Silence| Loki Laufeyson

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Word Count: 1054

Pairing: Loki x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: This was requested by YourSugoiStrawberry  , thanks for the request, I really really enjoyed writing this. I hope you like it!
Being mute was, well, it wasn't easy. Everyone pitied you, but you hated it. You didn't want pity, not at all. As you walked through the streets of New York, you saw people say, then give you strange looks when you didn't respond. It was what made you fall sleep crying almost every night.

But they didn't know why you were this way, and no one ever would. If you told them it was because.. because you'd rather not talk. They'd call you, they'd call you so many things. Selfish, rude, and so much more. You didn't want that either. And that's why you haven't spoken for years.

Even when you became an avenger, you would only write what you wanted to say. Natasha had figured out you weren't actually mute. But she had promised not to tell anyone.

People just didn't understand why you didn't want to speak, they would tell you it's impossible. But if you had managed to do it for this long, it couldn't be that hard. Sure, there were times you almost wanted to say something. But you never did.

You were in the gym, beating the crap out of a punching bag. It was the only way released stress, it's not like you could yell or shout it all out. If you did that, there would be so many questions. Too many questions.

"Geez, what's up with you?"

Natasha asked, setting her bag down and moving to the bag next to you. You just continued punching, putting all your anger behind your fists. The bag ripped off the hook and fell to the ground. That was your power, some super strength, and speed. You picked it up off the ground and tossed it to the side of the room. As you picked up a new one and started to hang it up, she touched your shoulder.

"Seriously Y/n, are you ok?"

You sighed, but nodded.

'I'm just tired'

You signed. She nodded, moving back to her bag. She only knew sign language because of Clints hearing. You both went back to punching and kicking with all your might.

Later that day, you were in the infirmary, trying to tend to your bleeding knuckles.

I knew I should've taped them, why do I have to be so stubborn

You thought to yourself, hissing as you applied the ointment.

"It seems stubbornness is a common trait amongst humans"

A low voice spoke from behind you. You jumped and whirled around, fist ready. It was a man, definitely not from earth. His green robes almost touched the ground, and his eyes flashed in humor as he moved closer.

"If you're wondering how I knew what you were thinking, I dabble in mind reading every so often"

You just rolled your eyes and turned back to your task, picking up a couple band aids.

"I believe I spoke to you, won't you be polite enough to respond?"

He said, furrowing his brow. His eyes were a deep shade of green, you noticed. And his hair fell just right across his forehead.

'You wish, I don't have time for you"

You signed, grinning as you knew he didn't know what you were saying.

"What was that?"

He asked, but you were already leaving the room.

The next day, you were in the kitchen making food when he walked in. You stiffened and tried to hurriedly finish what you were doing. He made you want to say something, for the first time in a long time.

"Oh, its you. Well, save your rudeness for a different time please"

He said, turning to leave the room. You wanted him to stay for some reason, but he walked away and you bit your tongue.

"You like him, don't you?"

Nat was standing next to you suddenly, you sighed and nodded your head.

'What's his name?"

You signed to her, your food all but forgotten. She smirked.

"Loki, he's Thors adopted brother. Remember the guy from New York? That's him"

You blinked.

'He's less evil than I thought he would be, he's more, cute'

You signed, blushing a little. She just rolled her eyes.

"Maybe you should, I don't know, say something to him?"

She said softly, watching your face for your reaction. You took in a deep breath.

'You know, I might do that'

You signed, leaving the kitchen. She smiled and silently applauded herself.

You were wondering around the tower, trying to see if you could find him. Finally, you spotted him in the library.

Ok, calm down. Just walk in there like you haven't been looking for him for the past hour

You walked in, hands a little sweaty. He glanced up at you for a moment, before returning his gaze to his book. You walked past and pretended to look for a book on the shelves. You took a deep breath and turned around.

"Ok, I know we started on the wrong foot. Could I talk to you for a second?"

Your voice sounded wrong, all croaky and shaky. It was accented weird, but then again, you haven't talked for years, it was going to sound weird.  He gestured to the seat next to him. You sat down.

"So, I guess I'll start with my name. I'm Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n. I already know who you are, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry I didn't talk to you. I actually haven't talked to anyone for quite a long time. And I don't know why but when you walked in I had to say something. So, that's all, sorry for interrupting your reading"

You had started to stand up, but he touched your arm, and you sat back down. A shock went through your body as his hand connected with your skin.

"It's alright Y/n, you haven't offended me in any way. Thank you for clearing that up"

You nodded.

"No problem, well, I'd better be going"

You nodded to him as you left, your arm still tingling from his touch. As you left the room you saw the avengers all standing there with their mouths open.

"Since when can you talk?"

Clint asked, you rolled your eyes.

"Since I wanted to Barton, it's none of your business"

Tony snorted out a laugh as you walked away.

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