Chapter 24 - Semi-truck

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I exit the portal carrying Blue.  There is debris everywhere as we walk around.  My head is spinning as I see the truck.  I am keeping Blue's head to my chest so he can sleep.  I then hear the sirens and all I can do is stare at the shredded cab crushed underneath the semi-truck.  I start to search for the semi-truck driver.  He is stuck behind the wheel of the semi-truck bleeding heavily.  I clear an area for Blue and set him down.  I then race for the semi-truck and I get to it's cab.  I rip off the door to the driver side using strings and I try to get the man unbuckled.  His seatbelt is jammed then I see and smell gas.   I then pull him out of the semi-truck seat and all.  I then carry him far off and then I get to Blue.  I see the lights in the distance.  Suddenly I hear hissing, my eyes widen and I get over top of Blue as the semi-truck explodes.  Something hits my head and I pass out.  

Time skip...

I open my head and my mind spinning.  Blue looks fine beneath me as I gaze down at him.  My back burns and I glance behind me.  The ambulance and cops are searching. "Help!"  I shout.  "We are searching for you!!! Semi-truck driver hold on!!!"  I hear.  I kiss Blue and his soul is there still.  His eyes open and I smile at him.  "It's fine, baby... We will be fine."  I say.  "Pj... I can't feel anything... I'm so scared." Blue says.  "It's alright... It's alright... Help is hear... Help... Is here."  I say forcing myself to stay awake.  "Pj... Pj... Pj you're bleeding!!! Pj... PJ!!!"  Blue says seeing me sink into him slightly. "Holy shit... The second veichle driver and passenger survived!!!"  I hear.  I force myself up and Blue is sobbing looking at me.  "Baby... Baby... It's alright... Just keep your eyes on me..."  I struggle to say.  "Okay you two... We will get you out from there."  I hear.  I then see that we are pinned underneath something.  "Fuck... Blue..."  I mutter.  I reach a hand and place it on his face.  I then kiss him gently "I love you Blue..."  I mutter. I then pass out due to blood lose.

Time skip...

I wake up to soft crying.  I open my eyes and go to sit up but my chest feels heavy.  I blink a few times to see what is there.   I see Blue in the next bed and he is trying to hold it back.  "Baby... Blue..."  I say softly.  His head turns and he smiles brightly at me.  "Pj..."  He says sniffling.  I see Father sleeping in a chair beside me.  I sit up holding my chest.  "Pj... Don't sit up... You are badly hurt..." Blue whispers to me.  I sit up and drag the thing that holds my blood and I.V bag.  I sit in the seat beside him and hold his hand gently.  "I am more worried about you more than anything else."  I say softly.  Blue smiles at me.  I hold his hand to my cheek and smile at him.  "Blue... Damn it..."  I mutter placing my forehead against his.  My smile falls and I feel tears slipping from my eyes.  "I can't protect anyone... Damn it... I couldn't protect you, my brother... Or Fresh... Damn it..."  I mutter.  "Pj... I'm alive... Because of you and Fresh didn't want to see you die..."  Blue says gently.  I then see his soul glowing brightly then his arm moves and he places his hand on my cheek as tears start to roll down my cheeks. "Pj... We would have died if you didn't."  Blue says gently. "You did what you thought was right."  Blue adds wiping away my tears.  I hear a few gasps and go to look but Blue keeps my face and gaze on him.  "You would do the same for Fresh in a heart beat... I am sure of it..." Blue says.  A frown appears on my face.  I kiss Blue gently and I can feel him kiss back as well.  He pulls back first and I open my eyes to see Fresh or at least his parasite looking towards us.  My frown deepens and I return all of my attention back to Blue.  Blue smiles and looks towards Fresh then back to me.   "J-Julie?"  I hear my father say.  "Who's that?"  Fresh says and my heart stops.  "Pj... Go to him..."  Blue says.  I sit back down and hold Blue's hand.  I look him dead in the eyes and say "Not now..."   Blue's eyes water up and he smiles.  "Fr-Fresh... We-We need-eed to ta-talk."  I hear my father say.  

Months later...

Blue and I are still in hospital recovering.  My burns and wounds are healing nicely.  They told me that Blue might not recover from the accident, but due to the strings I tied around his spine they said he might heal perfectly.  I am relieved to hear something I did was helpful.  I wake up to a woman talking to what seems to be a doctor, but I keep my eyes closed so I can listen.  "His metal state isn't good Doctor... He is going to snap either in public or when he is alone.  It will not be good when he snaps."  I hear a woman's voice say.  "But we shouldn't separate them, it will cause more damage...-"  "No... He's the destroyer's child... He will kill them when he does."  The woman's voice cuts off the man.   "He is also the creator's child... He is a lot less harmless than you think... You have no idea what the kid has been through."  The doctor says.  I then feel something sink into the bedside.  I shift slightly to get comfortable but not shift away to keep the illusion I am asleep.  "Then what?  He will snap eventually... But I want the cutie alive..."  I hear.  'Alive?'  I think.  "You are disgusting..." I hear as I feel a hand on my leg.  I react and my strings grab the hand.  I open my eyes as I sit up.  I see a woman who looks like Trixy and my eyes narrow on them.  I then see Doctor Gaster looking at me shocked.  I then take a deep breath relaxing and I slowly let the woman go.  "Forgive me... I dislike being touched."  I say calmly.  Dr. Gaster sighs in relief and says "I am glad to see you awake PaperJam. How was your sleep?"  "It was alright, it could have been better."  I state glancing towards the woman.  The woman then coughs and I hear 'Great he is awake, now I can't do anything.'  I smirk.  "You must be Trixy's mother..."  I state with a cruel grin.  Her eyes widen but she smiles cutely like Trixy does.  "Oh you two know each other!!!"  She says.  "I've only been plotting how to kill her for over a year now."  I say smiling innocently.  There is extreme tension in the room suddenly.  "I'm just joking, *light laugh* everyone takes me so seriously when I talk like that." I say smiling gently. Her cheeks are bright pink as she looks at me.  'Now... To be praying on small innocent boys like me... That is a little creepy don't you think Trixy's mother?'  I think smirking at her in a flirting looking way.  Her eyes widen at me.  Dr. Gaster then slinks out of the room.  "How can you talk to me in such a way?"  She says.  "Huh?  I never said anything."  I state innocently. 'I will kill your daughter for what she did to me... And I will slowly crush her soul as I watch her squirm.'  I think.  The woman looks terrified.  "Ma'am... Is something wrong?"  I ask.  "Nothing... *cough*  Nothing at all..."  She says standing up.  "Oh... You must be hearing the parasite talking again... Sorry about that... It likes to be violent."  I say adorably.  She blushes dark pink.  I can hear the choking of laughter.  "I can... Help you remove it if you want..." She says starting to lean over me.  "How do you remove it?"  I ask innocently.  She smirks at me.  The choking of laughter is getting louder.  'Blue can I?'  I ask Blue.  'Make her scream.'  I hear and I blush innocently as she leans closer to my face.  "Ma'am... What... What are you doing?"  I ask shrinking back slightly.  "I'm going to remove that parasite..."  She says blushing.  She has me pinned to the bed.  I have my arms to the side and I blush slightly feeling like an idiot.  She then starts to kiss me and I push her down onto the hospital bed.  'Pj!!! Make her scream!!!'  I hear.  I smirk cruelly down at her.  "Oh no... I was too late."  She says.  "It is never too late... But... Don't worry at least you get to have me... Inside you."  I state smirking.  Her eyes widen.  'I do?  Oh god...'  I hear her think.  "Too bad it will only make me feel good since well... You will be screaming in agony."  I coo.  'No!!! At least make her feel good at first.' I hear Blue say.  'Fine~ You Sadist...'  I think before pinning the woman down completely. 

Time skip...

Blue and I are howling with laughter as we talk about what I did.  She is passed out on the other bed.  I rejected all my magic to avoid disease so right now I am relaxing with Blue.  I am holding him to me gently and he is cuddling into me.  I am so thankful he isn't paralyzed, but he is going to have to learn to walk again.   I run a finger along his jaw and he smiles at me.  "Blue... I don't think I can go back to Fresh... Not after everything we've been through."  I say.  Blue frowns at that.  "Pj... He gave up himself to save you... I know you are scared of everything being different, again... But I promised you..."  Blue says hugging me.  I hug him back gently.  "You know me so well..."  I mutter.   "Pj... Just because you are going back to Fresh doesn't mean we can't be friends again."  Blue says.  I look him in the eyes and smile softly.  He holds my hand gently.  Suddenly the door opens and there are gagging noises. Blue and I howl with laughter at that.  "Mother!!!"  I hear Trixy shout.  "Did she eat him?"  I hear Dr. Gaster say.  Blue and I choke on our laughter hearing that.   "Nope PaperJam is fine."  I hear Dr. Gaster say as he walks over to us with crossed arms.

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