Chapter 14 - Trixy

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We arrive and I am the only one with a key.  I unlock the door and walk in.  I look around and I see everyone is just hanging out.  I see Mama walk into the room and she looks up at me.  "PaperJam?"  She says.  "Hey... Mama... It has been awhile..."  I say blushing.  She runs over to me and hugs me tightly.  "Oh you've grown so much!!!"  She says.  "Oh come in! Come in!"  She says dragging me inside slightly.  I laugh nervously.  Bunny comes over and fist bumps me. The new guys all look confused.  I am then tackled by the guys, well all but the new guys.  "Who is that?" I hear.  "That is Mama's favourite, he's changed a lot though."  I hear Bunny whisper.  I put two of the guys in head locks.  I then see Fresh and time stops. Everything just slows right down as I look him dead in the eyes.  My cheeks flare bright pink as I remember all the dreams and thoughts I had about him.  Fell nudges him and he shakes his head.  I follow after Fresh right away. I hug him from behind, my arms wrapped around his waist.  I notice am his height now, as I stand behind him just holding him my arms. I then let go of Fresh and turn to walk away.  He grabs my hand and pulls me towards him.  He is hugging me tightly his face is in the nook of my neck. "I'm sorry." He says.  "It is alright." I say hugging him back tightly. I am rubbing his back as he hugs me while crying.  Fell is shocked and says "I think he was serious when he told me he killed the original Pj..."  Mama laughs.  "Just kiss already!!!" Bunny shouts.  Fresh is blushing hard. I smile softly as I grab Fresh's chin. I look him in the eyes and I can see the permission in his eyes.  He leans forwards slightly and I kiss him.  "FINALLY!!!"  Bunny shouts taking pictures.  Our eyes are closed as I add more into the kiss.  The hand on his chin goes to his cheek.  "This is just like PaperJam's parents!!!"  I hear Mama shout.  I pull away remembering a the conversation I had with my father through text.  I kiss Fresh's forehead gently and he places his head back in the crook of my neck. "I missed you." I say hugging him again.  He hugs me back.  

Time skip...

"Mama... You know when you said me and Fresh were just like, my parents?" I say.  Mama nods.  "They broke up three months ago... My Dad had found out... He had another kid... and he broke up with my Father to go raise that kid..."  I state.  Mama looks heart broken as I tell her this.   "So I don't want it to be like my parents... I want to be better than my parents."  I state confidently.  Mama smiles hearing that.  I smile and she smiles back, hugging me, I hug her back gently.

Time skip...

First day back to school.  Me and Fresh are dating, I had another growth spurt and I have most classes with Fresh and my friends, so life is pretty good.  I then see the group of girls from the camp.  Jewel is off to the side staring at me.  Fresh startles me suddenly and I jump because of it.  He looks worried as well as the rest of the guys.  I laugh it off and play it cool.  Fresh grabs my hand and I kiss him gently.  He kisses back.  The guys are all cheering and laughing.  I pull back smiling softly. I then kiss his forehead and hug him in a protective manner.  I am leaning against my locker.  Me and the guys are all talking.  I see Jewel being picked on by the girls who hunt me furiously and I say "Be right back..."  I can see Jewel is trembling horribly.   "Awe~ Something shaking ya up?"  A girl laughs.  "Back off her."  I threaten.  The two girls turn.  "Pj!!! You sexy hunk!!!"  A girl says grabbing onto me.  I control my shaking causing myself to bleed.  "Let go... I don't care about people like you."  I state coldly.  The girl lets go and shouts "Just wait till my daddy hears about this!"  "Make sure you include the part where you were being a no good little shit and bully someone smaller than you."  I say coldly as I slam her against a locker.  Jewel is trembling.  The other girl had taken off.  I then lean back and the girl rushes off.  I wait till I don't have as much attention on me then rush over to Jewel. "Jewel, you're safe now.  Come on open your eyes."  I say kneeling in front of her.  Her eyes open slowly.  She sees me and sobs.  She knocks me over hugging me.  I am squeezing my hand causing pain.  Fresh runs over to me.  "Jammy!"  He says worriedly.  "Is your friend alright?"  He asks.  She is sobbing into my chest.  "Better at least."  I say. The girls from camp come over.  "Mr. PaperJam... Why are you here?"  A girl asks.  "This is my school..." I mutter.  "What..."  Jewel says lifting her head from my chest as she slowly stops crying.  "So you are all freshmens?" Fresh asks grabbing onto me.  I wrap my arms around him, needing to relax.  Jewel is looking down at me worriedly.  I hadn't even noticed that she stopped crying and stood up.  "Pj? Dude you're shaking again."  One of the new guys say.  "Dude don't point it out!"  Fell says slamming him into a locker.  "You hang out with these guys?" Undyne says.  "I live with them too."  I state smirking.  Undyne looks worried and says "Did your parents find out and kick you out or something?"  Fresh helps me up.  "No... And I don't want to talk about them."  I state and Fresh says "Come on... You're going to panic again... Have a smoke."  Fresh looks extremely worried.  "Alright..."  I say grabbing his hand.  He pulls me along to the smoking area outside.  

Time skip...

It is time for lunch and I go straight outside to the smoking area.  I am doing homework real quick.  "ITS HIM!!!" I hear girls squeal and I groan.  Fresh comes outside and sits beside me.  There is running and I pull him close to me before kissing his forehead.  Fresh is blushing bright blue as the smoke clears.  "PaperJam!"  I hear.  Me and Fresh both look to see a group of popular girls.  "PaperJam I want you and I am going to get you."  A girl says stepping forwards.  I don't recognize her at all.  "I am not property. Do I look like a toy?"  I state sweat dropping.  "You'll be my toy~."  She tries to flirt.  "I don't know what type of fucked up porn you watch but... No thanks."  I state smirking.  "Pj~ You got popular!!!"  I hear the guys laugh.  It is the main group I hung out with, before going into that camp.  "I don't think you want a broken toy."  Fell says.  I glare at him.  "I'll break him alright."  The girl squeals. I get flashbacks and then I feel someone grab my hand.  I come back to reality to see Fresh holding my hand.  I smile at him and link fingers with him.  He lights me a smoke and places it in my mouth.  "Just relax its only the first day."  Fresh says worriedly.  I nod as I inhale smoke.  "You smoke?" The girl says.  I exhale in her direction and it goes in her face, causing her to cough.  "Got a problem with that?" I state coldly.  Fresh hugs me tightly leaning his head against my chest.  I am holding his hand gently.  "Yes, but... *cough* I can get rid of it."  The girl says slowly stopping her coughing.  "Fresh... I might lash out..."  I whisper getting angry towards the pushy little shit.  Fresh looks up at me.  "Just breathe..."  He says worriedly.  "Look at how much he is contemplated over Trixy and that kid."  I hear a girl say.  I bud out my smoke now pissed off.  "Pj!!! Calm down!!!"  Fell says keeping me seated.  I don't look very impressed.  "Just let me hit her once..." I say clearly pissed off.  "She's an ignorant freshman, Pj!!! Don't kill them!!!"  Bunny and the guys grab my arms.  Fresh is in front of me and he looks scared.  "Fresh..."  I start my anger fades.  "I'm so sorry..."  I say hugging him.  He is shaking in my arms.  "Don't get out of control, Jammy... I don't want to lose you."  He says holding onto me tightly.  I then say "You won't... I promise."

Discovering My Identity - PaperJam X Fresh (Underhigh fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now