Chapter 17 - That Bastard...

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I see Gerson and Undyne coming towards us with Edge following behind them.   Caramel is being very protective of me as the other camp leader comes over to me.  "So have you decided?"  He asks.  "Decided what?" I say confused.  "Joining our camp!!! We are much more physical and we do a lot more than the camp you are in now!!!"  He says.   "Uh..."  I say confused.  "Come on!!! There is a school program and everything as well, so you won't have to walk to and from the city again!!!"  He says and almost touches me but Caramel growls and gets in between.  The camp leader looks angry.  "And there aren't any annoying animals." He states glaring at Caramel.  "I am fine at the camp I am at really, plus it gives me the room I need... Thank you for the offer and all but really I am fine."  I say.  "Pj!!!"  I hear Undyne shout.  I turn my head then I feel my hand being jabbed with something.  "THE BEAR BIT HIM!!!" I hear someone scream.  I look down to see Caramel looking up at me confused.  There is no blood on her but the camp leader has my hand.  I have been shaking the whole time and he is pulling a needle from my hand.  I can feel panic going through me. Caramel knocks me over and pins me down knowing I am about to lash out. "CARAMEL KEEP HIM DOWN!!!" I hear Gerson scream.  "Pj!!!" I hear Undyne scream. I can see the camp leader smirking down at me behind Gerson. I feel like a fish, because I can't speak. "You triggered him!!! What did you do?!?!?"  I hear Edge shouts.  Kids are gathering around us.  I then see Edge and Gerson clear in my view and then I feel fuzzy.  I slowly stop fighting Caramel and I go limp. "Caramel he's calmed down, you can move." Gerson says. I am looking Caramel in the eyes and she looks towards Gerson shaking her head no.  Gerson looks worried down towards me.  I write in the dirt, 'Drugs'.   He looks confused till my blood covered hand sets beside it.  Edge rips part of his shirt and wipes away the blood.  He grabs my hand and leans over it.  I squeeze my eyes shut and it feels weird but good in a way.  "What the hell is he doing?" I hear. "Drugged... Caramel said he was drugged... He is removing what he can from his system."  I hear.  "How would a bear know!!! And a bear doesn't talk!!!"  The camp leader says.  I get angry just by hearing their voice.  It is clear in my eyes that I am angry.  Edge soon is looking me in the eyes and he is licking his teeth of my blood.  My body goes hot and I groan feeling so uncomfortable.  My eyes close and Caramel licks my cheek.  "Edge is there something wrong?"  Gerson asks.   "We didn't make it in time... He is under the influence of the same drug in the court case... Nothing he does in the next hour will be fully him."  Edge says.  I open my eyes to just see through a small crack smirking slightly.  Edge looks freaked out as I easily sit up.  Edge pins me down.  "Gerson... We need him out of the male camp right away."  Edge states.  Gerson nods and they both grab one of my arms.  They have tight grips me.  I open my eyes smirking.  "This is a different reaction..."  I hear.  I break free of the two and I pin the camp leader against a tree.  Anything he had in his hands or sleeves isn't there anymore.  Kids are shocked, and are staring. "Shit... You are dominant..."  He says staring up at me.  "This isn't good..."  I hear Gerson say.  Caramel is laughing.  "Caramel!!!"  Gerson shouts.  The camp leader places a hand against my chest trying to push me away.  It only turns me on.  "You know... There is a reason why I am up hill and separated from others... It's so I don't hurt others."  I whisper before laughing. "Lucky for you I am being picked up in a few hours."  I say smirking.  I then let him drop down.  He looks scared as I smirk down at him.  I then punch where he was.  "You're lucky I dislike being violent..."  I state pulling my hand out of the trunk.  "Pj... Stop it... You're scaring me!"  I hear Jewel's voice cry.  I turn to see her with tears streaming down her face.  I feel ashamed of myself and go up hill to my area where I can freak out and have a temper tantrum.  

Time skip...

I am sitting down in the mess I made feeling awful, hot and not being able to control myself.  I feel achy and it is uncomfortable.  "PaperJam..."  I hear.  I see Edge and my already flushed face gets darker.  I look away embarrassed.  Edge sits beside me and I move over due to... Reasons.  "Pj... Are you alright?"  He asks.  "I don't know what's happening to me..."  I state.  "What do you mean?" Edge says looking confused.   "I feel weird... Ever since I was drugged today... I just feel so hot and I ache all over." I say feeling that harsh ache again.  Edge is silent.  "Edge... I don't know what's wrong with me."  I panic.  "You're in heat..."  Edge says not looking at me.  I freeze hearing that.  "I..."  I trail off.  Edge stays silent.  "Oh god..."  I mutter.  "Are you alright?"  Edge asks.  "I've never been in heat before."  I mutter.  "What..."  Edge says.  "Oh god... I took your innocence too."  Edge says growling.  I feel a chill go up my spine as he growls.  Then there is a burst of heat between my thighs.  I am keeping my jaw clamped together.  "Pj... Do you trust me?"  Edge asks me.  "Well yeah..."  I mutter.  "You need to jerk off..."  Edge says to me. My whole face is pink now.  "I... uh... I... I... uh~"  I stammer not knowing what to say.  "You're only going to suffer if you don't."  Edge adds.  "But... Is there any other way?"  I ask.  "To... Have sex..."  Edge says.  I don't know what to do now, no idea.  "I know you are gay... So no one up here can have sex with you, so you're going to have to jerk off."  Edge says.  "I've never masturbated before..."  I mutter.  Edge looks at me like I am fucking insane.  "Hey!!! I was innocent till I met you, and Mama, and... Ran away..." I say starting to feel depressed.   "I'll show you then."  I hear Edge growl.  I turn and go to retort back but I get picked up and carried.  

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