Chapter 8 - Trouble

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I am changing out my textbooks for Math when I get pinned to my locker.  I freeze immediately and have flashbacks.  "PAPERJAM!!!"  I hear.  "Get off him!!!"  I hear Fell yell and then there is nothing behind pinning me.  I can see the office wall in front of me and tears are streaming down my face.  "PaperJam... It is me Fell... I am going to touch your shoulder and bring you down to the floor so you don't get hurt."  I hear Fell say from beside me.  I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder then one on my stomach.   I take a deep breath trying to break the flashback.  My left-hand touches the floor so I brace myself on it.  I take another deep breath as I see the school lockers in front of me.  "PaperJam... I'm-..." I hear but I turn and hug Fell tightly.  He hugs me back.  "It's alright shorty... A friend is here."  He says. "Woah... Did Fell really Fuck him up?"  I hear.  I see the guys and it becomes a group hug.  One of them wipes away my tears.  "I need a cigarette..."  I mutter.  "One of you get his pack and text books."  Fell says picking me up.  "I'll do it."  I hear.  I see Bunny grabbing my stuff and then he locks my locker.  He follows after us.  Mr. Fresh comes up the stairs to see Fell carrying me.  I see him and look away not wanting to get angry. "Fell... I can walk." I state. "No... You just had a 'you know what' you aren't walking."  He says carrying me past Mr. Fresh. "Wow... Weren't those two mortal enemies at one point?" I hear as Bunny catches up to us.  

We are outside talking at a picnic bench and I am doing my math work while smoking Fell and I are at least, Bunny is drinking alcohol.  I see a teacher coming around the corner as I take another drag.   I continue to do my work and Bunny hides his flask. Fell and I continue to smoke. "What are you three doing out of school?"  I hear.  "Making sure PaperJam doesn't kill anyone." Bunny laughs.  Fell glares at him while I finish up a question.  "What Bunny said."  I mutter. "Well, at least you are doing work."  The teacher huffs.  "Everyone here but PaperJam has spares at the moment."  Fell states.  "Make sure he at least gets to class."  The teacher huffs before marching off.  I roll my eyes at them.  I close my textbook and take a long drag of the cigarette. Suddenly my phone goes off.  I look at the number and get angry seeing it.  I answer it "Yes?"  I do not sound too thrilled.  "Hey... PaperJam... I am wondering if it would be okay if I swung by tomorrow."  I hear my ex-boss say.  "No, it would not be alright you rapist."  I state coldly.  "Don't call my number again."  I growl hanging up.  "Woah... He had enough balls to call you?"  Bunny says.  Fell comes over to me.  "I'm going to touch your shoulder... Is that alright?" Fell asks.  I shake my head 'no' not wanting to be touched.  Fell looks nervous and sits beside my textbook. My phone goes off.  I pass Fell my phone seeing the same number and Caller I.D.  Fell answers it. "Hey, creep call this number again I dare you."  Fell says before hanging up. I feel the cloud of my depression surrounding me.  I sit with my knees close to my chest as I bud out my cigarette. "Man... You really are messed up now." I hear a familiar voice say.  I see Mr. Fresh there.  I get angry thinking 'First time he speaks to me in over a month and that is the first thing he says to me!'  I stand up and start to go to my math class.  "Is that seriously the first thing that comes out of your mouth!!!"  I hear Fell shout.  I just continue to keep going inside the school.  I see the teacher that talked to Fell, Bunny, and I. "PAPERJAM WAIT!!!" I hear someone shout then there is a grip on my wrist.  I react on instinct and strings wrap around the soul of my attacker. "PaperJam!"  The teacher shouts.  My eyes are covered with a white glaze.  "FELL!!!"  I hear Bunny's voice say.  Suddenly I am being hugged and it knocks me back into focus.  My eyes look normal again.   "Holy shit..."  I hear Bunny say.  I then see Fell hugging me.   I take a deep breath relaxing.  "Dude... You almost killed Fresh!!!"  Bunny says.  "All of you... To the office."  I hear as I hug Fell back.  "Oh god... I'm losing control..." I mutter.   "No... Don't say that... He didn't say he was going to touch you... Remember it is you just trying to protect yourself... You are just scared is all."  Fell says looking me in the eyes.  "But I...-"  Fell cuts me off by saying  "I know how you feel, PaperJam... You are scared and you are angry towards everything."  His grip on the back of my sweater is comforting.  I let my arms go around his neck wanting him closer to me.  Fell picks me up again.  "Fell...-" I start. "Bunny... Pick up his textbook."  Fell orders.  "We'll be in the office."  Fell states to the teacher.  Bunny catches up to us.  "Why do I even try anymore?"  I hear Mr. Fresh say.  

Time skip...

Fell is walking me to my parent's place.  "I'll pick you up from the gym later... If you want."  Fell says as we reach my parent's place.   "Yeah... I would like that..." I mutter.  He nods and holds out his fist.  We do our handshake and I hesitate with a lot shaking, but I hug him.  He hugs me back right away.  "Don't worry, I'll always be there for you... And here is your phone and cigs."  He says slipping them into my pocket.  "Thanks."  I say blushing.   "Have fun with your parents."  He says letting go of me.  I shakily let go of him.  I nod and say "Have fun at work."  He nods and I watch him walk off.  "See ya shorty!!!"  He says waving back at me smiling.  I laugh and wave back.  I then go to head inside.  I see Error on the steps and I sweat drop hard.  He is smirking.  I walk up to the house.  "Hey..."  I trail off.  "Hurr-Hurry up-p!!!" He says excitedly.  I am so confused but I go up the steps and he pushes me inside.  My eyes are shut so I don't freak out. "PaperJam?"  I hear Ink's voice say.  I open my eyes to see my Parents standing in front of me.  I take a deep breath before closing the door behind me.  "PaperJam are you alright?"  Ink asks me.  "It is a long story but... What did you wanna see me and all?"  I ask.  "Because it is your birthday today."  Ink laughs.  'I forgot...'  I think and frown.  "Did-Did you-u forget-t your birth-bir-birthday?" Error asks. "Yeah... A lot of stuff has been happening is all... I got really busy too."  I laugh nervously.  Ink comes over and hugs me tightly.  'It is just a hug... Just a hug... Nothing more than a hug... just a hug... just a hug.' I think trying not to freak out.  "Sweetie... Why are you shaking?"  Ink asks me.  "S-Sorry...  I... I am... Afraid of being touched..."  I say trying to calm down.  It feels better to admit it to my parents.   "We haven't seen you for a month... What happened?"  Ink say bringing me over to the couch.  My parents sit beside me.  I then realize I haven't even talked about what happened, most just know the gist of it all.  "PaperJam-Jam you c-can te-tell us any-anything."  Error says.  I take a deep breath and ask "Can... You both come to my court case next week?"  "Whatever for?"  Ink says.  Error shakily reaches a hand and holds mine.  "The last time you guys saw me I was heading into work... I... I was..."  I struggle to say.  I squeeze Error's hand.  "Ta-Take your-your time-me." Error says.  I nod before taking a deep breath.  "I was raped..."  I mutter.  Error squeezes my hand back gently.  He then hugs me as well as Ink.  "You can cry... over it... Don't hold it in."  Ink says.  Being hugged by them is soothing and it makes everything seem like it was before I left.  "I wish... I never left..."  I cry into Error.   Ink rubs my back as I am shaking.  I hear Ink gasp and I see my phone and Cigarette pack poking out of my pocket.  I blush hard.  "Uh... Yeah..."  I say before sniffling.  I pull them out of my pocket and hold them in front of me.  Error looks confused.  "I started smoking... To help me coup with my problems."  I mutter.  "Oh... Jammy..."  Ink says with tears in his eyes.  He hugs me and Error.  "W-What type-pe of pr-problems?"  Error asks me.  "My anger problems, my... Depression... I've lost my ability to draw or to do any type of art, my hands are always shaking and I always feel alone." I say starting to cry. Ink looks worried. "Jammy... It is alright..." Ink says rubbing my back.  

I am eating for the first time in a long time and it tastes so good.  Error and Ink are watching me eat with a smile as they eat.   The table is full of happy conversation and I smile.  We talk even afterward and suddenly my alarm I had set goes off.  I turn it off frowning.  "Hey... PaperJam... Want to come back tomorrow?"  Ink asks.  I smile at that. "Yeah... Well... If that is alright with you." I say blushing.  "Of course it is alright!"  Ink says.  Error nods.  "I'll pi-pick you up-up if y-you want-t."  Error says blushing.  "I'd like that."  I smile happily.  

Discovering My Identity - PaperJam X Fresh (Underhigh fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now