Chapter 20 - Fresh... No

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Next Day...

I'm silent, I have not spoken to anyone since Fresh and I were hugging in the anti-void.  Not many people try to talk to me.  Fresh is sleeping against my chest currently. "Did you hear?"  I hear.  Fresh is shaking suddenly.  I hold him closer to me and I take off my jacket and wrap him in it.  His eyes open and he smiles at me.  "What!!!"  I hear.  I smile at Fresh slightly.  I feel horrible for almost killing him.  "Pj... Are you still thinking about that?"  He asks me. I nod slowly.  "You had no control over it... It doesn't matter... Because you didn't hurt me... *grabs my hand* You didn't hurt me, Pj."  He says before placing my hand against his chest.  "See... I'm fine... I'm right here..." He says turning into me.  He is now straddling me and I wrap my arms around his waist. "Smile more."  Fresh laughs.  I smile for him.  He then forces me to smile big.  And I laugh at that, I have a smile pinned to my face.  "There you are!!!" He says smiling.  "Bro!!!"  I hear someone shout loudly.  I then frown feeling tears in my eyes. 'I almost killed him...'  I think before kissing his forehead. "Pj..." Fresh says. "I'm... So... Sorry."  I whisper as I pull him closer to me. "Pj... I know you're scared of yourself... But I love you... Ever since we first met I have loved you... I just wished... I had said something before... I just wish... It's my fault... It's my fault you're like this." Fresh says crying.  I hold him closer and say "No... It's not your fault... It's my fault and his fault... Fresh don't ever take what happened to me as your fault."  He nods still crying.  I rub his back gently.  He passes out against my chest and I smile watching him sleep.  "PaperJam?"  I hear.  I look up to see Trixy. My eyes narrow at her.  She is smirking.  "So how was camp?"  She asks. "What camp?"  I say making myself look confused.  She looks pissed off at me. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WHAT CAMP?' YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!"  She shouts at me.  I roll my eyes at her.  "I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN!!!"  She shouts. "You've never killed a person before have you... At least not by yourself... Have you?"  I state smirking.  She goes silent at that.  "What you're saying to me is an empty threat... I'm the child of a mass murderer, or did you forget." I state smirking bigger.  She backs up from me then says "I'm not scared of you!"  "Says the one backing up!"  I hear someone say suddenly.  I turn my head and my soul sinks.  'I just said that... In front of my brother.'  I think panicking.  Palette is standing there blushing.  Fresh is still sleeping some how.  "Oh so now your side hoe is backing you up!!!"  Trixy says harshly.  I howl with laughter.  "We're brothers..."  Palette says confused. Trixy is looking back and forth at us.  "Only one of our parents are the same."   I add trying to stop laughing.  Trixy is approaching me and I get a bad feeling.  I move Fresh aside and Palette holds him.  "No fighting Pj!"  I hear Palette say.  I then see a gun being pulled out and I pull mine out as well.  Her eyes are wide.  "Brother..." Palette says worriedly.  I feel the magic in my system rush through me and all my senses speed up. Her hand is trembling and there is sweat rolling down her forehead and starting to trail along side her brow.  I am used to holding a gun.  I use reflections to check my surroundings.  I then shoot her gun and use strings to grab it from her.  A bullet grazes my cheek and a string doesn't let it go past me.  She falls backwards and I put my gun away.  "Guns are not toys... You shouldn't play around with them."  I state coldly.  There are students recording with their phones.  "Yes!!! Underhigh highschool!!!"  I hear Palette say.  I turn to see him shaking while talking on the phone.  I hear running and Trixy is sprinting.  My strings catch her and bring her back over.  I then tie her up and cover her butt to make sure her skirt doesn't shift around.  I reach my hand out to Palette and he passes me the phone.  "Hello 911 operator?"  I say.  "Yes, we are here."  I hear.  "Can you send a single police unit and a fire department medical team?"  I ask calmly.  "Yes we can... We have dispatched them already." They say.  "Oh and please make sure that the officers or one of them are female."  I say.  "May I ask why?"  I hear.  "The person that will be going into custody is female, as far as I know."  I state. "Alright... The medical team should be there shortly." The operator says.  "Alright thank you."  I say before hanging up.  Fresh and Palette are staring at me.  Fresh touches my cheek and I wince.  I hug Palette passing him the phone.  He holds it to his chest.  "Pj... Are you alright?"  He asks worry dripping from his usually happy and carefree voice.  I nod then there is tugging on the strings.  Suddenly there are sirens and the tugging gets more violent. Suddenly everything gets dizzy and I hear mad laughter.  "You idiot!!! DIE!!!" Trixy laughs.  My world is spinning.  Fresh is holding me up.  I then see the string holding the bullet and it is turning black.  "Pj!!!"  Fresh says.  My strings are tightening around Trixy slowly killing her. Fresh lays me down and then there are people rushing over to me.  They are the paramedics.  "Use gloves!!! There was something on the bullet!!!"  Palette screams.  The medics all nod and one is calling for an ambulance.   Teachers and students are all staring in horror.  Fresh is beside me holding one of my hands.  "Fresh... You touched my cut..."  I panic.  A medic rushes over and starts to examine Fresh, forcing him away from me.  More sirens and there is an ambulance and the police there.  I wait till the police see Trixy and then I untie her.  All my strings go black and they turn to dust. Father rushes over to me and tears start to leak from his eyes.  "N-No... Ple-Please..."  Father says.  I hold his hand gently.  He is looking at me with wide eyes.  I smirk at him.  "I won't die... I promised not to leave you alone..."  I say now smiling softly.  He smiles at me back.  I let go of his hand feeling exhausted.  I then physically start to fight whatever is in my body.  My soul is covered in something and I shake my soul.  It is clean now.  Father grabs my soul and holds it close to his chest.  "Pj... You're going to live right?"  Palette asks.  I smile at him and say "Of course... I can beat anything or anyone remember?"  Palette smiles wide at that.  The paramedics all look sad at that.  I feel everything start to burn suddenly.  I let my arm go to the side. I push out anything that isn't ink from my system out through my arm and into the ground beside me.  I feel exhausted, but I force myself to stay awake.  Father and Palette are beside me. Suddenly Fresh is rushing over to me with tears in his eyes.  He hugs me tightly and is sobbing. "No... No... No..."  He sobs into my chest.  "Help him... Please... Do something!!!"  Fresh sobs. "We can't... It's a parasite venom..."  I hear.  Fresh's eyes widen.  "Fresh... No..."  I mutter.  He removes his shades and looking into his eyes I see fear and worry.  "Don't..."  I say, a tear leaking from my right eye.  "I can't and won't let you die... Especially when I can do something about it." Fresh says before kissing me.  I already know it's too late to argue back and tears slip from my eyes knowing he may not remember me when he wakes up. I kiss him back and I hold him close to me.  We kiss passionately as tears both leak from our eyes.   People are watching confused but Father knows exactly what's happening.  His tears become purple as we continue on and I feel myself starting to sob while kissing him.  The purple tears become foam, but there are still tears leaking from his eyes.  "What's happening to him?"  Palette asks.  Fresh pulls away looking at me.  I break down into tears looking at him.  "You... Idiot..."  I cry into his chest.  "Don't forget... How much... I love you..." He says gently.  He is holding me tightly.  "I won't I promise... I promise I'll never forget you."  I cry into him.  My grip on him is slowly slipping.  I pass out feeling something land against my chest.  

Discovering My Identity - PaperJam X Fresh (Underhigh fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now