Movies|Pietro Maximoff

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Word count: 822

Pairing: Pietro x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: First Pietro imagine! Hope you enjoy


You were laying on the couch, feet propped up on the back of it and head towards the floor. It was a lazy kind of day. A day where you wanted to do nothing but lay around.

You were watching the tv upside down. It was some cooking show you really had no interest in, but it was better than nothing. You didn't know how some people could be so interested in the correct way to cook a pork chop.

Sighing, you looked around for the remote. Of course it wasn't where you left it. All the sudden a flash of blue moved past, the wind moving your hair.

"Pietro, if you took the remote I swear"

The channel changed to the news.

"It's all so sad these days"

He was suddenly in front of you, smirking at you.

"Yeah yeah, just give the remote back"

He smiled softly

"And why should I do that?"

You groaned. You really weren't in the mood for Pietros games right now.

"Because I asked nicely"

He scoffed

"If that's asking nicely, I'd hate to see you being rude about it"

You groaned again and sat up, the blood rushing back to your head, giving you a small head ache.

"If you don't give me the remote back I'll tell Clint you were the one who screwed the vents shut when he was still in there"

He rolled his eyes and handed it back to you

"Enjoy your dull American television"

He then sprinted out of the room. You breathed a sigh of relief and changed  it back to your cooking show. Still not interesting, but better than the news.

Later that day, you were laying on your bed reading your favorite book for the hundredth time. The door suddenly opened and you were in the living room, a bowl of popcorn on your lap while you were wrapped up in a blanket.

"Pietro! What was that for?"

He smirked.

"Since you seemed so bored earlier, I decided we should watch some movies together. I got y/f/m"

You sighed. Of course he got that, and of course he did this for you. Pietro had been trying to ask you out for months, but you always said no. It wasn't that you didn't like him, it's just, you actually didn't know why you kept denying him.

"Why not"

He grinned and popped in the movie, sitting next to you. He kept moving closer to you during the movie. Not that you minded. He wasn't bad looking, ok, he was really attractive. And that accent. Now you really didn't know why you kept turning him down. Pretty soon, you were leaning your head against his shoulder and had fallen asleep.

Pietro had moved so your head was resting on his chest and you were both resting on the arm of the couch. You stayed that way till morning.

"Shh, don't wake them, this is blackmailing gold"

Said Natasha, as she snapped pictures of the two of you curled up together. You tried not to move to make it seem like you were still sleeping. Pietro shifted slightly, making everyone freeze.

"Well, it took them long enough. I thought Pietro would've given up by now"

Said Wanda, smirking at the two of you. You opened your eyes then, your face covered in a dark blush.

"Seriously guys, please don't make this a huge deal"

You said, hiding your face back in Pietros chest.

"Too late"

Said Tony, smirking at you. You groaned, which woke Pietro up.

"What's going on?"

His accent combined with his gravely morning voice made you swoon mentally.

"Nothing, just the team being a bunch of jerks"

Bucky scoffed

"For the record, I haven't said anything"

He said, leaving the room, muttering something about childish behavior. Steve was trying to figure out how to use the camera on his phone.

"Alright, that's enough-"

You started, but you were cut off by Pietro running you to his room and shutting the door. His face was red and he was fidgeting.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I did not think that-"

"It's ok Pietro, I should've expected it. I know how they are about this kind of thing"

He nodded, sighing.

"I was going to ask you last night, before we fell asleep, if you would like to go out tonight?"

You didn't hesitate to answer this time

"Of course, pick me up at 8"

You kissed his cheek as you headed out the door. He smiled softly.

That night, you frantically dig through your closet. Finally deciding on a decent outfit, you did your hair and makeup. Waiting by your door, you paced back and forth. You were about to have a nervous breakdown and then he was there. You smiled at him.

"Are you ready my princessa?"

He asked, making your heart melt.


You responded, he smiled up at you and you headed out.

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