Chapter 2 - The Accident

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I wake up hearing someone humming.  I open my eyes to see the person who stood up for me and attempted to heal me back at school.  I then sit up quickly looking for my soul.  It shows up in front of me.  It is covered in bandages.  "Pj..."  the kid says suddenly.  My attention turns towards the kid.  I take a deep breath not wanting to flat line.  I lay back down gently.  'Am I dead? Is he my angel?' I think staring at him.  "Are you alright, broski?" He asks.  I nod slowly.   I see he has dried tears on his cheeks.  "Were... You... Crying?"  I ask slowly.  He has a blue blush on his cheeks.  "I just got upset that someone... Would beat up someone over their sexuality, that's so unrad..."   He trails off.   "Will... You be my friend?"  I ask hopefully.  "Sure!"  He says smiling.  I smile as well.  He looks nervous.  "Hey... Uh... My name is Fresh, I never got to tell ya 'cause well... ya know..."  He says.  "Thank you, for what you did at school for me... Mr. Fresh."  I say smiling.  I can feel tears in my eyes as I hug him tightly.  "You are the only person to ever stand up for me."  I say with tears streaming down my face.  He hugs me back gently and we end up staying like that for awhile, I even fall back asleep in his arms.  

Time skip...

I wake up to "Doctor Gaster, please report to room 284."   I blink a few times to remove the glaze covering my eye.  "Oh... PaperJam you are awake."  I hear.  I look around the room then at the door.  A Doctor or nurse is there.  "My name is Doctor Gaster. I am going to help you get better."  He says smiling.  He looks creepy.  "Are you going to hurt my soul again?"  I ask covering my chest.  "No, no... We thought you were still asleep when that happened, Paperjam... We were not told that you were still awake."  Dr. Gaster says.  I nod slowly.  "What were you doing?"  I ask.  "We were fixing your soul to make it all better."  He says.  I nod slowly.  

A week later...

I am still in the hospital and I can't stop thinking about Mr. Fresh.  It is bedtime right now but I can't find myself to fall asleep.  Suddenly the door opens slowly then it shuts slowly and locks.  I then see Mr. Fresh.  I sit up and smile at him.  He blushes as soon as he sees me.  "Yo, Brokski."  He whispers.  "Hi, Mr. Fresh." I whisper back.  I smile at him brightly.  "A nurse told me, that you would be capable of going to school next week."  Mr. Fresh whispers.  "Really? Yay!!!"  I whisper, shout.  He laughs covering his mouth.  "You have to stay quiet remember?" He says. I cover my mouth. He sits beside me after putting down his bag beside the bed. "Sorry, about not being able to visit during the day..."  he says.  "I don't mind... I guess it makes when you visit special."  I whisper.  He blushes at that.  "Yeah... Oh, I brought you homework and stuff, so you don't get bored, that would be unrad..."  he says.  "Can you help me with it?" I ask blushing.  "Sure." He says pulling it up.

Three hours later...

I am falling asleep into his side as he continues to teach me math equations.  "Oh, that makes sense."  I say as he is explaining on how conversions multiply and divide into each other.  I cuddle into him slightly feeling safe in his arms.  "Pj?"  He says suddenly.  I open my eyes and blush hard.  "Oh no... I fell asleep!"  I say loudly. "Sh~ Sh~." He says.  I cover my mouth.  "Sorry..."  I mutter.  "It is alright, broski, you should head to bed."  Mr. Fresh says.  I blush hard at that.  "Will... You come back tomorrow?"  I ask softly.  "If you want."  He says blushing.  "Yay!!!"  I whisper yell.  He smiles at me and pulls me into him.  I cuddle into him more smiling softly. 

Time skip...

I am walking to school and I am nervous. "Pj!!!"  I hear.  I look up to see Mr. Fresh waving at me.  I feel any worry or nervousness inside me disappear once I see him.  I didn't even feel myself running when I am in front of him out of breath.  "Woah, Pj... Chillax."  He laughs.  I hug him tightly and he hugs me back.  "Jammy!!!"  I hear Dad shout suddenly.  I jump and I push Mr. Fresh into the bushes.  Dad catches up to me and is breathing hard.  "I forgot to give you, your new phone, just in case something like that happens again... And if you choose to do anything after school you can just text me or your Father, alright?"  He says smiling.  Suddenly Father pulls up with the car.  "PaperJam do you want a ride and Ink I told you I was getting the car." Father says.  "I'm good Dad and Father... I can walk and thank you."  I say smiling.  "Alright, have a good day at school Jammy."  Dad says.  I nod and wave at them.  They go down the block and around the corner. I then help Mr. Fresh out of the bushes.  "Thanks."  He says.  "I'm sorry for pushing you into the bushes... I just got scared suddenly and...-" I cut myself off.  "Pj... I don't think it... Will be good for you... If we hang out..."  Mr. Fresh says.  My world falls apart suddenly hearing him say that.  "Why?"  I ask feeling myself starting to tear up.  "It is not you, trust me... I... I really like hanging out with you, but... Your parents... They hate me... I can't hurt you like that Broski..."  He says kneeling in front of me.  I look down into his shade covered eyes as tears roll down my cheeks.  "Then... Why did you stand up for me?  Why did you make me feel happy again? Why... Why..."  I start to choke on my tears.  "Because I thought it was right, what Fell did and all was unrad... And because I cared... And I am saying we shouldn't be friends because your parents hate me, and I'd rather hurt you now than hurt you in the long run..."  He says with tears in his eyes.  I hear a gasp.  "Pj... Please... I can't be your friend... Ink and Error hate me... I don't want them to hate you as well..."  Mr. Fresh says.  "Jammy come here."  I hear.  I hug Mr. Fresh tightly.  "Please be my friend... Please... I'd be dead without you."  I cry hugging him.  "JAMMY GET AWAY FROM THAT PARASITE!!!"  I hear Dad yell.  "Pj... Just go with your parents."  Mr. Fresh says.  My world is falling apart around me as I let go of Mr. Fresh.  I clutch the phone in my hands tightly and just run back home.  I burst through the doors before slamming it closed and locking the door.  I then run into my room and sob.  I am on my bed sobbing into my pillow.  The front door opens and I hear Dad and Father yelling.  I can't make up the words clearly.  I just sob into my pillow harder.  I am so angry and so upset towards Mr. Fresh and my parents.  My door slams open and I see Dad looking at me horror clear on his face.  "WHY WERE YOU WITH HIM!!!"  He shouts at me.  I sob harder into my pillow.  Father comes in with a look of worry.  He comes over to me and passes right past Dad.  Father goes to touch me and I lash out. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!! I HATE YOU!!! I HATE DAD AND I HATE HIM!!! JUST GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"  I scream as ink strings lash out towards them.  Father is in front of Dad and my eyes widen realizing what I just did.  "I... I..."  I can't find the words.  Father's eyes are wide as well.   Dad's are filled with terror.  I leave everything on my bed before running past them and out of the house.

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