Chapter 5 - Confessions

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I'm in the hospital as well as Mr. Fresh.  He is hugging me tightly currently. I had snuck into his room and now we are just hugging on his bed.  Suddenly we hear "Doctor to room 234."  "That's my room..."  I mutter.  "They figured out you left."  Mr. Fresh says.  I blush at that.  He starts to sit up and we are still hugging.  "I don't wanna leave you yet..."  I say pouting.  "Come on, I'll walk ya there, broseph."  He says helping me off his bed.  He then stands and we start to go down the hallway.  We are holding hands as our other ones hold onto our I.V things.  "There he is, no worries Mr. Ink and Mr. Error."  I hear.  I see my parents and I blush hard.  Mr. Fresh let's go of my hand and starts to walk away.  I then see Mama coming up behind them.  "PaperJam!!! Are you and Fresh alright?"  She asks.  "Of course Mama!"  I laugh.  "Hey, Mama."  Mr. Fresh says.  "Both of you are to never do that again when I got the phone call from the school, do you have any idea how scared I was?  You boys really freaked me out!" Mama says. "Sorry, Mama." We say. She then hugs us both. We hug her back. I then see Fell behind her. "You missed gym shorty." He says. "Oh bite me tough stuff." I say. "Boys~" Mama says. "Sorry." We mutter. "Jammy..." My dad says.  "PaperJam are those your parents?"  Mama asks letting go of us. Mr. Fresh then says "I'll be in my room Mama, it's 189."  He then turns and leaves.  "PaperJam-Jam... Ca-Can we t-talk?"  Error asks.   "Why? All you're going to do is try to convince me to come back... I'm not going to."  I state looking at the ground.  Mama is looking at me worriedly seeing how I am acting more hostile.  "PaperJam, take a deep breath and think."  She says.  I take a deep breath as told.  "There feel better?"  She asks me.  I nod.  "Now at least talk to your parents, before deciding what to do.  If you need me just go to Fresh's room, I'm sure you know your way."  She says smiling at me.  I nod.  "Okay, Mama."  I say smiling my usual small smile.  "Glad to see you smiling."  She laughs and walks off.  "I'm only talking to you because Mama told me to."  I state going into my room.  I sit on my bed and take another deep breath.  My parents come into the room.  "Jammy... You lashed out, we understand you were upset... But why didn't you come home?"  Ink asks me. "I almost killed you... And Father... And I am just so angry towards you two."  I say calmly but I don't look at them.  "Why-Why are y-you angry-gry at u-us?"  Error asks.  "I was finally happy... I had someone that cared about me... Someone I felt like I could trust with my secrets, and it was because you two were my parents we couldn't be friends... He pushed me away right after he saw you Dad... He kept pushing me away and said you both hated him... You called HIM a parasite... You didn't know anything about him... He had saved my life, and he was being controlled by A parasite."  I answer my voice hostile.  I take a deep breath.  "I killed the parasite, yesterday... At the school... I had seen the parasite because well... I got curious about what he looked like under his clothes then I saw it.  It was colourful as all shit... I then started doing my research at the school and my work to learn more about it.  I then decided to get rid of it."  I add calmly.  My parents look surprised.  "Why?"  My parents ask.  "Wouldn't you do anything for the person that meant the world to you?"  I ask.  They smile at each other softly.  "We understand now..."  Ink says.  I look at them surprised and I feel gross suddenly.  I then feel resentment and tears start to gather in my eyes. I stand and go over to them. "PaperJam?"  Dad says.  I hug them tightly as tears start to slip from my eyes.   I hug them for what seems like forever.

Time skip...

Mr. Fresh and I are being released in a few hours.  My parents and Mama are talking at the moment while Mr. Fresh and I are cuddling on my hospital bed.  He is stroking my cheek gently as I am laying on his chest.  I take a deep breath hearing his soul's hum instead of the parasite breathing.  I smile softly at that. I hug him tightly and he hugs me back with a single arm.  I always feel so happy around him. "PaperJam?"  I hear him ask.  "Yes, Mr. Fresh?" I say opening my eyes to look at him.  "I need to ask you something..."  he says sitting up with me.  I let go of him and I sit in front of him.  "Why... Did you do that? Like back at the school?"  He asks me.  I blush slightly and look down at my hands.  "Because... I knew about your parasite... And when it held our hands together I had to do something, because... I really, really care about you... You make me feel so happy... I hated it when people called you a parasite... Because I knew it wasn't you... It didn't only infect you but a few others... So I... Killed it... Because I didn't want you to be hurt anymore."  I say while blushing hard.  Mr. Fresh is blushing as well.  "Thank you..."  He says hugging me tightly.   "But don't you ever put yourself in dangers way for me again."   He says sternly.  "No promises."  I giggle.  He smiles at me and holds my hands.  His eyes are his soul and magic, he only ever lets me see them.  Now they are no longer purple, but blue like his blush.  I lean forwards and kiss his cheek.  "You better not do anything stupid either."  I say looking away from him while blushing.  His whole face is blue.   "Just kiss already!"  I hear Fell shout.  Mr. Fresh hides his face against my chest.  I hug him smiling happily.  I grab his shades and put them on him.  He raises his head blushing still.  I laugh at that.  "Are you two ready?"  I hear Mama say.  I turn to see Mama at the door.  "Yeah."  We say.  She smiles.  We get up and walk towards her.  We walk with her.  I see my parents not that far behind me.  "Hey... Mama... I'll catch up, I just... Need to grab something is all."  I say.  She turns to see my parents.  "Well... Take your time we will be heading back to the house."  Mama says smiling at me.  I smile my true smile back at her. "Thanks Mama!"  I say.  They continue walking and I see my Parents walking away.  I run up to them and hug them both from behind.  They are startled. I let them go and they turn around to see me there.  "I... Can't come home now... But I can always visit... I just... Don't wanna risk hurting you two again and it is going to take me some... Time to figure things out."  I say not looking at them.  They smile at me and they both kneel down to my height.  They hug me tightly and we all start to talk as we walk down.  "Hey, why not come pick up your stuff and we will drop you off at that woman's house."  Ink says.  "Hold on... Let me just tell Mama what I'm doing."  I say seeing Mama and the guys.  "Al-Alright I-I'll get-get the c-car."  Error says.  Ink waits for me.  I go over to Mama and laugh nervously.  The guys aren't that far away.  "Uh... Mama?" I say nervously.  She looks down to see me, before kneeling down.  "Yes, Paperjam?"  She says.  I hug her and whisper "I'm going to get some of my stuff with my parents is that alright?"  "Of course it is..."  She says smiling. I lean back and ask "Can I ask for a favour?"  "Anything."  She says.  "Can you help me scare the guys?  I want to make it seem like I am going back with my parents, but I'll be coming back no worries."  I whisper.  She laughs at that.  "Sure."  She whispers back.  She hugs me tightly and I hug her back.  The guys all look worried.  "Take care of yourself PaperJam... I'll miss you and so will the boys."  She says loudly.  I nod and I say "I'll miss you all more, but I'll see them at school."  She smiles weakly trying not to grin.  "Well..."  She says her voice cracking.  I can see the fake tears.  It is breaking my soul.  "You better at least visit."  She says before coughing.  'Perfection'  I think.  I hug her again.  "Nailed it." I whisper. "Now it looks like your parents are worried... You... Better Hurry."  She says with her voice cracking.  "See you soon Mama."  I whisper and we let go of each other.   She stands and we turn opposite ways.  I am trying not to laugh so hard it looks like I am sobbing or at least crying hard from behind me.  Ink looks confused as all shit.  The guys all look towards me as I look behind me.  Mr. Fresh looks devastated.  Mama pushes all the guys out.  Mr. Fresh is looking me in the eyes.  I wink at him and he smiles walking with Mama.  Ink is looking at me confused.  "Mama is helping me prank them."  I state smirking.  "I swear you are becoming just like your Father."  Ink laughs.  "What do you mean?"  I ask.  "He was living with her as well when we meet, he was much older than I was, just like you and Fresh are... Your father has always been a bit more violent and he likes to do pranks.  You have my soul and skills, but his anger problems."  Ink laughs.  I laugh at that too and we talk till we reach the car. We enter the car and we are all talking.  

Time skip...

My parents and I are talking in the car outside Mama's.  "We're going to miss you, and you better visit."  Ink says.  "I will I promise."  I say blushing slightly.  Error grabs my hand and places a phone in my hand.  "Call-Call us be-before you-ou visit-sit."  He says.  I smile softly at that.  "I will."  I say blushing.  I grab my bag smiling at them.  "See you soon Jammy."  Ink says and Error nods.  "Bye... For now dads."  I say exiting the car.  I close the car door and take a step back.  I wave at them and they take off, with Ink waving at me.  I smile at the ground before turning to see Mama's house.  I then pull out my key and go up to the house door.  I unlock the door and I hear movement.  I pull my key out and turn the door handle.  I see Mama there.  "Oh... I was getting worried."  She says.  "Yeah, my parents wanted to take me out for dinner... We talked and stuff."  I say gently for once.  She smiles at me.  "Now get in here before you catch a cold."  She laughs.  I smile brightly while laughing as I come inside.  "I thought he left us."  I hear.  I see Mr. Fresh and I blush.  "Behave you two."  Mama says.  My whole face goes pink.  Mr. Fresh comes over to me and he hugs me tightly, I hug him back.  "PaperJam..."  He mutters into my head.  "Yeah?"  I mutter into his chest.  "I missed you."  He says.  "I missed you too."  I say holding his hand.  We pull away and I slip off my runners and put on my beige slippers.  Then Mr. Fresh and I go into the house while holding hands.

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