Chapter 6 - Feeling Dirty

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I am walking ahead of the guys today, as we are all going home.  Mr. Fresh has been ignoring me the past few days and it really hurts, since he won't tell me what is wrong.  I pull out my phone and call my parents home phone number.  I go off into a back alley and lean against a fence.  Mr. Fresh looks over at me as the guys all stop to wait for me.  Someone picks up.  "Hello?"  I hear Ink's voice.  "Dad... Can... I come over?"  I ask weakly.  "Sure of course, you can PaperJam!"  He says excitedly.  I smile gently at that.  "Can I show up right away?"  I ask.  "Anytime!"  He says. "Alright... See you soon."  I say softly.  "See you when you get here PaperJam."  Ink says before hanging up.   I hang up as well.  "Tell Mama I am clearing my head."  I state walking down the alley.  "Uh... Alright?"  They say.  Mr. Fresh looks worried but he just turns and walks away.  I feel tears prick at the corner my eyes. I walk away from them quickly. "Fresh? Did you two argue or something?" I hear one of the guys shout. I just continue to walk.  

Time skip...

I'm at work currently.  Error dropped me off.   "Hey, tiny~"  I hear one of the girls coo.  I roll my eyes and pick up a box and carry it to the truck.  "PaperJam relax kid... You haven't even taken a break yet."  I hear my boss say as I set down the box.  I sigh and sit down at the edge of the truck. "Kid, you alright?"  One of the older guys say. "Just stressed out is all." I sigh. "School these days is really that bad?" My boss says. "No, just having family and friend problems."  I say.  "Awe... One of the boys at Mama's house bugging you?"  My boss laughs. "I wish..."  I laugh before dropping down from the truck's ledge.  "Then what's happening?" A girl giggles. "My best friend is ignoring me and my parents are different than before."  I sigh again.  "Your ink is going to run grey if you keep sighing like that."  My boss laughs.  I wave them off while saying "I'm just stressed out."  I then go back to work.  

I'm about to leave work when I get a call on my phone.  "PaperJam, come to the office real quick."  I hear then it hangs up.  I roll my eyes and head towards the office.  I knock on the office door and it goes dead silent behind the door.  "Enter."  I hear a menacing automated voice say.  I groan and open the door.  I do not look very impressed as there is shouting suddenly.  I sweat drop at the shouting.  "Man... Pj... Relax a bit."  I hear my boss say.  I take a deep breath trying to relax.  I am suddenly picked up and I glare at my coworker.  Suddenly I am set in between the two girls.  I then realize what is going on and I get uncomfortable.  The girls are hugging me and shit.  It is clear that I am uncomfortable and one of the guys I work with pass me a cigarette suddenly.  "Since these girls can't do it here."  He says placing it in my mouth.  He lights it before I can argue.  I glare at him but take a puff of it slowly so I don't hurt myself.  "Damn you are acting like you have smoked for forever!" A girl laughs. "I'm just not an idiot who would inhale quickly."  I say before exhaling.  I feel a bit better and more relaxed now. "Ugh... Kimberly and Joe wins."  I hear.  I raise a brow at that as I take another drag of the cigarette. 'The only reason why I am even capable of smoking is because of the guys.'  I think closing my eyes.  "Oh they all made bets... Everyone else thought the girls would relax you." Boss says.  I nod.  "Yeah... That usually doesn't happen."  I mutter.  "Figured as much."  Kimberly laughs boisterously.  I take another drag letting it fill my lungs then I exhale.  I open my eyes to see most of my coworkers just staring.  My boss is sitting beside me. He puts me into a head lock.  I keep the hand with the cigarette away from me so no one gets burnt.  My boss lets go of my neck and wraps an arm around my waist. I get uncomfortable again. I can smell alcohol on his breath. I have a bad feeling in my stomach. He is holding an ashtray up towards me.  I 'flick' the aches into the ashtray.  I take a drag to try and calm down.  People are starting to leave the office with a goodnight or a see you tomorrow.  I finish the cigarette and then say "Well I better... Get going... Mama is probably getting worried."  "Awe~ But you're with me, Pj."  My boss says pulling me closer, by my waist. "Boss... You're drunk... I think I should head home, the same as you." I protest moving away from him by getting off the desk of the main office.  Boss grabs me and pushes me into the wall.  I can feel tears gathering in my eyes and I am becoming scared right now as I feel a pinch.  

Time skip...

I ran back Mama's and I went straight into the showers. I stripped and now I am scrubbing myself feeling so disgusting... Feeling dirty. There is no colour left to my ink I notice suddenly. I keep scrubbing feeling so dirty feeling covered in grime. Suddenly I see a hand reaching towards me and I scream terrified. "SOMEONE GET MAMA!!!" I hear someone shout. I am on the ground sitting suddenly my arms wrapped around me. I am out of the way of the water. I see colour returning to my ink and I try to wipe it off hurriedly and panicked, feeling disgusted in myself feeling like there is a thicker layer of grime growing on me as the colour of my ink keeps returning.  All water was shut off.  I then see someone in front of me and I cover myself tightly. "PaperJam... Look at me... What happened?" I hear Mama's voice.  I see my Boss in front of me. I move out of the way of him and I fall over. "Why is his pelvis and arms bleeding like that?"  I hear Fell's voice ask.  "He was drugged and... Someone get the police...  Ring THAT alarm and get me the phone."  Mama's voice says. I am squeezing my eyes shut. "PaperJam... I am right here... I know you are drugged right now... I am about to touch you on your shoulder and bring you into me so I can get you dressed."  Mama's voice says.  Suddenly there is an alarm and the hand touches me and then I am pulled forwards.  "I am going to lift you up and carry you now."  I hear Mama's voice say.  I am then lifted up and I hold onto Mama.  I am too afraid of opening my eyes. Shortly after I am placed on something soft.  "Keep your eyes closed... At least till the cops get here..."  I hear.  

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