small, satisfied sigh escaped your lips.

Well, that's was definitely not how you expected your day to go. But it was way better than you could have thought.

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