Chapter 7 - Fell

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I don't remember anything that happened that night, except for me starting to smoke. I am going to the gym, instead of working now.  Mama says 'it is for my protection.'.  Mr. Fresh is still ignoring me it is now onto 3 weeks of him ignoring me.  Right now I am doing homework on my bed in my normal everyday outfit.   "Hey... PaperJam... Mama says supper is ready."  Fell says.  I nod slowly.   I then say "I'm not feeling hungry... Maybe later."  "Oh... Alright..." Fell says.  I go back to my homework and before I know it is time for me to get going to the gym.  I clean up quickly and fix my bed.  I then get changed for the gym.  I then take off towards the gym.  

I am at the punching bag.  A few of the taller guys that have been going there longer than me, laugh.  I built up all my anger in me and I start to punch the punching bag hard and fast.  I continue to do it till I release all of my anger.  I then move out of the way of it.  "Damn kid... How old are you?" I hear.  I get pissed off hearing that.  I go off ignoring them.  I go onto the patio and go into the smoking area.  A few people look confused by someone as small as me being over here.  I pull out my pack of cigarettes and lighter.  I light a cigarette and take a long drag.  I let the smoke fill my lungs and hold it there.  I then exhale trying to relax as I close my eyes. I then open my eyes to see the guy that tried talking to me earlier waiting off to the side.  'Jeez, can that guy not handle a bit of smoke?' I think. "Hey cutie~"  I hear.  It is a guy, I get hostile right away.  "Hey no need to look so angry~"  They coo.  I roll my eyes before continuing to smoke my cigarette.   "Pay attention to me."  I hear some girl say.  The guy grabs onto me and I shove him away from me.  "Don't touch me."  I growl before putting out my bud.   I grab my cigarette pack and lighter.  "You deserved that Rich."  I hear someone laugh as I stalk off.  I go to my assigned locker before a few second rinse off.  I then wait till my ink is normal before drying off and changing.  I see the guy from outside watching me and I become extremely hostile.  Fell walks in and says "Hey, Dude ready to go?"  "Yeah, give me a sec."  I mutter angrily.  He jumps and says "Take a deep breath, who pissed you off now?"  He asks.  "Everyone and thing pisses me off." I growl.   "Just take a deep breath, it is probably because you didn't eat again."  He says.  I grab my phone and lock up my locker.  "I... Am just not hungry... Me being hungry doesn't affect my mood!!!"  I state clearly pissed off.  "DUDE BREATHE!!!"  He shouts at me. I take a deep breath to try to calm down.  "I'm going to rub your back now..."  he says before rubbing my back.  I feel better and lean into Fell.  I'm almost his height I notice suddenly.  "Can... I hug you?"  Fell asks.  I nod slowly.  He hugs me slowly to not have me freak out.  "Feel better?"  He asks me.  I nod hugging him back tightly.  He is rubbing my back as well as hugging me tighter.  "You alright now?"  He asks.  "Yeah..."  I mutter feeling tired.  "You want me to carry you shorty?"  He asks. "No..." I say blushing.  He then picks me up and I grab onto him scared as I have a flashback. "Shit... I forgot..."  He says.  I am trying to breathe calmly as he rubs my back. "You're fine... I promise you that."  Fell says. I take a deep breath and hug him. "I'm carrying you shorty." He says.  "Alright..."  I mutter.  

Time skip...

Fell's P.O.V...

"Woah... Is PaperJam alright?"  I hear from behind me.  We just got inside Mama's. "I wouldn't let him walk... I ended up triggering him, and~ he fell asleep walking here."  I state.  "Man... What do you think is with him and Fresh?" Jerry asks.  I grimace looking at him.  "Aren't they dating?" Jerry says. "I think they might have been, then something happened.  All I know is PaperJam changed and is well... Still changing... He is becoming almost exactly like his father, just different looks."  I sigh.  "You know his parents?" Fresh says suddenly.  "His father almost killed me... The only thing that stopped him was PaperJam screaming... He repeatedly kept grabbing at his chest while screaming 'I am going to die.' All I did was stare thinking... 'Is he really going to die? Was this, what I really wanted.' Seeing this brat like that really changed me... I can't even beat up an older kid anymore."  I state while I take off PaperJam's shoes and my own.  "Wow... You're a baby."  Jerry laughs.  "You didn't almost have your soul crushed by... The Destroyer of worlds."  I say spookily as I carry PaperJam into the huge bedroom.  I set him on his bed and tuck him in. "Fell..."  I hear someone mutter.  I look around to see Jerry looking at PaperJam.  I look down to see him blushing, but eyes closed.  "PaperJam?"  I say confused.  He gets a small smile on his face as he cuddles into the blankets.  My soul then feels all warm and shit.  "Oh good..."  I say covering my face.  I can feel Fresh glaring at me from two beds over.  "He said my name then smiled in his sleep."  I say into my hands.  "OOO~"  The guys go.  "Someone does have feelings~."  I hear the guys coo.  Fresh goes to leave the room and I feel guilty.  "Uh... Fresh... I need to ask you something..."  I state.  He stops and says "What?" His voice is cold.  I go up to him and ask "What is going on between you two... You don't even look at each other anymore." "Nothing is going on... We were JUST friends we just don't talk anymore." Fresh says before heading back over to his bed.  "Did he friend-zone you?"  I ask.  "I friend-zoned him." He says. The room is dead silent.  "But at least he likes someone else now."  Fresh says and goes to bed.  

Time skip...

PaperJam's P.O.V...

I wake up at 5:38 am about the usual time I get up at.  It is dead silent as I sit up and start to get ready.  I set my homework up in front of me and I finish it up.  It is 6:09 am when I finish.  It switches to 6:10 am and Bunny gets up and runs to the washroom as always.  I pack up my homework and stuff.  I then get my bag ready.  I then check my phone to see Error texted me. 

Error: Hey PaperJam, can you come over after school, me and Ink wanna show you something.

PaperJam: Sure, I'll just tell Mama this morning and I'll head right over after school!

I then sigh and smile gently at that.  I wrap my scarf around my neck and go into the kitchen to see Mama, she is cooking.  "Need help Mama?"  I ask.  She jumps slightly and turns to see me. "Sure."  She says smiling sweetly. I grab my stool and start to help her cut fruits. "PaperJam, where did you learn to cook?"  She asks.  "My Dad taught me."  I say gently.  "You know... You are very different from the boys here... And I am glad to see some colour in the mix of black and grey, but... Your colour is fading..." Mama says. "I've just been stressed out is all, school is overwhelming after all."  I laugh nervously.  "Are you sure that's the only thing overwhelming you?" She says with a serious look on her face.  I frown at that. "I... I..."  I struggle to speak as I set down the knife. "What is it?"  She says drying off her hands and coming over to me.  "Almost a month ago... Mr. Fresh started ignoring me suddenly... He won't talk to me or look at me anymore... I feel so alone." I start to cry. Mama hugs me. "I know it is hard... Losing your best friend and all... But Fell, I am sure would be your friend... He has been taking care of you a lot recently, right Fell?"  Mama says.  I look towards the cutting board.  The knife is about to fall.  I grab it quickly and set it further on the counter. Mama smiles at that.  Fell comes over and says "I thought we were friends..."  Fell says. "I thought you were just doing what Mama said, like when you pick me up from the gym and other stuff..."  I say blushing.  Fell blushes bright red.  "I never told you to pick him up from the gym."  Mama says looking at Fell.  "Well... It's on the way home from my work." Fell says.  "Oh look at the time I have to get my b-bag ready!"  Fell shouts and runs off.  Mama laughs at that.  

Time skip...

I told Mama and everything so I have the okay.  Right now we are walking to school.  I am ahead of the group hearing them gossip.  "He's getting taller..."  I hear.  Suddenly Fell is beside me with a menacing look on his face.  "I am placing my elbow on your head and you aren't going to move it."  He says. He lightly places it on my head.  "I will ruin your jacket..."  I state coldly.  He moves his arm away and I smirk.  He takes off his jacket and places his arm on my head again.  I sweat drop while glaring at him.  I then feel better having him to bug and all.  We are chatting as we walk to school. 

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