Chapter 21 - Blue

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I wake up, and open my eyes right away.  I look around to see I am in the hospital.  I sit up and I grab the I.V stand. I then go to rush out of my room, but then I see Fresh still asleep beside me in the next bed over.  I slowly go over to him.  I grab his hand then sit down in the seat beside him. I lay my head down beside his arms of the hand I am holding.  I just hold his hand not wanting to move his hand, for the fear of him waking up.  

We stay like that for quite a few hours.  I then see a nurse come in.  "Uh... PaperJam... You shouldn't be moving around."  They say.  "Please... Just let me be with him for a little longer..."  I mutter.  The nurse looks surprised.  I then see Father and he frowns seeing us, but then smiles.  I am so scared right now. Suddenly Fresh's heart monitor speeds up. I know he's waking up now so I let go of his hand. I then stand and move away from him. I go back over to my bed and I sit down falling completely silent. I silently cry to myself, no shaking, nothing but the pure sorrow in my soul.  I hear talking but it isn't clear to me.  I can't hear anything over the pain in my soul and it's screams.  "Who is that?"  I hear. "Oh... Um... What is your name?"  I hear. "Julie..." I hear a girl's voice say.  I feel my soul sink and I feel myself falling into my depression.   I lay down, wanting to curl up and die.  "P-P-Pj?"  I hear.  I shake my head no, just wanting to be alone. "Is that kid alright?"  I hear.  My soul is cracking. "Oh god..." I hear the nurse say.  'I'm useless... I couldn't even save him... Damn it... Damn it... Damn it!!!'  I think grabbing my head.  'First I almost kill him and now he's gone!!! HE'S GONE!!!'  I think starting to sob.  I then see Father in front of me and he is talking from the looks of it.  I can't look at him feeling so depressed.  "-think a-about Pa-Pal-ette... What-What wi-will he d-d-do?" I hear.  I feel so numb, so hurt, it is just too much for me.  I look at the tiles of the floor.  My father then leaves me there. My soul cracks loudly and I cry myself to sleep in silence.  

Months later...

It is the end of the school year.  I am barely passing my courses.  I have a girlfriend, at least he said he wanted to be my girlfriend, trying to fill that hole in my soul.  I don't touch him often except for when he wants to kiss or we are doing something else.  He is walking to class with me since we have History together.  "Pj... Are you alright?"  Blue asks.  "I am fine."  I answer back.  He stops moving and I turn to look back at him.  He is looking down with a frown.  "Pj... I've been thinking..."  He starts.  My soul sinks hearing that.  "I want... Us to get closer... I want to know more about you..."  He says.  I feel myself tear up at that.  "Pj... Did you think... I was going to break up with you?"  He says.  I wipe away the tears and nod softly.  He slowly hugs me and my soul feels warm.  Blue hugs me a bit tighter than normal and I smile at that.  I don't really smile or show emotion unless I am with him or Palette.  Everyone else I am pretty much emotionless with.  "Pj~" I hear someone coo from behind me.  "May I?"  I ask Blue, and he nods.   I kiss him gently at first and he kisses me back.  "Pj!!!" I hear someone say annoyed.  I pull back and Blue is blushing bright baby blue. He frowns and I whisper "How about I make up for it later?"  He blushes even darker and nods.  I smile gently at him.  He smiles back at me and hesitates reaching for my hand.  I hold his hand and his eyes widen, making me smile.  "You know... All you have to do is ask my little blueberry."  I say smiling gently.  He nods smiling at me.  I turn to see the kid opening their mouth.  All emotions I had on my face just slip straight off.  They then hold an envelope up to me.  "It's from the office!"  The girl says looking down.  I gently take it from her then pat her on the head gently.  Blue looks curious and leans onto me.  I start to open it and I get nervous.  I then take out the papers and start to read. 

'Dear, PaperJam.

You have been accepted into the summer program-...'

I stop reading right there in misbelief.  I go down into a crouch and cover my face with a hand. "Pj?"  Blue says.  I pass him the papers and he takes them from me gently.  A few seconds go by and he says "OH MY GOD PJ!!!"  He hugs me tightly.  "I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!"  He shouts and I hug him tightly.  "We will be right beside each other and everything!!!"  Blue says blushing. "Yeah..."  I say smiling.  Suddenly the bell rings for class and our little celebration is cut short.  

Time skip...

I am driving Blue to his camp site which was my old one that I will visit during the weekends. He is extremely excited and is jumping up and down in his seat. "You excited?"  I ask.  "Yes!!!"  He says smiling.  I smile at him.   I then see a brown bear on the road laying there.  I slow down and put the truck in park.  "Where are you going?"  Blue asks me.  "To move the bear."  I laugh. He shakes his head at me.  "Drive along side me." I state smirking, he smiles hearing me say that since he knows how much I like my truck.  I hop out of the cab and go up to the fairly big bear cub.  I pick it up and carry it like it is nothing.  It is asleep in my arms, which is adorable.  Blue is driving slowly beside me.  

We soon make it to the camp and I bring the cub into the camp while he parks.  I then am tackled backwards.  It is one of the brown bears.  I start to wrestle with it.  It is not one of the two I know best.  I pin it down and rub its tummy. It is rolling around but it doesn't get off its back. "PaperJam?"  I hear.  I turn to see Gerson.  I blush seeing him.  "I wish I would have thought of that..."  he laughs.  "So who's this?"  I ask.  "That is Grumpy and Caramel's only cub... He got big just like you."  Gerson laughs.  I stand and laugh slightly at that.  I then see Edge and I blush bright Pink at seeing him.  "Hey... PaperJam..."  Edge says.  "Sup Edge."  I say getting extremely nervous.  "Hey, I'm going to be working here on weekends..." Edge says.  "I thought you had that big company..."  I say crossing my arms. "Yeah... I just want to get closer to nature during the weekends, plus I can get paid for enjoying myself, ya know."  He says putting his hands in his pockets.  "Uh... Yeah."  I mutter.  Gerson can feel the tension between us. "So I heard you are going to a football academy this summer, and you're still coming here for weekends."  Gerson says.  "Uh yeah... My girlfriend is coming to this camp and I just wanna make sure nothing happens."  I say blushing.  Blue is running towards me.  "Pj!!!"  He shouts hugging me. I wrap an arm around him.  Edge looks confused, watching Blue.  I pull him closer to me watching him. The tension builds a lot as Blue asks "What's wrong? You are never this silent."  I blush bright pink and say "Just was missing you is all."  "Liar..."  Blue says.  Gerson laughs at that.  "You must be PaperJam's girlfriend, he was just talking about you."  Gerson says.  Blue tears up and hugs me tightly.  "Thank you... Thank you..."  he says hugging me.   Gerson and Edge both look extremely confused, Gerson then smiles.  I am smiling just hugging him.  He squeezes me tightly. He pulls back and I wipe away his tears.  "You asked me to refer to you as a female. I will respect that, plus I promised you I'd call you a female as friends." I say smile. He smiles brightly at me. "Thank you." He says. I kiss his cheek. "Now you have fun, I'll see you this weekend." I say smiling.  "Would it be alright if I came to visit you in the morning?" He asks me.  I smile at that. "Let me see what the squedule is and before I go to bed I'll tell you, alright?"  I say gently.  He nods and smiles brightly.  I kiss his forehead and let go of him. He then is a little nervous. "Come on, let's get you settled into your cabin." Gerson says. Blue looks nervous. "Don't worry sweetie... I'll only be down hill."  I say smiling.  He nods smiling at me. "Oh and don't forget all your stuff is in the truck."  I say smiling.  He nods then runs to catch up to Gerson.  

Discovering My Identity - PaperJam X Fresh (Underhigh fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now