Chapter 18 - Palette...

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Edge and I are walking back when we see the truck. "Come on!!!" I hear. The passenger door opens. I then see Fresh and I rush towards him. He runs and jumps into my arms. I spin him around hugging him tightly. We stop spinning and I set him down. I then kiss him passionately. His arms are around my neck and mine are around his waist. We pull back as I place a hand on his cheek. "I love you, Fresh." I say smiling. His eyes are looking up at me through his shades. Then there are tears as he wraps his arms around my waist. "I love you too, Jammy." I lower his shades slightly and then kiss the bridge of his nose. I look deep into his eyes. "Love birds!!! Hurry up!!!" I hear. I kiss him quickly again. I then fix his shades. "I got your stuff!!! Now get back here!!!" I hear G say. One of the other guys hops into the front. I help Fresh into the back of the truck. "Have fun at school, PaperJam!!!" I hear Gerson say. I wave back at him and Edge. Caramel comes over and nudges me. "No... Caramel I got to go." I say hugging her. She licks me and I smile. "See you next weekend Caramel." I say before hoping into the truck. I see the girls looking confused. "Time to party!!!" The guys all laugh.

Time skip...

Me and Fresh are cuddling with each other on the couch of the person's place we are at. I'm drinking pop with a bit of rum in it. Fresh is drinking a beer. "How is that nerd here?" I hear from not that far away. "Fresh? Him and Pj are dating... Haven't you heard by now?" I hear Fell laugh. "What!!! But Pj deserves better!!!" I hear. I look down to see Fresh silently crying. I set down both our drinks and then have him look at me. "Fresh... They are all wrong... I don't deserve you... You have been there since you know... And I am thankful to have you in my life, especially as my boyfriend." I say smiling softly. He smiles and kisses me. He moves and he is straddling me. I smirk at him and he blushes bright blue. "I love you, PaperJam." He says wrapping his arms around my neck. I hug him and say "You don't need to prove anything." "I know..." He says. I kiss him gently and wipe away his tears. I then pick him up effortlessly. I am carrying him around like a kid. He is blushing bright blue the whole time. "Who's ready to party!!!~" I hear Undyne shout. She sees me and looks confused. We do a handshake and laugh. Fresh is looking at me with a smile. "Why are you carrying around your boyfriend like that?" She asks. "Because he's my boyfriend, and I love him." I answer smiling softly at Fresh. I set him down and he hugs me. "I love you too." Fresh says. Suddenly my phone dings a few times. I look at my phone and my heart stops.

Error: Where are you?

Error: PaperJam come to the hospital right away, your brother is injured!

PaperJam: What happened?

Error: Someone attacked him when he was going to the library.

PaperJam: I'll be there as soon as possible.

Error: Alright, just hurry

PaperJam: Tell him PaperJam is coming

Error: Sure... Just hurry

"PaperJam..." I hear Fresh says. "Palette was attacked... He's in the hospital." I mutter. "Let's go... He needs you there." Fresh says. I nod.

Time skip...

Fresh and I rush in and I see Error holding Ink and Dream sitting looking heartbroken. I hear screaming. I don't even look at them as I barge into his hospital room. Palette's soul is horribly damaged and he has multiple broken bones from the looks of it. He is screaming, not just sobbing but screaming. I rush over to him and pull him into me. "Sh~... Sh~... It's alright..." I say holding him. He's only sobbing now. "My parents... I know they're here... And... And... They won't come in~." Palette sobs into my chest. "It's alright... At least... You're not alone right?" I say. He hugs me back and I feel my soul burn slightly. "What's that?" He asks with tears still streaming down his face still. "That's my soul... Sorry... I just..." I mutter not being able to piece my words together. Palette seems to have relaxed. I see my soul repairing itself. "Sorry... It does that, a lot..." I mutter. Palette pokes my soul and it completely repairs itself suddenly, with a warm rush through me. I am so shocked I can't move. Palette is holding my soul and I see his almost falling apart. I use magic and hold it in my hands. I then tie up his soul so it can heal, tying it with a bow. Palette is smiling looking at his soul. "Sorry... I can't heal very well." I mutter. Palette just smiles brightly and says "No one can do everything!" I smile at that. Our souls go back to us and I grab his good hand. "Palette please tell me... Who did this to you..." I say worriedly. "I just tripped and fell." He lies. I know he is lying due to my father telling me what happened and me using that line. "Palette... You can't use that line... I started using it first." I state smirking. Palette looks surprised. "Jocks don't get beaten up..." he mutters. "I have never always been a jock... It only happened this school year... I was known as the freak every other year." I mutter. "Why would anyone call you a freak?" He asks. "Don't worry about it... But... Are you alright?" I ask. He nods saying "I'm better now that my friend is here." I want to cry hearing him say that, knowing fully well that Dad and his other parent is outside with Fresh and Father. Fresh comes in smiling gently. "Hey, you alright?" He asks. Palette nods blushing. "Gothy?" I hear Palette say. I turn to see the school librarian. I stand and let go of his hand. I cough and act all tough. "You'll be back in shape by the next game, nah I bet by Friday you'll be up and going to school." I laugh acting tough. Fresh is killing himself laughing at that. Palette is smiling. "Yeah!!!" He says. Fresh is grabbing his stomach howling with laughter. "Oh... Shut it!!!" I say embarrassed. Palette is smiling at me. I face him and smile back at him.

I go into the hallway to see Ink waiting. I feel ashamed to be his kid suddenly and I just walk away from him. "PaperJam..." I hear him say. "Don't... I don't want to hear it." I say before starting to walk away again. I feel arms go around me and it's Dad's arms. "Please listen to me!" I hear him shout. I knock him off me and say "I know... I know I caused trouble... I know it was my fault you chose to leave... I know you hate me... So don't lie to me... You left... When I needed you the most... I don't mind though... Because... I know... I know how much of a disappointment I was... Even if I was an accident... I know you had high expectations for me... And I probably failed them all..." I exit the hospital with tears in my eyes. I am walking alone when I turn down a back alley. I stop beside a dumpster and start to sob feeling even more useless than trash. "PaperJam..." I hear. I see Fresh not that far away. He runs and hugs me. I hug him tightly, holding him ever so close to me. "Fresh!!!" I hear someone shout. Fresh is resting against my chest. He leans up and kisses me gently. A few more tears slip from eyes and he kneels in front of me, wiping them away. I gently grab his hand placing it back over my cheek. "Fresh?" I hear someone say. Fresh turns his head. My focus is purely on him, the main focus is his neck and jaw. "Yeah?" Fresh says. "Who is that?" I hear. "It's Pj..." He says turning back to face me. He wipes away more tears and he stands up. Fresh then lights a smoke for me and I take it gladly. I hug him around the waist. Fresh hugs me back. "Is... He crying?" I hear. "I love you Fresh." I say smiling into his shirt. "No... He's alright now!" Fresh says smiling. "I love you too." Fresh says leaning down into me. I start to smoke my cigarette to relax. "Dude... You both ran off suddenly." I hear Bunny say. "Something happened is all. Family stuff, a.k.a boring stuff." I answer just shrugging it all off. I'm only going to let Fell and Fresh know everything, from now on.

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