Ours| Steve Rogers

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Word Count: 1033

Pairing: Steve x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: Just that I really hope you guys enjoy it!


You sat rocking your two day old daughter on the rocking chair your mother had bought for you. You were waiting for Steve to come home.

You couldn't wait for him to see your daughter. As of right now, he didn't even know she existed.

He'd been on a mission for about 2 months now. When he left, you were still very much so pregnant. You smiled softly, imagining what his reaction would be. When you had first found out you were pregnant, he had been so happy.

He immediately went and called the team. Almost screaming with joy at the fact he was going to be a father. For months he had carefully built the nursery. He had hand crafted each item. He spent every spare moment he had working on them.

The crib was so detailed, as was everything he had made. You knew your daughter was going to have the most loving father anyone could have.

You remembered the day you had both painted the nursery. You had just found out it was a girl. He had rushed to the hardware store to find the perfect shade of pink. Tony still had the picture of the text he sent him.

"Hey Tony, do you think a little girl would prefer ballet slipper or rose for a paint color"

He sent it along with a picture of the two paint samples. You didn't think you'd ever seen Tony laugh harder.

When it came to picking out clothes, Steve was all for it. You had laughed so hard at seeing the super soldier debating over which onesie was the best color. It was the cutest moment. Your heart had welled up as you picked out the tiny pink shoes.

You could still remember what he had said the day he found out.

"I'm gonna be a dad. We're gonna be parents. I'm going to treasure this little boy or girl with all my heart."

He had cried awhile. Then said

"What if it's both?!"

You had laughed and kissed him softly then. He had run off to tell everyone and you sat there, heart overflowing with emotions.

When he had to leave for the mission, he had cried.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I wish I didn't have to leave you right now"

Tears welled up in your eyes

"It's ok Steve, but you had better get back here fast or you'll regret it"

He laughed

"Of course I will doll, I'll be back before you know it"

Fast forward to now, you rocking in the chair. You still hadn't named your daughter, as you wanted Steve to be there when you did. You sighed, Natasha had told you he'd be back today. She just hadn't told you when.

Not knowing when he was coming was killing you. Your baby shifted in your arms and you looked down, admiring her face. She had Steve's blue eyes, that's for sure. And his hair. But she had your nose and mouth, and smile.

You smiled down at her.

"Well, no use keeping her up till he gets here"

You whispered to yourself, putting her down in her crib. You sat down on the couch, waiting for hours till he came back. Until finally, at 1:30 am, you heard the door open. Your heart leapt and you got up slowly. Steve was standing in the doorway.

"Hey Soldier, I missed you"

His face lit up and he walked quickly towards.

"I missed you so much doll"

He whispered, hugging you to his chest. He pulled back, frowning.

"Wait a second, there's a lot less... baby, in you. Did something happen?"

His voice rose in fear. You giggled.

"Something happened, come here."

You led him towards the nursery, anxious for him to see her. You stopped and let him walk inside. He drew in a breath when he saw her in her crib.

"Is that, is it our?"

You giggled

"Yes Steve, it's your daughter"

His face was full of wonder as he walked towards her. He stared at her for a moment, seemingly speechless from the shock.

"Can, can I hold her?"

He asked, breathlessly.

"She's your daughter, just don't drop her. Unlike the laptop, we don't have a warranty on her"

He rolled his eyes

"I won't drop her"

He picked her up, gently, almost scared to move or else he would break her. You moved towards him, a smile on your face.

"She's so cute, she looks just like you"

He said, smiling softly. You frowned

"So I look like an old grumpy bald man?"

"Don't sat our daughter looks like an old grumpy bald man"

He scolded, you giggled softly.

"Did you name her yet?"

"No, I thought you should be here for that"

He nodded, looking thoughtful.

"How about, Reanna?"

He asked, making you smile. That had always been your favorite name.
(If you want a different, just pretend it's not that)

"I like it"

You said, leaning your head on his shoulder, looking down at your little girl.

"Reanna Rogers, has a nice ring to it"

He said, a smile creeping onto his face.

"That it does"

"Hey Reanna, I'm your dad. I'm gonna be the best dad, I promise. I love you so much already little one, and I'm sure that love will fire as time goes on"

He said, a tear slipping down his cheek. You couldn't help but cry as well. This was the perfect moment, your family was altogether. You couldn't wait to live your life with the ones you loved the most.

"I love you Steve, I love you so much"

He set Reanna down and turned to you, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I love you too Y/n, more than anything"

"More than Reanna?"

You grinned. He smiled

"Equally to Reanna"

He leaned down and kissed you softly, you wrapped your arms around him. You couldn't believe how much you love him, and now you had a little girl with him. Since the day you'd met him to the day you married him, he still managed to make you weak in the knees every time he smiled.

"Welcome home Steve"

You whispered.

"Welcome home."

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