Soulmate AU| Thor

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Word Count: 1275

Pairing: Thor x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: So here's Thors chapter. It turned out a lot longer than I planned, but I hope you enjoy!
If there ever was something more frustrating to you, it was waiting. Waiting for anything, which is why having this timer on the inside of your wrist was torture. It was bad enough you had to wait to find them, but knowing when you were but not being able to go there was impossible. That's why you'd decided to ignore it for the time being.

It's not like you had time to think about it anyways, being a maid in the palace didn't exactly give you much time for rest. Not that you were complaining, it paid well, you always had food and a place to sleep. And the head maid was like a mother to you, it was basically the best thing that could have happened to an orphan like you.

Your parents had died when frost giants had attacked the palace, your father had been the head of the army. He led them into battle, but that had cost him his life. Your mother had died protecting you from one of them, you could still hear the last words she had spoken sometimes. They echoed softly in your head.

"I love you my darling, always remember that"

A tear slipped from your cheek and onto the marble floor you were scrubbing. You hurriedly wiped your face and continued your work faster than before.

"Are you alright Y/n?"

Flora muttered from beside you. She was a maid alongside of you, you were both orphans, and she had become your closest friend in the time you had spent together. You nodded, blinking fast as to get rid of the tears.

"Yes, I was just, thinking about..."

You trailed off and you felt her hand squeeze your shoulder comfortingly.

"It's alright Y/n, it's alright"

You gave her a watery smile and you both continued on with your work. You were hoping to finish earlier so you might have time to get ready for the feast that was being held tonight. The Prince was returning from his many battles as he traveled across the nine realms. There has been many feasts in his honor, but you had never been invited.

You had this time, and yes, it was to be a server, but you could be there. And that's all you cared about. You had heard so many tales of the fun and laughter they were. Plus, the timer on your wrist was due to end tonight, and you figured you'd have more of a chance meeting him there than sitting in your room listening to the music drift through the windows.

You had finally finished cleaning your assigned area and rushed to to your room to clean up and prepare for the night.

"Flora, I need help. I have no idea what to do with my hair"

You said to her in a panic, brushing through your hair fiercely. She laughed and pulled the brush out of your hands.

"You're going to pull it all out if you keep that up"

You sighed and giggled, she was right about that.

"Yes, but you see, I'm going to meet him tonight"

She gasped.

"Let me see your wrist"

She said, in awe. You blushed and held it out for her to see.


It read, which meant three hours and twenty three minutes. She smiled widely at you.

"That's wonderful Y/n!"

She squealed.

"We have to make you look more beautiful than you already do, you're going to take his breath away for sure"

You laughed again and ducked your head.

"I hope so"

You spent about an hour getting ready before you were both called down to the kitchen to prepare the food. You felt like a princess in the hairstyle Flora had given you. It was pulled up in the back, the rest curled and laying on your shoulders. The hair that was pulled up was in the shape of a rose. Your dress was a simple servants gown but it would have to do. You basically floated around the kitchen, making everyone around you laugh.

"You best slow down before you run into something"

Mira, the head maid, scolded you. But you saw a twinkle in her eyes and the corners of her mouth twitching up. The time came for the feast to start and you could hardly control your excitement.

The time had come for another feast, another day to celebrate him. But he didn't feel like celebrating. He felt like going to bed and not waking up for awhile. Or at least until he felt better, or maybe till the darned timer on his wrist was close to ending. No matter how many quests he went on, how many enemies he defeated, he still felt empty. He felt a hole inside of him that couldn't be filled.

He sighed, his hands resting on the balcony ledge. You would think he would be happy, with everything he had. But he couldn't seem to find that joy that everyone around him seemed to possess.

"Thor, darling, they are waiting for you"

His mother spoke softly from behind him. He pulled his lips into a false smile.

"I'm coming mother, let us walk together"

He held out his arm and they walked down together.

The timer on your wrist had gotten down to 15 minutes. You could hardly breathe because of your excitement and anxiety.

"What, what if he doesn't like me?"

You asked Mira softly. She scoffed and squeezed your hand.

"If a man didn't like you he'd have to be daft"

You giggled and she let a rare smile slip onto her face.

"Now go, here's a platter, bring it to the main table"

You sucked in a breath.

"The main table?"

You asked, shaking slightly.

"Yes, the main table. Now get a move on will ya"

She gave you a soft nudge out the kitchen door and you gripped onto the platter. Making your way slowly the the table where the prince and his comrades sat. You didn't even notice your timer had gone down to 1 minute. Your steps were slow and shaky, you tried to keep your face in a neutral state. You had reached the table and set the tray down. As soon as it hit the soft wood, two loud chimes sounded through the room.

You gasped and looked down to your now glowing tattoo. You looked up and met crystal blue eyes, you gulped nervously. There was no way the prince of Asgard was your soulmate. The dining hall was silent as you stood shaking, he stood up and made his way towards you.

You bowed, but he grasped your shoulders and pulled you up out of it.

"You need not bow to me my lady"

The prince should not be calling you that, you were a simple maid. You looked up again and saw a soft smile on his face.

For the first time in a long time, the hole inside of him felt full, his heart was warm. He let a genuine smile cross onto his lips.

"What is your name my lady?"

He asked, moving to grab her hands.

"It's Y/n, my- sir"

He found her nervousness adorable.


He liked the sound of it. They stood staring at each other for a while, before he suddenly started walking towards the door, pulling her along with him.

"Come, Lady Y/n, I think we should get to know each other better, if we are truly soulmates"

His voice sounded wonderful to your ears. You just smiled and followed him. You would follow him anywhere he asked.

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