Broke Me|Tony Stark

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Word Count: 1267

Warnings: Kind of- well, really sad

Pairing: Tony x Reader

A/n: I'm back!! And I'm also in a weird sad mood so be prepared for some angst. Enjoy!
The beginning is always the best part, it's always the part your mind flashes back to during the rough patches. Back to the laughing as you walk down the beach, the flutter of butterflies as your hands brush against each other for the first time. The scent of your perfume or the feeling of his sweatshirt that you stole. That's what we all want it to be like all the time. But the nerves go away eventually, the harshness of reality settles in and she realizes how silly it was to think things were going to stay that way. The little annoying quirks that used to seem so adorable turn into things he can't stand. The leaving of the dishes in the sink or leaving the lights on went from annoying to almost unbearable. Conversations about the day changed from entertaining and energetic to dull and lifeless. As if it was too much to muster the energy to even talk about things anymore.

The texting went from constantly happening and full of laughter and nervous energy to simple grocery requests every couple of days. The pictures that were posted seemed less and less abundant and even less happy as time passed. As they walk down the street and he reaches out to grab your hand you pull it away and his shoulders droop slightly. You wonder why he won't talk about things anymore. He wonders why you don't ask to go out anymore. The space in-between you as you sit on the couch seemed to grow bigger every day. The silent communication that used to seem so comfortable now felt cold, distant almost. The silence during meals seemed to grow loud somehow, filling the room with a cold air.

And then one day you decided it would be best for you to live at your sisters house for awhile, maybe some space would help. He agreed, and you were gone within a week. The only items of yours that stayed behind was your old hairbrush, that had been forgotten under the sink a long time ago, and the birthday cake scented candle you had bought the day you moved into the tower, he remembered you telling him you bought it to remind of how much you loved birthday cake. The next couple days blurred together for him, the days turned into nights and then back into days again. Messages were delivered and left un-responded, calls were ignored and voicemails were left behind. His eyes grew weary from the late nights he spent waiting for a reply. The pile of coffee mugs filled up the sink, the garbage full of instant meal packages. His 5 o'clock shadow grew into a full beard. You had  never liked it when he didn't shave, he thought as his hands ran through his hair shakily as he sat at the table, coffee in hand as he stared at his phone. Just waiting, hoping, even praying it would go off. He eventually gave up and sent a "goodnight" and retreated to the pile of projects he wanted to work on and stayed there until morning.

Teardrops threatened to fall down your cheeks as your phone chimed again. You didn't even look at it, already knowing who it was and what he had said. It would be the same message he had sent every night for the past month, a simple goodnight. Now the tears were falling, dripping off of your cheeks and onto the blanket you had wrapped around yourself for comfort. You didn't know why you weren't responding. Maybe you didn't want to admit to yourself that it was over, you didn't want to see him again only to tell him it was over. He had to know that it wasn't working anymore, it was obvious to you. Maybe he didn't want to admit it either. Maybe he wanted to believe it could be fixed, that he could just say "I love you" enough times for you to come back to him.

The summer breezes turned into Autumn winds, he had all but given up hope. Then one night after he had sent the text, he stood up from the table only to hear his phone chime and sit back down immediately. He hastily grabbed his phone and looked at the screen, only to feel his heat sink down into his stomach.

"We need to talk...."

Those were the four terrifying words that stared back at him from the screen. You decided on day and time to meet. His footsteps were slow and deliberate as he made his way towards the small cafe. His heart jumped when he saw you, looking as beautiful as he had remembered. Your hair drifting slightly in the wind as you opened the door and walked in. He quickly followed suite, his heart beating fast as he grew nearer to you. He opened his mouth to speak, but is was as if he had forgotten how. He heard your voice as you ordered your drink, and watched you move to sit at a table. His hands shook as he made his way over to you.

Your legs were shaking the table when you looked up and saw him, your heart almost broke when you saw his face. You saw the bags under his eyes, his sad eyes. The beard that covered his jaw, you remembered telling him to shave it off months ago. You bit your lip, willing yourself to stop crying. He sat down slowly, and you noticed his shaky hands. 


He said, slowly drawing out the word. You closed her eyes and breathed in deeply.

"Please don't say anything, just let me talk."

You said, your voice came out shaky but with a sort of strength behind it. He nodded slowly, feeling his heart sink.

"You already know what I'm going to say so I'll make it quick. We can't do this anymore, we can't not talk to each other or see each other and pretend it's ok. We can't leave voicemails anymore, we can't text anymore. Because neither of us are hearing each other, we're only listening to ourselves, it's like we can't even hear what the other person is saying and it has to stop. It's tearing us apart even more. We need to stop seeing each other."

It all seemed to flow out of you once you started, and you couldn't stop. He just sat there and listened, feeling pain stab into his chest with every word.


You blinked at him.

"Ok? That's it?"

He stood up slowly, looking at her face one last time, trying to remember what it looked like before it was so full of sadness.

"Y/n, you know I love you right? If you do then you know you're breaking me right now. If you want me to leave I'll leave but I will always love you, just say the word and we're back together"

He said, the words full of more emotions than he thought he had. Your eyes welled with tears as you spoke your next words.

"You broke me Tony, and now I have to fix it, but I still love you and I always will.So please go before I let you break me again."

His whole body shook a he walked away, he was angry at himself for letting this happen, angry at you for letting him see how bad things really were.

You sat, shaking, at the table, tears pouring out onto your cheeks, as you tried to remember the beginning, what it was like before the end.

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