Chapter 26 - The End

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I wake up to talking and quiet laughter.  I see that I am in my old bedroom and then I hear "Jammy... I took too long... I wish... I could go back and start all over..."  I open my eyes then place a hand over Fresh's hand which is beside mine.  He looks at me and I smile at him gently.  He squeezes my hand and I sit up slowly wrapping my arms around him.  I hear laughter from downstairs.  I lay down with Fresh and smile at him.  "I missed you..."  I whisper.  He smiles.  "I missed you too..."  He says.  We kiss each other gently then it becomes more passionate and Fresh climbs on top of me.  I feel different and he looks a lot bigger than me for some reason.  Suddenly he pulls back and his eyes widen.  "Fresh..."  I say nervously. "PaperJam..."  He says smiling at me.  I relax right away and the nervousness slips from me.  Suddenly there is a portal and we fall into it.  I then notice I am not wearing a shirt.  I am holding onto Fresh tightly as we hit tree branches.  We then hit a well used path in deep snow.  "WHAT THE HELL?"  I hear someone shout.  I have a bone in front of me as I am protecting Fresh.  He is holding onto me tightly.  I am staring at two skeletons looking like Fell and Edge.  I tense seeing the one who looks like Edge.  "How did you two get here?"  The Sans asks.  I am holding Fresh to my chest as I stand up slowly. "We dropped through a portal suddenly... I did not portal us to your universe... This is Underfell, correct?"  I say calmly, and with no emotion.  "Oh!!! That was me!!!~"   I hear someone coo from behind me.  I then swing the bone and block multiple attacks.  "Good~  Destroyer's child~"  I hear someone coo.  "Pj!!! What's going on!?! What is this place!?!"   Fresh says freaking out.  "Boss... It looks like someone bit him."   I hear.  I tense hearing that.  "PJ!!!"  Fresh says.  "Fresh... Calm down... I will explain momentarily..."  I say squeezing his shoulder.  "Now Fresh... Stay back and out of the way... If it gets bad... I'll send you back through a portal."  I state.  "A WHAT!!!" Fresh says as I step forwards towards my attacker.  "So cute~"  The attacker says.  I chuckle "Fresh... Get behind the other two and don't watch... I might snap again."  "Snap~ Oh~ Almost like how that Blue of yours broke his spine~"  The person coos.  I smirk seeing two people there.  Suddenly there is a portal behind them and my Father is there.  "What do you two want?  I need to... Check... On..."  Father trails off seeing me.  I laugh slightly and I make a double sided scythe out of strings and use magic as a blade.  "I will not fight my son, to destroy a universe."  Father says.  "MR. ERROR!!!"  Fresh shouts running over to my father.  I sigh relieved that the other two didn't touch him.  "How did you get here?"  Father asks.  "Me and Pj fell through a portal and Pj won't tell me anything!!!"  Fresh cries into him.  Father goes back through the portal with him.  I shut it and lock it.  "Shall we? Nightmare and Cross?"  I laugh.  They smirk and we start to clash.   I then see red droplets and there is a pain in my cheek as I jump backwards.  "Boss!!!"  I hear then I see the Papyrus launch at me.  I bring my free arm up and bones circle around him.  I then get grabbed by one of Nightmare's tentacles.  I am then forced into the ground and my strings disassemble then they wrap around Cross and his soul.  "Nightmare!!!"  Cross shouts.  I smirk as the tentacle loosens around me.  I use my other hand and attack Nightmare with strings and bones.  The smell of blood fills the air.  I smirk hard as I stand up.  Blood drips from my forehead and mouth.  "He has no HP loss..."  I hear.  "That was fun... I haven't had any fun destroying or creating recently, due to my constant need to recover from accidents..."  I say smirking.  "How the hell?  You should be being controlled right now!!!"  Cross shouts.  "So that's what the purpose of the parasites were for... I was sleeping to recover from that..." I sigh boredly before bursting into laughter at the struggling they are both having.  I can feel myself slipping away suddenly and my eyes widen as tentacles are coming towards me.  I disconnect from the strings before grabbing them and pulling them towards me before jumping up and twisting my whole body as I throw them both over me then down through a portal to the anti-void.  I am dropping down towards it but I close it and lock it.  "Jammy!!!"  I hear someone shout as I make a bone and stab myself to force myself back.  I pull it out and look at my level and HP.  My eyes widen seeing it.  "Jammy..."  I hear.  I turn to see Dad there with Dream.  The white glaze is still slipping from my left eye so I cover it.  Dad rushes over to me.  "You are on our side!!!"  Dream shouts.  Emotions slip from my face and I laugh slightly before I drop my hand.  Dad's eyes widen.  "You were only protecting yourself..."  Dad says sadly.  "Of course... Plus I believe in a balance, between creating and destroying... I'm not like you and Father..."   I say wrapping up my wounds with strings to stop the bleeding.  I wipe my mouth and sigh.  I place a clean hand on Dad's shoulder.  "Don't get me wrong... I love you and Father both dearly... But I prefer to be in balance since I am the Creator and Destroyer's child, it is natural that I seek a balance."  I say smiling softly.  Dad smiles at me.  Suddenly a portal opens and I get defensive over Dad.  A Sans and Papyrus comes through rushedly and strings come after them.  I rush over and grab them seeing how they are wrapped around them.  I then go through the portal to see Father panting and bleeding out.  "FATHER!!!" I shout on instinct.  I rush over to him but see black tentacles coming towards me.  I tie them up before kneeling down beside him.  "Who are you?"  Father asks me.  My world shatters around me and the anti-void becomes dark.  I ignore my feelings and just wrap up his wounds with string. This Error is shouting at me but I keep doing what I want.   I then stand up and sigh.  "You move or make one string... And I'll make you a fine powder."  I state towards the other Error.  I see Dad staring at me in shock.  I feel a chuckle escape my throat as I look towards Nightmare and Cross.  "PaperJam... Join us... You can destroy whatever you want if you do..."  Cross says.  I smirk and a full Gaster Blaster appears behind me.  "Let me think... No~" I coo right back towards them before attacking them.  Suddenly there is dust in the air.  I then feel strings wrap around my arm.  "INK!!! HE SNAPPED!!!"  I hear as I twist my arm then I pull the strings.  "PJ!!!"  I hear someone shout and then arms go around my waist.  I blink a few times to see Fresh there and everything slows down.  The full Gaster Blaster disappears and my hands fall to my sides.  "You don't need to fight... You are alright Pj... You are alright..."  I hear feeling myself falling.  

Third Person's P.O.V...

PaperJam had given his all to fight and protect his parents in his own way.  Now as his Fresh holds PaperJam in his arms, PaperJam slowly returns back to ink and strings.  Fresh begins to freak out but Ink PaperJam's mother, and the other Error watch knowing what is happening.  Error PaperJam's Father comes in through a portal. "Ink... Care to fight... One more time?" Error PaperJam's father asks.  Ink nods and they begin to fight while the others watch in horror and curiosity.  The battle is extremely violent but no one is getting hurt surprisingly to most of the skeletons watching.  Nightmare, Cross, and Dream begin to fight as well.  The ink and strings are beginning to swirl.  Fresh watches in awe and the other Error watches in confusion.  Suddenly Ink and Error pull away from each other and watch.  All the ink and strings come together.

PaperJam's P.OV...

Darkness... Nothing but darkness surrounds me till I open my eyes.  I hold my hands to my chest seeing multiple people staring at me.  Suddenly there is a glowing and I see Fresh surrounded in a purple light.  I then see my parents smiling at me.  I run towards them and hug them.  "Mommy and Daddy!!!"  I shout happily.  Suddenly a portal appears in front of us and it twists back.  "Let's try again."  Father says.  I reach a hand towards Fresh and he runs over to us as well.  I hold his hand and we enter through the portal.  

The end~

Discovering My Identity - PaperJam X Fresh (Underhigh fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now