Chapter 12 - Court (Part 2)

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"Please tell the jury and the court what happened in full detail."  The woman says smiling cruelly.  I then feel my confidence start to fade.  'After this I deserve a smoke'  I think boosting my confidence a bit and I stiffen getting ready to speak.  "It started in the office... I had been feeling stressed due to work, school and family related issues...-"  I get cut off.  "What type of family issues?"  The woman says.  I sweat drop.  "Issues unrelated to the topic at hand." I answer bluntly.  My legs are shaking as I keep the rest of me still and relaxed.  "PaperJam please continue..." a jury member says. I nod. "I had been feeling stressed so my coworkers were trying to help me relax a bit... They tried to use girls to make me feel better but that didn't work... I started smoking then and there, and I haven't even tried to quit since starting... But getting back to the topic at hand... I was in the office with my cowokers and Edge... It was after hours by now... I knew Edge was drunk or at least had been drinking due to the smell of alcohol on him...-"  I get cut off.  "So you took advantage of the situation."  The woman says.  "No!!! I would never take advantage over someone... I wouldn't... I'm not like that... I'm not..."  I protest feeling tears in my eyes.  There is angry shouting towards the woman.  "I was waiting till I finished my cigarette to go home, because I really didn't want Mama... My caregiver to see me smoking.  I was also worried about Edge and I was going to ask him if he was alright.  I watched as everyone dwindled out slowly.  Even though I felt like I should run, or hide, or do both, I stayed because I was worried, I never asked to be raped!"  I protest with tears streaming down my face.  "So you're telling the jury and the court you were worried about my client... Reason why you stayed.  You never did assault him?"  The woman says.  I see my ex-boss slam his hands on the table.  "I am sick of your shit!!!"  He yells.  I feel hurt by that.  People become confused.  "PaperJam please continue... Just talk over the damn woman!"  He shouts.  I nod feeling better and I am filled with confidence.  The jury becomes silent and confused.  The woman starts talking.  I start to talk over her.  "After the office was empty I had finished my cigarette.  Me and Edge were just talking and then it was when I was trying to leave... He pinned me to the wall and that is when he drugged me.  I tried getting away... I clawed at the wall trying and hoping I could get away..." I trail off.   The woman tries to talk again and I cut her off.  "That is when the drugs started to kick in and I stopped being able to think... I know everything that happened... I just couldn't control myself."  I see my Dad crying.  "PaperJam... You don't have to continue..." the judge says.  I look towards Edge and he looks disgusted as his eyes are closed and he is grimacing.  "No... Continue."  The woman says.  I glare towards the woman as she smirks at me cruelly. The officer beside me looks worried as he is watching me.  "Fine do you want specific details too?  You sadist..." My voice is low as I speak to her.  My lawyer smirks at me.  I block out everyone and focus on the woman.  "Please do."  She states smirking mercilessly.  "Fine."  I state.  "After the drugs kicked in, he had pinned me down by my wrists using his left hand.  He then started to go after my spine and ribs.  He then flipped me over while removing my black V-neck shirt that I always wore to work.  He bit and scarred my right shoulder as seen in the evidence photos.  He started to completely undress me and I couldn't even fight back due to the amount of drugs in my system.  My body let whatever happen while I was screaming begging for someone to save me in my mind..."  I trail off seeing her smirking.  I take a deep breath before saying "After he finished removing my clothes he took my virginity while I screamed in agony... I knew everyone had left by then, so what was the use of me calling for help or at least trying to scream for help?  I had no control of anything that escaped my mouth or my motions. All I could do is scream for help in my mind..."  I trail off feeling tears leaking from my eyes.  I see people staring at me.   My breathing hitches.  The woman is just staring at me.  "Are you happy now?"  I ask her.  "I plead guilty again."  Edge says.  "Again?"  My lawyer says.  "He pleaded guilty before you and PaperJam entered."  The judge says.  I feel my soul sink and I see how bad I am trembling as tears continue to leak from my eyes.  "PaperJam... Take a deep breath."  I hear.  I look up to see Fell.  He isn't touching me just standing there. "You did it shorty... You won your case."   He says.  I wipe my tears away.  My lawyer then comes over and helps me out.  "Hey... Why don't you come out and visit me and Caramel this weekend?  A bit of camping to get your mind off your long school week."  He says smirking.  I laugh softly while wiping away my tears.  "Jammy!!!"  I hear.  My dad tackles me with a hug. I start shaking right away.  I then wrap my arms around him.  "I'm safe..."  I mutter closing my eyes.  I feel myself stop shaking. 

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