Chapter 1 - The Washroom

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"Jammy... I love you."  I hear before walking up again.  "-Time to wake up, PaperJam!!!"  I hear Dad yell.  "Alright!"  I shout back.  I sigh really not wanting to go to school again.  I hate being bullied because of my height, but more so about my sexuality.  Once people found out, I have been non-stopped bullied because of it, but anyone can change right?   I quickly change and put my scarf around my neck.  I get my backpack and other stuff ready to go.  I go down my stairs and see Dad in the kitchen.  "You want something to eat?"  He asks me.  I nod.  "Yes please!"  I say smiling my normal happy smile.  

Time skip...

I am walking to school due to me not wanting to take the bus, due to the bullies that I know are waiting for me. I get to the school fairly quickly and I am earlier than the bus. I enter my high school and head to home room. I avoid as many people as possible. I don't even talk to my friends as the bell rings. "PaperJam!" I hear someone yell. I move faster and go into my home room class quickly.  I make my way into the classroom and through it before sitting down in the back corner away from the others.  Our names and locker numbers are called and we are all given a lock with a code.  Mine is the same every year, due to that being the system within the schools.  "Oh look at what we have here?"  I hear suddenly.  I jump hearing that.  "Hey, broski that doesn't seem all too rad, with what you're doing there."  I hear.  I look up to see Fell.  He laughs and grabs my scarf.  "You gay little shit, I told you not to come and contaminate this school, last year."  Fell whispers harshly to me.  "I had no choice... I had to come to this school."  I try to defend myself but I only get dropped.  "I'll see you at lunch you faggot."  He says and walks away.  I can feel myself tearing up at that.  "Hey broski... You alright there?"  I hear.  I look up to see a kid wearing a red, baby blue and yellow hat, with shades that have 'YOLO' across them.  He is wearing so many different colours.  I nod slowly looking up at him.  "Let me help ya up dude."  He says reaching a hand towards me.  I grab it and he helps me up.  I blush slightly.  "Awe~ Look at the little homo!"  I hear.  I feel the tears burn in my eyes as I lower my head in shame.  "Hey! You better not be making fun of me Fell!!!"  The person says.  The class goes silent.  "Wait... Wasn't he talking to PaperJam?"  I hear suddenly.  "Fresh is gay?"  I hear also.  The tears are starting to slip from my eyes.  "No, I wasn't talking to you Fresh, not at all."  Fell laughs nervously.  "Then..."  The person says turning towards me.  "Hey... Broski... Don't cry."  He says kneeling in front of me.  I try to wipe away my tears.  He grabs my right wrist and pulls my hand away.  I flinch and feel a hand on my shoulder.  I open my eyes slowly to see him smiling.   "Hey, what classes are you in?" He asks.  "M-Math, Art, then English." I stutter slightly.  He laughs.  "Radical!!! I am in those classes too!" He says smiling at me.  I sniffle and wipe away my tears.  'Ew!!! Get away from him!!! He'll turn you homo!!!'  I hear what Fell said years ago to me.  I move away from the person and grab my stuff.  The bell rings and I run from him out of class.  I hide in the male's washroom.  I am sitting on the floor along the wall.  "Just like in grade seven you homo..."  I hear Fell say suddenly.  My head shoots up and I cover my head.  He soon starts to kick me and pick me up before throwing me down.  I can't scream for help, it hurts too much as my bones are cracking and stuff.   I can feel my soul breaking as well.  Suddenly it all stops and I open my eyes slightly.  I see Fell walking away a smirk on his face.  I then see two others following behind him.  I can hear them all laughing as the door closes.  I feel tears slipping from my eyes as I feel my eyes close.

About 10 minutes later...

I hear someone scream, my eyes open slightly and I see a horrified look on a kid's face.  "Oh my god... Oh my god..."  I hear.  "Hey... Joe, what's wrong?"  I hear.  "Please tell me that is fake..."  I hear.   "Fuck... SOMEONE HELP!!! SOMETHING HAPPENED IN THE BOY'S WASHROOM!!!"  I hear.  "h... help..."  I say weakly.  "SOMEONE IS IN THERE!!!"  I hear someone scream.  Suddenly I see an adult rush in and they pull out a phone.  "911 I need an ambulance at the High school... One of the students is near death in our male washroom on the main floor."  I hear. "Okay kid, what is your name?" I hear.  "P... Paper... Jam..." I struggle to say before coughing. "Okay talking to keep him conscious is out of the option, he looses more blood when he does." I hear.  I then see the person standing behind the adult. They are moving quickly towards me. They are over to me in seconds and there is a glow of their hands.  "Broski, stay with me now."  He says.  There is only a small amount of pain at the moment.  The adult is still on the phone.  I can hear the sirens in the distance as I hear muttering.  I feel my eyes close and then there is black.

Time skip...

I wake up suddenly to pure silence, then a beep, it continues on for a few moments, before I open my eyes.  The room I am in is dark.  I reach my right hand towards my face and I feel a bandage around my head and over my left eye.  I look at my arms to see bandages.  I hear a long beep and my chest hurts.  I take a deep breath and then the beeping starts again.   I take another deep breath and continue to do this as I hear running.  I try to sit up but my arms burn.  I grab my arms in pain.   I hear it flat line again.  I look at it before taking a deep breath again.  I then see a few adults in white and light blue outfits.  'I must be in the hospital.'  I think as I take a deep breath.  "Someone get an oxygen mask and tank."  I hear.  Two of the adults come over to me.  "Hello Paperjam, can you tell us what happened?"  I hear.  I blink a few times.  "I was... Hiding in the... Washroom when I was attacked by my... Bully... He starting hitting me and kicking me... When he left there was... Two others with him." I mutter.  "Why were they bullying you?"  A Doctor asks.  I freeze not wanting to answer.  I suddenly hear myself flat line again. I take a deep breath so I don't die.  The doctors and nurses look worried.   "Paperjam... Why were they bullying you?"  I hear from the door way.  I look up to see Dad and Father. They both look extremely worried.  "They bullied me over my height, they always do."  I half lie.  "This is too extreme for your height... I can't believe that."  A Doctor says.  I freeze hearing that.  'No... I can't tell them...'  I think hearing myself flat line.  'Don't breathe... Then you won't have to worry them anymore and you won't have to tell them.'  I think additionally.  I feel someone smack my back and I gasp as tears start to stream down my face.  'No... No...' I think panicking.  "PaperJam!"  I hear.  I open my eyes to see Dad in front of me.  Father is grabbing my hand.  "P-P-P...J Why-Why are, y-you so scar-scared-d to tell us-us?" Father asks.  "Because... It makes me a freak!  And... And... It makes me stupid!"  I sob.   "What does?"  Dad asks me while hugging me.  I hug him back.  "I'm gay... And everyone hates me for it.  I am not even allowed to change with the guys... I have to wait till they are all done... And girls call me a freak and avoid me, and everyone who has touched me or talked to me is gay, or they are harassing me... I am a freak just like they always tell me... And... And... And...-"  I sob.  "No, no, sweetie... Come on look at me."  Dad says.  Father looks angry.  "That-That k-k-kid is-is de-dead!!!"  Father says disappearing.  "Sweetie... You are not a freak, it is normal... Me and your father went through this too... But we had each other..."  Dad says wiping away my tears.  "Code Blue."  I hear over the intercom.   The oxygen mask is put on my face suddenly and I can breathe much easier now.    "Mr. Ink... Will you be alright in here with your son?"  I hear.  Dad nods as he helps me lay back.  The doctors and nurses leave quickly.  "Why would you call yourself a freak, for liking other males?"  Dad ask me worriedly.  "Fell and my other bullies always said that..."  I mutter.  "That wasn't very nice of them..."  Dad says crossing his arms.  Suddenly I flat line again.  Dad looks at me worriedly.  I take a breath and it starts up again.  I continue to breathe heavily.  "I'll ask you yes and no questions then..."  Dad says.  "Were you scared to tell me and your father because of what your bullies said?"  Dad asks.  I nod holding my oxygen mask to my face. "Oh... My little Jammy..."  Dad says hugging me.  I hug him back.  "O-Okay you-you li-little fu-fuck! L-Look at-at my-my-my s-son... Y-You fucking di-did th-this... To-To him-him." I hear suddenly. "Sweetie breathe..." Dad says to both of us as I flat line again. A Doctor rushes in. I grab my chest in pain. "PaperJam... It is alright... That pain you are feeling is us fixing your soul."  The Doctor says.  I scream feeling it burn suddenly.  "STOP!!! YOU'RE HURTTING HIM!!! STOP!!!"  Dad screams as I flat line again.  I am grabbing at my chest.  Dad is sobbing and is holding onto me.   He hits my back and I gasp air into my lungs.  "Daddy~..."  I sob.   "STOP WHAT EVER YOU ARE DOING YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM!!!"  Dad screams.  Father looks horrified and Fell has tears streaming down his face.  I am holding onto Dad tightly.  The Doctor rushes over and I feel a small pinch in my wrist.  I feel extremely tired suddenly.   "I'm dying... I'm going... To die..."  I sob.  "J-Jammy..."  Father says.  My sobbing stops suddenly and there are just tears.  My eyes are slowly shutting and I can't stop them.  "No... No!!! NO!!!"  Dad shouts and I pass out.

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