Chapter 3 - Runnin'

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Time skip...

I haven't gone back home since I left, meaning for two days.  I don't even bother going to school either. I avoid being seen at all costs and every time I hear someone calling my name I go the other way. I also take down any missing posters of mine I see.  A few people have tried to chase me down, but they never can reach me before losing sight of me. Right now I am leaning against a dumpster trying to not think about food.  "Hey... What are you doing back there?"  I hear suddenly.  I see an adult and I get up quickly.  My stomach growls suddenly and it is painful, but I take off running. Suddenly I am caught and I hear "Hey, you're not in trouble kid, come on... You look filthy, come inside and have something to eat."  The mention of food makes my stomach growl.  "Okay..."  I say my voice cracking. I get brought inside the building.  I hear laughing and swearing.  "Language!!!"  The woman as I can tell now, shouts. "Sorry, ma'am." I hear a familiar voice say. "Yeah! Fell, language~" I hear.  I freeze hearing the name.  "Oh... Come on, the other kids will not hurt you."  The woman says.  I still have bandages covering my wounds.  I shake my head slowly, scared of Fell.  "Do you know Fell?"  The woman asks.  I point to my bandages.  "Oh, are you the child he almost killed?"  The woman asks. I nod slowly.  "No worries, I'll bring you some food, just wait here."  The woman says.  I nod slowly.  She disappears through a curtain.  "Hey, Mama! What are you doing?"  I hear a different voice say, but it sounds familiar.  "What does it look like?"  She laughs.  "Cooking... But... We just ate."  I hear Fell's voice say.  I feel my legs give out suddenly. I hit the ground panting.  I am exhausted due to not sleeping or eating and I see the woman rushing over to me.  She looks panicked as she picks me up like I weight nothing. She carries me through the curtain and sets me down on something soft.  "Woah... Is that... The homo kid?"  I hear.  "BOYS!!!"  The woman shouts.  "One of you go and get him some clean clothes, another one of you go and get some bandages." She orders.  Three kids run off and Fell is just staring at me along with a few others.   The woman is removing my clothes and sees all of the bandages.  "Fell... You did this much damage to him?" The woman says.  I am breathing hard trying to relax.  I open my eyes to see Fell beside me.  I flinch slightly.  He starts to help with my clothes.  I am covered in bandages as well as my soul.  "Fell can I trust you with them?"  The woman asks.  He nods, as my eyes close as I focus on my breathing.  Two boys come back and Fell starts to remove my bandages.  "Mama... What is this?"  I hear.  I see the woman and she rushes out right away.  Fell looks extremely worried.  "Dude... You looked almost identical to this when she found you outside."  I hear.  They continue to remove bandages.  Then I hear a gasp. "You're a girl..." Fell says.  I open my eyes and close my legs together feeling myself shift genders suddenly.  "I'm... both..."  I say as my voice cracks due to disuse.  "Dude... You fucked up big time..." I hear as I close my eyes again.  One kid has a cloth and is doing something, but I pass out due to exhaustion. 

I wake up to feeling warm. I start to sit up while opening my eyes.  "He's awake!"  I hear someone shout.  Suddenly I am surrounded by people.  I flinch getting ready to be beaten up. "Dude... You conditioned him or something..."  I hear.  I open my eyes slowly again as I feel my arms being pinned.  "Fresh?"  I hear someone say.  "Dude... What the fuh?"  I hear.  The person pulls away and I am filled with anger.   It is Mr. Fresh.  I push him away from me.  "I hate you..."  I mutter.  Mr. Fresh looks hurts but then laughs softly.  "I deserve that..."  He says moving away from me.  I turn away from him and he leaves the room.  "Drama~"  I hear and the people around me move away. 

Time skip...

I am walking around with the guys to get fresh air when I see one of my missing posters.  I take it down before they see it.  I crumble it all up.  "What is that?"  Fell asks.  "It's nothing!" I snap at him.  I have been more aggressive since I snapped at my parents towards everyone since I have been under Mama's care.  So far no one but Mr. Fresh is even aware of me being on the Missing List.  Fell goes to grab the paper and I ruin it with ink. "Woah..."  I hear as I drop the paper on the ground.  I turn and continue to walk.  "He is not the same, Fell... He must have gone through some shit before arriving at Mama's."   I hear.  I see another poster and ruin it with ink.  I then see someone looking at a poster further up ahead.  They then turn to see me.  Their eyes go wide.  "Fuck..."  I mutter. "Hey!!! Kid!!!"  I hear the person say and they start running toward me.  I then take off running past the other guys.  "Wait!!! Your name is PaperJam right!!!"  I hear the person yell.  "Fuck that shit...."  I mutter before hopping a fence and running through a yard.  I then go through its open gate in the back.  I see a cop car suddenly in the back lane. 'My fucking luck...'  I think as I take off even faster and they start to chase me and with the sirens.  I see the guys at the end of the block.  I run past them and they all jump out of the way of the cop car.  "RUN!!! PJ!!!"  I hear.  I continue to run and I ditch down a different back lane. The cop car is catching up and I jerk to the right and turn around and run past the cop car. They brake fast and I keep running knowing I am getting tired.  I see the guys running to catch up to us.  I look over my shoulder to see the cops backing up.  "Stop!!! PaperJam!!! Stop Running!"  I hear over their intercom, mic thing.  I see a car and I slide over their hood, causing the cop car and white car to crash into each other.  "PaperJam!!! Freeze!!!" I hear.  They have their guns pointing towards me.  The guys all look surprised.  I narrow my eyes towards the cops.  I turn to face them.  "Put your arms above your head and go down to your knees!"  They order.  I get my magic ready and I lash out.  "I am not going back!!!"  I shout as I knock the guns from their hands and have them go far from them.  I then throw them back.  "I won't go back to them!" I shout before taking off again.  The guys chase after me.

Thirty minutes later...

I start to slow down and I am in front of the old elementary.  It is in ruins now.  I  am panting trying to catch my breath as I sit in the alley way leaning against the wall.  The guys catch up.  Mr. Fresh is the first one, then Fell.  I am grabbing my ribs cramping.  "Dude... Why did they raise their guns at you?"  One guy asks. 'Why is he always so talkative?'  I think before looking down at the ground trying to catch my breath.  "None of you know?"  Mr. Fresh says.  "I'm a run away... And I am know to attack cops who chase me... Before I ran off I attacked my parents after all."  I state coldly.  I stand and start heading back towards Mama's.  "Where you going?"  I hear.   "To Mama's... I don't have anywhere better to go."  I state.  "Don't you think you should lay low for awhile?" Fell asks.  "I'd rather be with you guys..."  I state.  I see my parents car coming down the alley suddenly, I then see cops following after them.  "Oh shit..."  Fell says.  The school is surrounded by cops.  Mr. Fresh hides and I get my Magic ready.  My parents car doors opens, Dad and Father are there and they look extremely worried.  "Jammy!!!"  Dad yells.  A few of the guys laugh hearing that.  "DON'T CALL ME THAT!"  I snap.  Dad looks hurt by that.  The guys all move over to the sides.  I have red dots on me and so does everyone but Mr. Fresh so everyone but Mr. Fresh, Fell and I raise their hands.  Father approaches me and I am clearly on edge.  He doesn't come too close.  "C-Come Ho-Home Paper-PaperJam..."  He says.  "No."  I say turning my back to him.  I then see the blue strings out of the corner of my eyes and I use my strings to block his.  His eyes widen.  "Jammy... Come home... You need your medication... You can't control your magic till you do."  Dad says. I get angry hearing that. I make more strings and attack Father. I throw him against the car using my magic.  "You mean suppress my magic?"  I snap. Dad looks shocked and Father looks angry as well.  Cops are hesitant pointing their guns all at me now.  I see a news van suddenly. 'They messed with me... They don't care about me...' I think angrily. "PaperJam... Calm down, or the cops will shoot you."  Dad says with tears streaming.  "Then let them shoot me... Because I am not coming home."   I state and just turn and walk off the guys all run after me.  "Why!!!"  Dad snaps.  "You lashed out at us... You were upset, but it was that parasite's fault not yours!"  Dad says.  "CALL HIM THAT ONE MORE FUCKING TIME!!! I DARE YOU!!!"  I shout turning around.  Father and Dad's eyes are wide.  I turn around and walk away again.  None of the cops or my parents daring to follow me.  Mr. Fresh is ahead of us as we meet up with him and a few of the others.  

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