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So, I was tagged by MariasLife2003 . Here goes!

Been Drunk:

Kissed someone:
I mean, when I was 6 years old yes. But really no

Broken up with someone:
I have yet to be in a relationship

Had sex:
No, and I don't plan to for a long, long time

Had a threesome:
No, and I don't think I ever will

Cried yourself to sleep:
A couple times, only after I had watched a sad movie though

Self Harmed:
Sadly, yes. But I have gotten out of that

Been in love:
Not yet

Maybe once or twice, because math and I do not get along

Been on stage:
Yes, and I honestly love it

Been depressed:
I don't know if I was 100%, but for a while t felt like it

No, and I hope I never do

Felt lonely:
Sometimes, but others I realize how much my friends care about me and how much I care about them

Snuck into a bar underage:
Well, I've never done that. My mom works at a place where there is a bar, and I've drunk Sprite while sitting there. But I don't think that counts

What's your:.....

13 years and 10 months

Biggest wish:
That's a tough one, but I think it would be to go see Panic! At The Disco

Relationship status:
I am happily a single Pringle

Biggest fear:
Heights, but being alone is a close second

Longest Relationship:
Zero days

Do you.....

Have a boyfriend:
Nope, not yet

Like yourself:
Yes, I am comfortable and happy with who I am right now

Want a tattoo:
I kind of want to get a small one eventually

Have/Want a piercing:
I have my ears pierced, I kind of want a cartilage piercing on one


Every party:
If I get invited, sure

Believe in ghosts:

Want a boyfriend:
Eventually, yes. But for the time being I'm happy being single

What's your favorite.....

Gosh I have so many I don't think I could choose

Favorite movie:
All three Captain Americas
The two Thor movies
All Three Iron Mans
X-Men First Class/ Days Of Future Past
Avengers/ Age Of Ultron
Lés Miserables
Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
The Hobbit Trilogy
I couldn't choose just one

Favorite Song:

1. Cancer- Twenty One Pilots

2. Sign Of The Times- Harry Styles

3. Willow- Jasmine Thompson

4. Goner- Twenty One Pilots

T.V. Series:
Supernatural and When Calls The Heart
(They are so different but I love them both)

Cats and Dogs
(I can't pick)

Saint Anything- Sarah Dessen

This or that....

Twitter or Facebook:

Coke or Sprite

Tea or Coffee:

Tacos or Pizza:

Would you ever.....

Have a boyfriend ten years older than you:
I don't think so

Bathe Naked:
How else would you take a bath

Have a threesome:

Get Married:
Of course

Have kids:
Yes, I really want to

I tag.....






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