Chapter 13 - The Weekend Team

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It is the end of summer and I have made a lot of progress. I haven't been back to Mama's or my parent's place since a week after court. She agreed to let me stay with Mr. Gerson the rest of the summer as well as my parents. I have been working too. Caramel and I are wrestling right now. She cheats and lays on top of me, pinning me to the ground. "That's cheating!!!" I shout. She groans at me and just continues to lay on me. "Jeez you are heavy~" I whine trying to do a push up. I lift her up then I notice nothing on me. I see her looking at me amused. "Wow..." I state. "Pj!!! Caramel!!!" I hear. I then see Gerson and a group of kids. Caramel comes over to me and then paws at me. I start to get up and then she nuzzles into me knocking me over. She is laughing at me now. "Wow Caramel... Just wow..." I laugh. "You see the guy there, that is PaperJam, he is a kid who is going through therapy here. He's been here all summer." I hear Gerson say. I stand up and tackle Caramel. She falls over and I sit on her side. "I win!" I laugh. She rolls her eyes at me. "Don't get sassy with me!" I say sassily. She then knocks me off her. I land on my face. I don't move and she comes over to me. "Watch this..." I hear Gerson say. Caramel sniffs me and whines trying to get me to move. She rolls me over and I continue to play dead, holding my breath. She looks towards Gerson pawing at me, she is starting to panic. I can't hold my breath anymore suddenly as she hits my chest hard and I breathe hard grabbing my chest. She cuddles me and hugs me gently. I hug her back trying to even my breathing. Caramel licks my face and pins me to the ground. "Come on you two!!! Meet the new kids!!!" Gerson shouts. Caramel lets me go and I walk with her. I am taller than her now and it has me smirking. She shifts into me and I nudge her back. "Come on you two!" Gerson laughs. We make it over and I smile. "Wait... This isn't PaperJam, from middle school." A girl whispers. I recognize them as Undyne. I smirk. "Undyne! I haven't seen you since Middle school, I think the last time we saw each other was when you locked me in my locker..." I state. Caramel is glaring at the fish. Gerson howls with laughter. Undyne looks shocked. "Come on kids behave. PaperJam you are going to show them around and as always... Caramel won't leave your side." Gerson says. "Alright girls!!! Get ready to get dirty!!!" I laugh. "What!!! I never signed up to get dirt on me." A girl complains. "Trust me you'll get over it soon." Gerson laughs. Caramel goes into the group and finds a smaller girl. The girl screams. I rush over but don't touch her. "Don't worry, this is Caramel..." I say gently. She is looking at me confused. "You didn't rush over and touch me..." She says. "Oh Jewel... PaperJam has what you have..." Gerson says. I glare at him for saying that. "You have Haphephobia?" She says. "Yeah..." I laugh nervously. "Is it alright if I give you a high five?" I ask. She looks worried but nods holding up her hand. I give her a quick high five. A chill goes up my spine doing so. Caramel nudges me to see if I am alright. I take a deep breath. The girl looks fine by I started to sweat. "You have it really bad..." The girl says. "Any phobia is bad... Being mentally ill isn't a competition you know." Gerson says. I nod. "You all should know that... When something bad that happens you should strive to get better instead of dwell and hurt yourself even more." I say nervously seeing how my hand is trembling slightly. Caramel nudges my hand and makes me pet her. "Oh you two don't get too lovey dovey now." Gerson says. "Sir... How does this program work?" A girl groans. "You learn to connect to nature to help you relax and learn to love yourself." Gerson says. "Because learning to love yourself again and know what happened to you wasn't your fault... So you learn to go back to your roots." I add. The girl named Jewel is frowning. "Hey... Need help up?" I ask. She looks up at me and nods. I grab her hand and we are both shaking. I help her up and Caramel supports me. I stop shaking right away. The girl had too. Caramel then nuzzles into her. I smile at that.

Time skip...

I'm on my break smoking. Caramel is covering her snout and groaning. "Hey uh... Mr. PaperJam person..." I hear to my left. I turn to see a girl in a pink skirt looking at me with a glare. "Yes?" I say raising a brow. "Why do you smoke? You're not even 18 yet." She says glaring at me. "Its... Personal..." I say before taking another drag. "Pj!!!" I hear. I turn to see Fell. "Sup!!!" I laugh. "Mama told me to come pick you up... I met with that guy and he smiled... Honestly how he is so happy all the time... It freaks me out." Fell says. "Pay attention to me~" The girl whines. I put all my attention on her. "Why is it personal?" She asks. "It is complicated... But it is like me asking... Why are you here?" I use as an example as I exhale the smoke. "My parents want me to deal with my anger issues." She states. "Awe~ You're a small angry girl." Fell coos. I finish my cigarette and throw the bud in its specific container while the girl is attacking Fell. I then see up her skirt and cover my eyes. "You should wear pants here... Skirts aren't convenient, since we will be rock climbing next weekend." I state. "What!!!" I hear. "So modest~" Fell coos at me. "Well!!! I'm getting my stuff!!!" I say trying to escape the topic, as I stand and hurriedly go to get my stuff.

Time skip...

Fell and a bunch of the new guys at Mama's are in the truck. I am in the back with a few others. I am smoking relaxing and not giving a shit, while the others talk amongst themselves. Fell suddenly jerks the car and I move slightly to see what happened. We had stopped moving. "Fuck!" I hear Fell shout. I see blood and the two in the back are cringing. "Pj!!!" Fell shouts. I hop over the edge to see a deer. It is trying to get up. Fell is face palming. I go over to the animal. "Anyone want to have deer?" I ask smirking as it's spine is snapped. "Wait, what?" Fell says. "We can be late one day just camp in the truck for the night cook up some deer, it's gonna die either way." I state as I exhale smoke. Fell shrugs and says "Sure." I pull out a hand gun and Fell looks freaked out. "DUDE!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!" He shout. I put my cigarette in my mouth and kneel beside the animal. I pet it's head and it relaxes. I then shoot it in the head so it doesn't suffer. Fell is just staring at me, freaked out. "Where is my Pj?" He asks. I shrug "I took over... Killed the loser in the woods." I state with a straight face. Fell looks extremely freaked out. I then burst into laughter as I put my gun away. "God damn it Pj!!!" Fell says putting me in a head lock. I laugh at him.

Time skip...

We are all sitting around a fire eating the deer meat when there are fireworks from the camp. Fell sweat drops looking at me. "What?" He says as he sees me recording them. "I gotta send this to Gerson." I state. I then see a brown bear. "Caramel!!!" I shout. The bear looks and comes over to me. "Oh no... You're Grumpy sorry about that Grumpy." I say before nudging a hunk of raw deer meat over to the side. "Dude... The fuck is with him?" I hear. I sweat drop at that. "He used to be even more fucked... This kid was even short at one point." I hear Fell say. "I am right here..." I state. Fell smirks before nudging me.

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