Chapter 23 - Bittersweet Memories

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I am punching a punching bag to relax.  The others are out running.  I came from my run only two minutes before they were going to take off.  Right now it is my time.  I have been in the gym here for over an hour.  Suddenly there is laughing and it goes silent.  I continue to punch the punching bag thinking it is the camp leaders again.  I give it one last punch and then I take a step back to relax.  It is swinging violently. I relax and my breathing goes back to normal.  I then stop the punching bag from swinging.  I then grab my towel and dab away sweat.  I then take off the gloves.  "WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE!!!"  I hear someone shout.  I go to yell at the camp leader and then I see a bunch of the kids just staring at me. I then want to dry up and die.  "Pj... I thought you were talking another walk..."  I hear my camp leader say.  "I was just about to go for another run..."  I say extremely shy.  "Oh... They saw you didn't they..."  he asks.  I nod nervously.  "It's fine... They just saw their role model do something then." He says.  "Role model?"  I ask confused.  "They are all trying to catch up to you."  He says.  I then feel my ego rise.  "Hhmf... They can try..."  I mutter.  My camp leader sweat drops at that.  "Because I'm gonna keep getting stronger, just so they can't catch up."  I state smirking.  I stand confidently after saying that.  My camp leader smiles at that.  "Looks like we have to try extremely hard!!!"  A kid shouts.  I smile at that.  Then emotions slip from my face. "Uh... Come on Pj."  My camp leader says.  I sigh following him.  

Time skip...

My camp leader and I are walking around in the forest calmly.  "Pj... You are strange."  He says.  "How so?"  I say calmly.  "You don't show emotions... Why is that?"  He asks.  "I just don't."  I lie.  "There has to be a reason."  He says. "And I obviously don't want you to know."  I snap getting angry.  "Sorry... I forgot about your anger problem." He says.  I am shaking feeling extremely emotional.  I then take out the photos I keep in my pocket.  A picture of me and Blue kissing, another of us smiling and being happy, and the last one of me and Fresh together at his world's mall.  I smile bitterly at that photo, but it relaxes me.  "Pj... Whose the last person?"  My camp leader asks.  "The person... Who stole my heart and never gave it back."  I answer trying to remember his voice.  'Jammy!!! Careful!!!' I hear him say.  'Pj!!! I believe in you!!!' I can hear his voice echo in my mind. 'I love you, PaperJam.' I hear and I feel my soul pang.  "PJ!!!"  I suddenly hear someone scream.  I see Blue in front of me.  He grabs the photos and slips them into my pocket.  "Pj... Come back... Snap out of it."  He says grabbing my shoulders. I place a hand over his hand and I hold it gently.  I then kiss it and hold it to the side of my face.  Blue looks surprised by my actions.  "Blue... Stay with me... Please."  I beg him.  Tears start to fall from his eyes.  He hugs me tightly.  "I can't replace him... But I will stay with you, till he comes back... I promise... I promise."  Blue cries smiling.  I snap out of it and I hug him gently.  "Blue... Why are you crying?"  I ask confused.  He looks up at me and is smiling softly.  "What?"  I hear.  "When there is a white glaze across his eyes it means he's zoned out and his soul has full control over what he does or says.  The reason, why when he spoke it, was butchered.  When his soul is in danger it acts out and he has killed people because of it."  I hear.  I ignore them and just hold Blue to me gently.  "I love you, Pj." Blue says.  "I love you, too."  I say before leaning forwards and kissing him gently.  "Blue..."  I whisper pulling back from him.  "Y-Yes?"  He stutters.  I then pin him down gently and I hear a few gasps.  He is blushing cutely before hugging me.  He can always read me like a book.  I hug him back picking him up and carry him. A few people are just giving us the 'wtf' look. I smile gently at Blue and there are gasps.  Blue smiles back at me as I set him down.  Emotions then slip from my face and Blue grabs my hand still smiling up at me.  "Pj... Come on now."  I hear my camp leader say.  I get annoyed hearing his voice.  Blue pouts at me.  "Fine~"  I whine.  Blue then smiles hearing me. "Don't do anything stupid Pj."  Blue laughs.  

Time skip...

Blue and I are driving back to town when there is honking.  "PJ THE TRUCK!!!"  I hear.   I look in the mirror behind us then it rams into the back of the truck.  I turn the wheel and we go rolling. Blue is screaming as I grab him and portal.  We are falling suddenly then we hit the ground.  My vision is spinning but I see Blue passed out in my arms.  "Blue... Blue..."  I panic.  His eyes open slowly and I hover above him.  I then see that my left arm and most of my left side is damaged or broken due to being hit and landing on it.  Blue looks fine to me and I smile.  "Blue... Are you alright?"  I ask worriedly.  "I'm fine, Pj."  He says. I place a hand on his spine and he screams. "Shit... Fuck... Baby, I am so sorry..."  I say feeling tears in my eyes.  "Pj... Portal us back..."  Blue says.  "Blue... I can't... I don't think you'll make the trip... Blue... Fuck..."  I say placing my head against his chest.  "It's their kid..."  I hear.  I get defensive over Blue and get ready to defend him. I then see a Sans and Papyrus, as my father explained to since my accident.  "Why are you bleeding?"  I hear.  "Sans... Someone is beneath him..." I hear.   "Pj... I'm scared... I... I don't want to die..." Blue starts to cry beneath me.  "Baby. Sh~ Sh~ I won't let you die... I need you to avoid moving as much as possible... I need to see your spine so I can see the damage."  I say as I start to slowly and carefully cut open his shirt.  "Woah... Are you both alright?"  I hear.  "You know the surface right?"  I ask.  "Yeah..." I hear.  "We are from the surface... Not in your universe, though. We were in something called a vehicle, a semi-truck hit us and he almost died... We both would have died..."  I say trying to keep a steady hand.  "Why not wait for a reset?"  I hear.  "There are no resets where we are..."  Blue says.  I look up to them both looking confused or shocked. I look at his spine to see only cracks in his spine.  "Thank god... Thank god nothing shattered..."  I say placing my head against his ribs gently.  I then lean back and look him the eyes.  "Blue... This is going to hurt... And I don't mean just a little."  I say.  "I understand, Pj..."  Blue says.  "Papyrus..." I state looking towards him.  "Um... Yes?"  The tall skeleton says.  "You don't want to hear or see what I am about to do."  I state.  They look confused as I look at Blue.  "Blue relax you will be fine... I swear..."  I say.  Blue has tears in his eyes as he says "I trust you... I trust you."  I then take a deep breath and steady my hands at the base of his pelvis.  Blue relaxes and takes a few deep breaths.  I then do it quickly and Blue screams in agony as my strings wrap around his spine and bring his spine into a safe hold all along his spine. Blue is sobbing hard as I finish with a little bow around his neck. I lean over him and kiss him on the forehead.  "It's okay... It's okay... Baby... Baby Sh~... It is all over... You're okay... You're okay..."  I sooth him.  "What did you do?"  I hear.  "Before we can transport... He needed his spine to be secure due to it being broken severely. God... If I had... Only seen it speeding..."  I say trailing off.  "P... Pj... It... It wasn't... Your... Your fault..."  Blue says looking up at me with tears streaming down his face.  I then lift him up and remove the shirt completely.  I keep him leaned against me as I remove my jacket noticing how cold it is.  I wrap him in my football jacket and carry him in one arm.  "Kid... Are you sure you and your friend are alright?"  The Sans asks.  "I've survived worse... Ever had your soul so damaged it was starting to dust and survive?"  I laugh.  The Papyrus then says "Why not stay with us?  We can help you both get better."   "I would rather my dad not start to hunt me down... It would be bad if he did."  I state making a portal.  "Why?"  The Papyrus says.  "My parents aren't nice when angry."  I say carrying Blue through the portal.

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