Soulmate AU| Clint

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Word Count: 1052

Pairing: Clint x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: Clint's part of the mini series, I hope you enjoy! I'm going to be writing Thor, Bucky, Pietro, Loki, Peter Parker and Peter Quill. And then this series will be done. I would write for more of them but I don't really have the inspiration
From the day you were born, there was a tattoo on some part of you. It was there so you could tell who your soulmate was. But it was always a different spot. Even though it would be easier to have it be on the same spot on everyone, it wasn't that way.

Yours was along your bicep, it was an arrow. The tip was silver but the rest was black. So obviously the first thing you looked for when you met anyone was that tattoo. So far you hadn't found it yet, but you were looking very hard. You could barely stand how long it was taking for you to meet your soulmate. Unlike everyone else, you didn't want to "take your time" and "wait for the right person to come to you". You wanted to be the one to find them.

You would go out looking for them, always hopeful. You knew it would take a whole but it didn't stop from doing everything within your power to get to them sooner. Though that hadn't exactly worked out, seeing as you still hadn't met them, and most of your friends and everyone around you had. You tried not to think about that though, and just kept looking forward.

Clint Barton didn't really believe in the whole "soulmate" thing. Yeah, he had a tattoo, but he didn't expect to find anyone. He only liked his tattoo because it was easy to explain when he discovered his talent for archery. Now nobody questioned him about his soulmate as soon as they saw it. They could just assume it was because of that. And for that he was thankful. Because even though he didn't believe in soulmates, he still wished he had someone. And talking about it was kind of painful for him.

He spent most of his days training, when he wasn't on missions. He rarely went out, and when he did, it was usually for Tony's parties or out of necessity, like groceries or something. He didn't go looking for his other half, nor did he wait for them to come to him. He simply lived his life the same way he would normally.

Natasha had started to worry about him, thinking he should have found them by now. But she didn't want to talk to him, because that usually resulted in him getting angry or just going to the gym and getting all of his frustration out on the punching bags. It was one of the days she was thinking about it, and she decided to try and get him out of the house.

"Clint, grocery duties on you tonight"

She said, tossing a list to him. He groaned and read through it.

"Why me? This is going to take forever"

He complained, but he got up anyways.

You had decided to go to the store for pop tarts. Yeah, it was late at night. But you were an independent adult and could go out and buy whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. And tonight, for some reason, you were craving pop tarts. And of course you didn't have any left in the snack cupboard.

"I think I'm gonna take a short cut"

You mumbled to yourself, turning to go through a dark alleyway. Literally every bone in your body told you not to but your heart was speaking a different language. You wrapped your arms around yourself and mumbled about how stupid you were not to wear a jacket.

"Hey there pretty lady"

A low voice sounded from the dark. Your spine stiffened and you clenched your hands together.

"What's a beautiful thing like you doing out here by yourself?"

The man asked, walking into the light. His face was horrible, having a scar from the top of his forehead down to his neck with yellow teeth and red skin. You tried to will your knees to stop shaking.

"Nothing really, just a small errand"

You said, your voice shaky. He grinned a wicked grin.

"Well surely I could help you spend some of that money eh?"

He asked, pulling a gun from underneath his sweatshirt. You gulped, not knowing what to do.

"I think I can do that on my own, thank you very much"

You said, backing away slowly. He smiled wider.

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice girly"

He cocked the gun.

"Hand over your wallet"

He commanded. Your whole body was shaking by now.

"I don't think I want to do that"

Your voice was barely above a whisper. He growled at your answer and aimed the gun, moving closer. You couldn't help it and let out a small screech. Suddenly, the man was on the ground, clutching his arm, there was an arrow sticking out of it. 

"I think she wants to be left alone"

Another voice sounded from the street. A man with the bluest eyes you had ever seen was standing there. His arms holding about a bow. You let out your breathe, relieved. The new comer walked towards you, concern filling his gaze.

"Are you alright?"

He asked, looking you over for injuries. You looked up and got lost in those blue eyes.


You heard, you snapped out of your gaze.

"Oh, yes, yes I'm fine. Thank you"

He smiled slightly and nodded.

"It's my job, and I'm happy to help"

You nodded, crossing your arms over your chest, it was only then Clint noticed the sliver tipped  arrow along your bicep. He was already having trouble trying not to stare at your beautiful face, and now this. He realized he was staring at your arm and quickly looked away. You furrowed your brows in curiosity.

"Is everything ok?"

You asked, concerned. He looked up at you, nervousness in his eyes.

"Yes, it's just, your tattoo.... I um, I have the same one"

He pulled off his sweatshirt, showing it off on his bicep. You gasped, hardly believing this was happening.

"You, we- what?"

You stuttered out, staring at it. He grinned sheepishly.

"I guess that means we're soulmates?"

He asked, looking up at you hopefully.

"I guess it does"

You said, smiling widely.

"Say, I'm going to the grocery store, you wouldn't mind going there with me?"

You asked, holding out your hand. He grinned.

"Not at all"

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