Chapter 9 - Showed Up

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I kick the punching bag and it swings violently.  I then crack my knuckles before continuing to punch the punching bag trying to relax.  I then step back and steady the punching bag.  I wipe the sweat from my brow. "Damn Shorty... When I heard those girls in the weight room I thought they were joking... You should join the school team."  I hear Fell say.  I look past the punching bag and see him.  I sweat drop.  "You ditched work again... Didn't you?"  I ask.  He throws me my towel.  "Nope, I got let off shift early, shorty."  He says.  "I'll be your height... One of these days..." I state as I wipe my brow.  "Hey, freak!!!"  I hear.  I get self-conscious about myself suddenly.  Fell growls hearing that.  Suddenly people approach Fell. "Heard you were talking to my girl."  A guy says.  Fell looks confused.  I then switch to being a girl to help with my acting.  "Which girl?"  He asks.  I pout being ignored.  The group of guys look angry.  "Fell~."  I whine.  Fell turns to look at me.  I go over to him and hug him.  "Ignore them... I'll kick their asses if they continue to bug you."  I state.  Fell goes bright red as I hug him around the waist.  "What the fuck?"  One of the guys bugging Fell says. "Hey uh... PaperJam..." Fell says. "Yeah?" I say letting go of him. "Don't start anything." Fell says worriedly and I pout in response. "That is fucked up."  I hear.  "Hm... I don't know maybe you should look in the mirror because that is too."  I state glaring at the huge group of guys.  Fell is trying not to laugh.  The guys all sweat drop.  I switch back to being male and sigh.  "Well... Whatever... I'm smoking join if you want Fell."  I state before going around the group of guys.  "You are seriously leaving me here?" Fell says.  "You're a tough cookie."  I laugh.  

Fell's P.O.V...

"So... Now that your friend is gone... How many girls were you flirting with?" One of them asks. "I didn't flirt with anyone... I asked a few girls about my friend because they were drooling over him... Is that a crime?"  I ask.  "So you weren't flirting?"  One says.  "No!"  I sigh.  "Now my friend is angry... Wait where did the other two g-..."  I start then I hear screaming.  "Oh god... He's going to turn them to a pulp." I state before running towards the patio area.  PaperJam is still smoking with a smirk plastered on his face.  "Touch me again... And I'll break more than just your nose." He says.  "PaperJam... Can you see me?"  I ask.  PaperJam looks over at me and sighs. "Yes, I can see you Fell." He says. "Are you alright?" I ask.  "Currently yes."  He says taking a drag.  "What the fuck!!! You literally broke his nose!!!"  Someone yells.  "Yeah... He dislikes being touched."  I laugh nervously. "No... I couldn't tell."  A guy says sarcastically.  PaperJam then says "Wait... Aren't you guys in my math class?"  'Did he serious just ask that.'  I think.  "Wait you are that guy that always ditches but has high marks..." A guy states towards PaperJam.  "Yeah... That's me." PaperJam sighs.  "I heard you are extremely fucked in the head."  The one with a bleeding nose says. PaperJam's eyes get a slight white glaze then it disappears.  PaperJam shrugs in his bored fashion.  I can tell something is wrong due to his left hand shaking as he inhales that disgusting smoke we both have grown to need to help us relax.  I then shrug and pull out my pack. PaperJam is already holding one out to me.   "Heh... Thanks, shorty."  I mutter as he places it in my mouth.   I light it and take a long drag.  "Hey... We should all hang out one day.  Do some fun stuff, like party with girls, one night stands lots of sex."  A guy says and I look up at PaperJam quickly.  He looks fine.  "We can hang but nah, I'd rather not have one night stands, they can leave people... Terrified, or wanting more."  PaperJam answers with a mysterious tone in his voice.  I can see his ink bubbling slightly.  I feel my soul twist horribly.  It settles and he grew slightly.  'What the hell?'  I think.  "Growth spurt."  PaperJam whispers to me.  I sweat drop. The guys haven't noticed since they are all talking amongst themselves.  Pj is smirking evilly and it sends a shiver down my spine. 'Oh god... He... Looks hot...'  I think as I picture him suddenly in my mind.  

(Fell's picture of PaperJam below...) 

My face goes bright red

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My face goes bright red.   "Hey, darling~"  I hear him say.  I then notice he isn't in front of me.  But he has one of the guys in the group pinned to the wall.  And he isn't pinning him, pinning him, just has the arm to the side and is leaning over him.  He is on a chair.  I am holding back my laughter.  The other guy is blushing slightly.  Then he hugs him around the waist.  I feel jealousy role through me and it makes my magic boil. "Woah..."  I hear.  I then relax slightly feeling happy for him, since this is a sign... He is getting better.  I finish off my cig watching them hug.  The other guys howl with laughter as the other guy notices the chair. PaperJam laughs as well and it hits my soul. 'He's laughing... Over something he did...'  I think.  

Time skip...

PaperJam's P.O.V...

It is the end of the day and I am waiting for Father to pick me up.  The guys had all gone up ahead and stuff.  I am looking in a puddle and I see how I have gotten bigger and tougher than when I last looked in a reflection.  "PJ!!!"  I hear someone say and my soul sinks seeing who it is.  I start to shake seeing them.  "Pj... Listen to me... I know I am supposed to wait till court... But... I needed to see you."  He says.  "No... No..."  I mutter. "Pj?"  I hear.  I feel anger growing inside of me.   "Get... Away... From... Me..."  I say extremely hostile.  My Ex Boss jumps but then says "Pj... I need you to listen to me."  I laugh at that.  He starts to come towards me and he has a hand outstretched towards me.  I wrap my ink strings around his extended hand and I throw him.  "Do not... Come near me... I don't even want... To remember you..."  I state coldly.  I am trembling in fear of him.  "Pa-PaperJam-Jam!!!" I hear Father shout.   He is in front of me.  He reaches towards me slowly.  I shakily grab onto him as he wraps his arms around me.  "It was him... He did it... He did it..."  I cry into his chest. "It-It wa-was who-who?" Father asks me. "The-The one... I-I threw~!!!"  I sob into his chest. Father shifts and moves to see my ex-boss getting up. Dad is then beside me holding onto me.  Dad carries me to the car and sets me against it.  He slips my bag off and helps me sit down.  There is shouting in the distance.  Dad is carefully holding me and I fall asleep into his chest.  

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