Chapter 4 - Saving Mr. Fresh

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It is night time and I am laying in my bed.  I haven't been able to fall asleep so far.  I see Mr. Fresh still awake also.  I feel awful about hurting him.  He is facing away from me.  I get out of my bed and go over to him.  "Mr. Fresh..."  I mutter.  "PaperJam... Stop it."  He says.  I look down and go to go back to my bed feeling embarrassed.  "Wait... PaperJam?"  I hear.  I look back up at Mr. Fresh's bed to see him removing his headphones, while sitting up.   "Its nothing."  I mutter starting to turn away from him again.   He grabs my wrist and pulls me close to him.  "Please... Stay."  He says.  I hug him gently and he hugs me tightly around my waist.  I sit on his lap, straddling him and he looks startled at that.  I hug him tightly back around his neck.  "I'm sorry..."  I mutter.  "For what?"  He asks.  "For being so greedy... I was... Just... So hurt..."  I mutter.  He is silent.  "It is my fault... I shouldn't had been so unrad."  Mr. Fresh says.  I blush hard at that and I snuggle into him.  He lays us down after setting aside his phone and headphones.  He pulls the covers over us and he pulls me close to him.  We fall asleep in each other's arms. 

A month later...

I am walking with the guys to school, then we are all going to work after school.  Me and Mr. Fresh are walking together and Fell is on the other side of me.  I see kids I used to hang out with talking to each other.  I am wearing my normal shorts with a white T-shirt, because my other stuff is in the wash.  "Pj, aren't you going to hang out with your usual friends?"  Fell asks confused.  "No."  I state.  Mr. Fresh holds my hand and I squeeze his hand back gently.  We enter the school in style.  I see a missing poster for me on the bulletin board and I rip it off.  The guys laugh while I smirk.  I ruin the poster and put it in the garbage.   A few teachers see me.  Fell and the guys laugh as they make a joke. "Yep just like those cops." I add on.  They all howl with laughter.  "Oh... PaperJam!!! You finally went home I see!!!"  A teacher says.  "Oh... Did little Jammy run back to his parents?"  The guys tease me.  "Nope, I just promised my boss I would go to school."  I state smirking.  "What..."  the teacher says.  "Just call them, I will repeat the same thing I do, just like I do with the cops."  I snap.  "You should join track."  Fell suggests.  "I'll ask my boss."  I laugh.  The teachers slink off.  We all head to our classes.  

Days later...

I am in Art class with Mr. Fresh when there is a call "PaperJam to the office. PaperJam to the office."  I hear.  I stand and Mr. Fresh follows me.  I know Mr. Fresh is controlled by a Parasite now.  Now I know why my parents told me to stay away from him, but I don't mind.  I did my research at lunches.  I figured a way to remove the thing, but it will take me time to get close to it. Mr. Fresh and I go towards the office.  I see Error and Ink there, A.k.a my parents.  I feel angry at that.  "Yo... Calm down, Pj..."  Mr. Fresh says.  He squeezes my hand worriedly.  I blush slightly as I move closer to him.  I place my free hand on his pelvis and my head on his chest.  I can hear the Parasite breathing heavily.  "Pj..."  Mr. Fresh says.  "PaperJam..."  I hear Ink say.  I smirk slightly, and I let my eyes narrow slightly.  My parents eyes widen.  "We're too late..."  Ink starts to cry.  My face goes blank as I hold onto Mr. Fresh.   "Pj?  Are you alright?"  Mr. Fresh says.  "Of course I am!  I am with you now... Aren't I?"  I say a saddened look on my face.  Something sparks behind his shades and I smirk slightly.  'I'll get rid of that parasite.'  I think smirking.  "Of course, dude."  He laughs.  Error looks disgusting.  "How are they both infected?"  The teacher from a few days ago asks.  "How often are they apart?" Ink sobs. Me and Mr. Fresh push past them and I ask "Why do you want me?" My voice is all cute and sweet. "Your parents came to talk to you." They say. "Oh... I don't want to talk to my parents, so I'll be going back to my class." I state. "Okay..." They office person says. I walk out with Mr. Fresh hand in hand.  I see my parents then see my eyes in a reflection.  'Shit...' I think looking at how they are shifting. I see the parasite latched onto my hand and Mr. Fresh's. I feel weak suddenly and I lean into Mr. Fresh. He grabs onto me suddenly and he looks freaked out.  He sees our hands and is fighting to pull us apart.  I stop him and place my other hand over his.  "I... Want this..."  I say smiling at him.  He looks scared and it is starting to hurt.  I feel myself tearing up slightly.  I see the guys suddenly as the parasite transfers to me.   Mr. Fresh looks horrified and his shades fall from his eyes.  I then eject my soul from my chest and place it in his.   His eyes are blue now.  I smile at that as I move away from Mr. Fresh.  "PaperJam?"  Mr. Fresh says.  I can feel the parasite sucking away at my life.  "Yeah... Mr. Fresh?"  I laugh slightly.  I start to drown the parasite in my ink. My dad runs over to me in horror and grabs me. He is holding me close but I push him away. There is a screaming I am hearing, but I continue to drown the parasite.  Suddenly there is thick goop that was once the ink drowning the parasite. The parasite turned to dust dying and I let it all drop as I fall sideways.  "That was idiotic!!! Paperjam, why did you do that?"  Mr. Fresh says with tears in his eyes.  I smile at him as he is kneeling beside me.   He removes the goop from my ribs and spine the best he can.   My ink had turned light grey.  "That was so idiotic..."  Mr. Fresh says.  My soul hovers between us.  "Jammy?"  I hear.  I then see Dad and Father.  I blush looking away from them.  Mr. Fresh moves away from me slightly. The guys are rushing over with new clothes and wet paper towels.  Fell passes me a towel.  "Shorty... Looks like you need some help."  He teases me.  "Just wait till gym... I'll still kick your ass.   I laugh.  "Language..."  Mr. Fresh says sternly.  I hug him tightly when he says that.   I laugh gently at that. He kisses my forehead softly in return.

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