Chapter 22 - Blue's heat (Lemon)

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I am walking downhill with my small bag when there are kids being dropped off lower down.  I turn into the parking lot and there are oohs and awes.  I see kids staring at me.  I am then approached by an adult.  "You must be PaperJam..." They say.  I nod saying "Yes, sir."  "You have a special course for you as requested by your guardian and coach."  They say. I nod.  I've been in the juvenile delinquent centre before due to problems and I recognize this guy from there.  This isn't going to be easy.  "Follow me."  He says.  I follow him and as we start walking he turns around and his fist is flying towards me.  I angle myself and I catch his fist in my hand.  "That's nine now, sir."  I state smirking.  "How did you recognize me?"  He asks.  "Your facial structure and your voice."  I say smirking.    "At least you learned something there you delinquent."  He says grabbing my collar.  I turn using his fist and flip him.  My shirt is just twisted heavily.  I am crouching beside him.  He lets go of my shirt and is groaning.  "At least he isn't angry."  I hear from beside me.  I see the camp leader from before and I feel angered but I take a deep breath.   "Sorry for all those months ago kid... As you know from court-..." He starts.  "I was there..."  I state.  He nods.  "Glad to have you here this summer."  He says brightening up the mood.  I nod smiling.  

Time skip...

It is getting late outside and the other group is still going at it.  I'm in the special program alone and I got to finish hours ago.  I then stand up from where I had been smoking minutes ago. "Where you going Pj?"  I hear.  I see Blue coming out of the woods.  "To come see you, sweetie."  I say smiling.  "Pj... I... Oh god..."  Blue says and suddenly his pelvis is glowing.  "Oh god... I thought I got rid of it..." Blue says.  I go over to him and help him up. He gasps as soon as I touch his pelvis.  I pick him up and carry him half way between the camps.  I then set him down on a pretty clean area.  I start to kiss and heavily make out with him.  He is whimpering underneath me.  I then start to rub his pelvis and his groans and moans beneath me are making me so hard. My member is so hard it hurts. "Pj... Please... Shove it inside me... Please..."  he begs me. "Shove... What inside you?"  I groan beside his head.  "Shove your rock hard cock inside me... And fuck me!!! Please!!!"  He begs me again.  I undo my pants and he does something unexpected.  He removes his and spreads his legs for me. He has a perfect vagina there.  I lean down and I start lick him and play with his clit.  He is gasping and moaning loudly.   I then lean up and kiss his mouth.  I start to finger fuck him while my member is aching.  I am giving him patience knowing his story.  I go slow no matter how fast I want to go.  "Pj~... Please~ I... I need you... I need you inside me~"  Blue moans.  I pull my fingers from him and lick them.  I rub my tip against his entrance as I set one hand on his pelvis.  "Ready?"  I ask trying to make sure I don't hurt him.  He nods and I start to slowly push into him.  

His eyes widen slightly and he smiles at me, while his face is looking up at me.  I go slow into him due to him being so tight. I kiss him gently and he holds onto me tightly as he kisses me back.  I start to rock in and out of him and it feels so good to be inside him.  I am doing all I can to get him to cum before me.  He tightens around me and I loose it.  I pull out of him and my member disappears.  I feel determined to make him cum.  I start to finger fuck him and I play with all of his most sensitive parts.  He is moaning loudly and I start to kiss him heavily.  I slip my tongues inside his mouth and I dominate him.  His head then flies back and he is moaning loudly.  I feel a slight pride at this and I find his weak spot on his neck.  He is holding onto me tightly.  "Oh god, oh god, oh god... Ah!!! Pj!!! Oh god... I'm gonna... I'm gonna cum... Gaaahh!!!"  He moans and he is tightening around my fingers.   I smirk having an idea.   I go down between his knees and keep fingering him while starting to lick him and slip my tongues in and out of him.  He grabs my head and is pushing down.  I smirk at him.  "Pj!!! Please... Slow... Ah!!!  Oh god... Oh god, oh god... Mmmh... Ah!!! Ah!!!"  He moans.  He is tightening randomly and I know he is gonna cum soon. "PJ!!!"  He cries out in ecstasy as he cums into my mouth.  His and my cum is mixed together, but I don't mind since I could pleasure him.  I lick him clean so there is no evidence of what happened.  I then hear "Over here!!!"  

I fix Blue's clothes and I bring him to the river side lower down.  I clean my face and I lay with Blue.  He is against my chest and is smiling softly.  I smile brightly at him.  He cuddles into me and I smile brightly at him.  "Pj... Thank you..."  He says.  I smile at him then kiss his forehead. "No... Thank you."  I say smiling.  Suddenly there is a bright light.  "You alright down there!!!"  I hear.  "WE ARE FINE!!!"  Blue shouts.  We wave up at them.  "Pj? We hear someone screaming your name... You alright?"  I hear.  "Fine! I'm perfectly fine!"  I say loudly.  "Alright, we are coming down there!"  We hear.  We shrug knowing the pathway up.  "They are going to take forever." Blue mutters.  "Blue!!!"  I hear Gerson shout.  "SHE'S OVER HERE!!!" I shout.  "YOU GUYS STAY UP THERE!!! WE CAN GET OUT ON OUR OWN!!!"  I shout.  I then carry Blue up the pathway.  I see Edge, Gerson and a few of the girls and the guys from the football camp there.  The guys look shocked and Gerson is smirking.  "So you always were disappearing down there."  He says. "Yeah... Caramel's cub slipped down there once and I went to get him."  I answer laughing nervously.  Gerson nods.  Edge is smirking at me and my whole face goes pink.  "No!!!"  I shout pointing at him.  He smirks even wider at that.  "Did not happen!!!"  I protest.  "Mmmhm." He says.  Blue looks confused but then looks at me and is blushing.  "Says the-..." Edge starts but strings wrap around his mouth with a pretty bow in the front.  "Shut it!!!"  I state.  Blue is covering his face.  Gerson and the others are confused.  "Pervert!"  Blue shouts.  Then they all click in.  

Discovering My Identity - PaperJam X Fresh (Underhigh fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now